Optophobia said:
University graduates earn substantially more than the rest of the population, why shouldn't they pay for it?
- Prop up schools that only function enough to keep the capitalist drive going. - To this extent, neglect them and do not institute a nation wide educational standard. This way, we have plenty of uneducated prolls running around because even though they technically went to school, the school wasn't actually aligned with any decent standard (Miss Tennesee 2007 anyone?)
Proles. Miss South Carolina. Besides I don't think she was uneducated so much as mentally deficient.
- Health care should be 100% privatised.
Would encourage people to spend their money on health insurance instead of big screen TV's.
- Centralise the importance of the economy as being the be all and end all.
I never said that. Civil liberties are just as important, if not moreso when they are grossly abused.
- Don't understand that freedom means the freedom to walk through a park.
So I'm allowed to walk through your backyard? How about step into your house and start watching TV? How are these things fundamentally different to your park example?
- Freedom in fact means that corporations should be free to make as much money as they want, how ever they want. Even if this means permanently destroying the environment or by engaging in other unethical practices.
If a corporation causes my property value to decrease because of their negligent action, they have committed a tort against me, and this is covered by the existing legal system.
- Abolish national parks. Instead, sell them to corporations who can charge people to access them. Or better, allow the corporations to build houses and resorts in them. This way, at least they have some economic function.
What is inherently valuable about national parks if people don't visit them/gain some other benefit from them?
- No public road construction - let multibillion dollar corporations fund the construction. THEN let them prop up toll ways which exist on the structures for over a century (for a perfect example, look at the Sydney Harbour bridge which was built in 1932). This way, not only your grand children, but your great-grand children, will have access to a steady flow of money which they haven't actually worked for.
Roads cost money to maintain, dickwad.