damn, where to start on this thread and its posts...
its amazing...
i wont quote, so people who wrote the comments i talk about will know they said it...
first off: i loved the bit about "IF aboriginals rioted in colonial times there would have been chains of people eradicating them"
yeh, like that DIDNT happen... as long as we white people keep thinking it NEVER happenned, nothing can possibly hurt us...
Those "chains of people" did such a good job of eradicating them, there hasnt been a single TRUE aboriginal in decades...
second: this isnt even one particular person, this is many!... i love how people have this view of all criminals as EVIL, BRUTAL, ATROCIOUS...
there are certainly people who kill people for enjoyment, or beat on their wife, or defraud millions from companies, thereby forcing them to become insolvent... and those people are very nasty...
Then there are criminals who steal to live, for food, drink, drugs, rent?...
yes i said drugs... those addicted live on it... fat people are addicted to fattening food, smokers are addicted to cigarettes, alcoholics are addicted to alcohol, gamblers to gambling, druggies are addicted to drugs....
they have no choice, they have nowhere else to turn to... oh sure there are clinics, just like there are for weight loss and gambling, and alcoholics, but how often do those suceed? and with little government funding...
and with drugs its worse than that, those who buy and use drugs, pay with whatever little money they can... Fat clinics are a privately run industry now with millions, but there is no money in drug rehabilitation, so no private investment... coupled with little public money, it will have no end, until money is put there...
this is the quote i love the best on this issue:
"Equal treatment to unequal people and the outset of the equalisation process, merely perpetuates the inequality"
for those who didnt get it, it jsut means that if you give equal funding to people who are unequal at the time at which you gave it to them, then the richer people simply get richer at a much faster rate whilst the poorer people take a lot longer... and with that happening, shops and all retail stores, increase their prices so that they can sell goods to the rich, and make the most...
Aboriginals riot because they have nothing, they get little, and that gets them nowhere...
so would you or i if we were in that same situation... so, its not racial differences that cause trouble, its proverty... and thats something that the liberals aim to keep for good...
you can call them pathetic, you can call them animals, but tables turned and situation reversed we would be doing the same thing...
The most unfortunate thing in my opinion is that the police have to bear the brunt of this, the clash between the oppressed and the government
haha and all that crap about how hard it must be to be impaled on a round pole... you fat asses never rode a bike faster than 20km/h... think about speed, crash, weight smashin against pole... sound beautiful eh? well think about it... were are the physics boys...
and it didnt say it went straight through, it jsut made a wide yet relatively shallow hole... god that feels aweful just thinking about it
and thk gd brogden aint in, or the problem would be worse... funny about his idea to bash down redfern... but seriously... he brings in mandaotry sentencing... its ALL over... but thats another issue really... warranting a message as long as this one which is long enough...
to sum up

we cant say that aboriginals are the cause or, for that matter, at fault for this disorder and crime, we dont know what aboriginal is... There are few among us (and i know there are NONE on these boards) who have met a true aboriginal. The ones we see today are simply echoes of what the legends once were... now they are mixed up in a white persons world of technology, with the white man having had a considerable, or rather, insurmountable headstart...
It's poverty not race that is the issue...
if a guy is soo afraid to get caught out by police that he is putting himself in mortal danger, there is something wrong with the processing of aaboriginals... the no talking about warrants could mean 2 things... A. there was no warrant and they just were trying to threaten him and give him a "talking to" or B. there was a warrant for arrest but it was for something petty, and certainly not worth losing your life over