Regional Entry Test (3 Viewers)


Nov 5, 2002
Thats ok evie i totally understand how u are feeling coz im feeling the same way...thank god we only have to be at this time of lives once eh? :p


Oct 23, 2002
I know, I know! :D

Hey I know this is totally OT but what UWS campus are you applying for? Almost all of my prefs are to Penrith. I hear that's a good school.


Nov 5, 2002
Well i want to do early childhood education so i have the choice of bankstown or penrith and i would prefer penrith, so all my preferences for uws are at penrith! it was a shame actually that my course wasn't at parramatta...but im sure penrith would be a good campus!


Oct 23, 2002
What a coinky dink. I prolly would never meet you there but it's cool anyways. :D

Mine are all media related courses. Comunications, Art, Media studies, Fine Arts (digital photog)


Nov 5, 2002
ohhh u never know. it would actually be nice to have a friend there lol i might meet up with u one day although we are doing very different courses!! what uai do u need?


Oct 23, 2002
Yeah it would be cool! Since no one I know applied to Penrith. Imna be a newbie and a nigel at the same time! Arghhh! Scary! Oh well! LOL!

For the uai-It varies.
From the top course on my prefs. it's a nc then to 85, 75, 70 etc.
Damn lucky I have cpos.Ok, my ret wasn't as bad as some kids but it didn't do much for me. Damn lucky I have cpos.

You did cpos right?


Nov 5, 2002
The UAI's u need are like exactly the same as mine lol..freaky!! :p
Yeah i did CPOS and im glad i did now coz i got in the late 50's for the RET score so i know i won't be needing that lol. But im not overly depressed about the RET coz it was a damn hard exam! 5 points will be helpful tho...i really wanna go to uni and i dunno anyone who applied for penrith so maybe we can meet for lunch lol? *sigh* uni will be fun....:D Goodluck in getting the UAI im sure you will get it easily and all this worry will be for nothing.


Oct 23, 2002
I think we're too similar! We both just did our society exam and the uais..;)
Ditto on the ret results..Blah! People who bludge in my school got al little higher than me which sucked..At least I still have cpos! :D
Well if we both get into Penrith it settled. We're meeting up on the first day. :D

Thanks, I'm sure you'll do great as well!

I gotta go now, ttys Rosie!


Old enough to know better
Jul 28, 2002
but the smart people, the UMAT kind, wouldn't be doing the RET test anyway, because they don't want to go to UWS and would surely be smart enough to realise that it's a waste of money.

Mr Wiggle

The Best
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by user
but the smart people, the UMAT kind, wouldn't be doing the RET test anyway, because they don't want to go to UWS and would surely be smart enough to realise that it's a waste of money.
the people that do UMAT are the ones that want 2 be doctors right ???
what does it stand for UMAT ???
not that i want to do it cause i would never make it through the door before they slam it in front of my face and say they are not welcome.


Old enough to know better
Jul 28, 2002
UMAT sucks.
i'm not sure of the exact details ( i didn't do it), but it's for wannabe doctors and they ask them quesitons on their personality and stuff, i think it's to see how well they cope under pressure, whether they have any sadistic tendencies to horribly mutilate people during surgery etc

so you get all the smart trying to pass the UMAt... people who go around doing "tutoring" for UMAT...come on tutoring for a personality test? Don;t think its really tutoring as such, but a guy tells them what to say if they ask a question eg if they ask "what will you do if you don;t get into medicine" the tutoror tells them what kind of response they should say.

But people who do such lessons, who employ or seek the help of such people...they're really sinking to new lows.

haha only 1 person at my school (hurlstone) passed or got in or whatever it is, out of the 50? or so people who went for it. its really slack, but I find it funny


Nov 5, 2002
Now i know why i don't want to get into medicine and its not just coz the uai is so high....teaching here i come, atleast u don't have to do tests like that lol! I thought the RET was rigged :p


law chicky
Aug 19, 2002
Originally posted by user

thanks for that
did u take da test
No I did not, I never got told when it was on...

Originally posted by user
UMAT sucks.
i'm not sure of the exact details ( i didn't do it), but it's for wannabe doctors and they ask them quesitons on their personality and stuff, i think it's to see how well they cope under pressure, whether they have any sadistic tendencies to horribly mutilate people during surgery etc

so you get all the smart trying to pass the UMAt... people who go around doing "tutoring" for UMAT...come on tutoring for a personality test? Don;t think its really tutoring as such, but a guy tells them what to say if they ask a question eg if they ask "what will you do if you don;t get into medicine" the tutoror tells them what kind of response they should say.

Its not just personality questions, and the reason that a lot of people get tutoring is because you have to come in the top 10% for it, which puts a lot of pressure on people, because even if your smart enough to be a doctor, you still have to beat other people and one silly little mistake could ruin it for you.

The interview that your talking about sounds like the one the scholarship one, which isn't in the form of money it just means that if you get the University will consider taking you even if you didn't get the required UAI, however, the lowest UAI they will consider taking you on is still about 92 or maybe its a bit more this year.

