from my days at Kmart...
* when you ring our store, do not tell me you are "on a mobile". I do not care. I will place you in queue just the same as everyone else.
* when the line to toys is engaged, and I politely inform you of this matter, do not complain that "this phone call is going to cost heaps". Once again, I do not care.
* when, a third time, I inform you that toys is busy (due to a 20% sale) and offer to take your details for OUR store to ring YOUR mobile back, do it!! Do not complain that you are in Big W wanting to know if our Buzz Lightyear figurines are cheaper.
* do not ask me for fashion advice. I am employed to clean up the mess YOU make, not to act as a personal consultant.
* do not get stroppy when you ask for a price check at the checkouts and I take ONE minute to walk from the back of the store. Chances are, someone else was asking for my help and took preference over you.
* do NOT ask for a discount on shoes with "scuff marks" on them. One mark on a shoe is not worth $5.
* do NOT take a visibly damaged item to the checkout and then complain that it is damaged when there is CLEARLY more than that one item. Bring it to us on the floor and we will deal with it there.
* do NOT ask us for help on ANYTHING if we are in possession of a bag, purse, wallet or anything else signifying that we are not on shift. We may be in uniform, but it is clear that we are not yet working.
* do NOT wait for us to walk through the main door then pounce on us for help. If you see items as stated above, chances are, we have entered the store to begin our shift. Do not get crappy when we say "Sorry, I am not on shift right now, but ______ will gladly assist you"
* do NOT hand back items of clothing to the change room assistant when it is CLEAR that there is a mountain of sale items from Mothers' Day that have just arrived from the Service Desk. It is rude, lazy, and shows how bad your memory is.
* Kindly report drink spillages, sick up, baby food explosions, etc. IMMEDIATELY. And if it is sick up, and your child is the culprit, be so kind as to offer to clean it up yourself.
* Don't have a whinge when the scanner terminals around the store are not working. And chances are, if the scanner is not working, neither will the "help" button.
* Don't be so lazy and ask us at the change rooms if we can ring Sound and Vision to ask if they have a certian CD in stock. Walk down there yourself and open your eyes.
You can see why I quit earlier in the year.... all of these come from real life experiences. These days I'm in Records Management - no direct dealings with customers!!