A bit more on the actual test: its held in about 10 locations about the state, its costs about $120 to do it. And the exam isnt just on personality type questions, they response type questions where they test how you would you respond to a given scenario i.e. There is a cut on someones leg and their unconscious, what do you do? Then you pick the most correct answer from a list of multiple-choice things. They also have this shape thingy, where you have to be able to fit a certain type of shape into a diagram about a certain degrees or how many times it is in the picture (it is much harder than it sounds). And theres are whole bunch of other stuff in, like chemical reactions to substances etc.

Originally posted by user

But people who do such lessons, who employ or seek the help of such people...they're really sinking to new lows.

haha only 1 person at my school (hurlstone) passed or got in or whatever it is, out of the 50? or so people who went for it. its really slack, but I find it funny
Well if you really want to be a doctor, for the right reasons like helping people, then you should not really need a tutor, but there are many people who do not have the best verbal skills and need a lot help with interview techniques. And then when you put this test into perspective on getting into uni to do medicine its HELPS a lot if you do really well in it. Err, this post is long enough and Im hungry, so Ive said enough.


Old enough to know better
Jul 28, 2002
Originally posted by jessika

And the exam isnt just on personality type questions, they response type questions where they test how you would you respond to a given scenario i.e. There is a cut on someones leg and their unconscious, what do you do? Then you pick the most correct answer from a list of multiple-choice things. [/B]
er...isn't that a personality test? Your answer will be based upon your personality + analytical skills. A more impulsive person may pick the answer which says to treat the wound, but a calm, attentive individual may look around to see whether there are any dangers to him/herself before attending to the person. Both answers demonstrate two different characteristics held by the person. The first person may be more selfless, and could be more devoted to their work, willing to put their life to it, and would do anything to save a person without regard for their own safety. The second person may be more through and more level headed. Both characteristics are desirable. The responder has to decide on the spot what they would do in such a situation.

But if the responder has been previously tutored on which response is the correct response, which answer the examiners want, then it defies the purpose of the test.

Say the desired personality is a level headed analytical person. An irrational impulsive smart person could possible pass the test having before hand revised scenarios and the desired actions with his or her tutor.

Also, the type of questions they ask aren't like maths questions, where there are right or wrong answers. They are questions based on ethics, based on morals and based on the heart. Therefore, if you get one question wrong, then yes, perhaps medicine isn't the right career path for you, even though it is just one question.

For example, the Department of Education requires all potential employees working with children to have passed a screening test for child abuse or something. If one person failed that test, even though that is such an indiginficant part of the whole employment process with the Department of Educaiton, even though that person may have been the best candidate for the job, that person does not get the job because that one requirement (or question) was not fulfilled.

Originally posted by jessika

Well if you really want to be a doctor, for the right reasons like helping people, then you should not really need a tutor, but there are many people who do not have the best verbal skills and need a lot help with interview techniques. And then when you put this test into perspective on getting into uni to do medicine its HELPS a lot if you do really well in it. Err, this post is long enough and Im hungry, so Ive said enough. [/B]

but not everyone wants to do it to help people. A lot of people do medicine because it has prestige, they do it for the high income, or due to their parents expectations, or because they want to be like their romanticised heroes on TV

besides, you don't have to be a doctor to help people.

nurses help people too.

Mr Wiggle

The Best
Sep 21, 2002
medicine are for nerd people who study 24/7 cause last year 9 out of 22 people that got a UAI of 100 did medicine which shows that the nerd of that course. i think medicine is boring spending up 60 to 70 hours a week in a hospital with no social life at all which stinks i think.

this one of the UMAT question a friend gave me and i found confusing.
Suppose that three of these statements are true and one is false:
Niki is younger than Mark
Lia is older than Mark
the sum of the ages of Mark and Niki is twice the age if Lia
Niki is older than Lia

who is the youngest person-Lia, mark or Niki

Anybody got any idea who the youngest person is ???
my friend says it is mark but anyone agree???



Nov 5, 2002
Originally posted by da_best
medicine are for nerd people who study 24/7 cause last year 9 out of 22 people that got a UAI of 100 did medicine which shows that the nerd of that course. i think medicine is boring spending up 60 to 70 hours a week in a hospital with no social life at all which stinks i think.

this one of the UMAT question a friend gave me and i found confusing.
Suppose that three of these statements are true and one is false:
Niki is younger than Mark
Lia is older than Mark
the sum of the ages of Mark and Niki is twice the age if Lia
Niki is older than Lia

who is the youngest person-Lia, mark or Niki

Anybody got any idea who the youngest person is ???
my friend says it is mark but anyone agree???
Well its either mark or niki but i can't really be bothered working that out now...since the hsc stopped so has my brain cells :p


Oct 23, 2002
To clarify for my friend:

If your course cut off is say 65 and your ret is 64, you might be offered a place in the course right?

Mr Wiggle

The Best
Sep 21, 2002
Originally posted by evie
To clarify for my friend:

If your course cut off is say 65 and your ret is 64, you might be offered a place in the course right?
it depends if ur UAI is 65 or more and ur RET is 64 than UWS will use ur UAI than ur RET but if ur UAI is below 65 and with the RET score of 64 than u wont be offered a place unless u applied for EAS than they will accept u.

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