Rules for Customers (11 Viewers)


New Member
Aug 29, 2005
Further to this, on the rare occasion that I am in a good mood and overlook the fact that your bringing crap into the cinemas that your not suppose to... treat me like a human being... I am doing you a favor by steering you clear of the candybar where youll pay $50 for something that costs $5 at the supermarket.

Also all you punk-ass kids when I card you for restricted movies dont get all pissy about it cause you already got carded at box-office, I have to ask to if I think you look underage and besides im not risking a big fine (I think its $5500) if the person behind you turns out to be some kind of inspector.

Guys, when you take your gf out, dont act like your king-shit or I'll make your experience the worst one ever so that youll look dumb in-front of her. I will personally check your cinema 5 times instead of 2 and make sure that your not violating the riot act. If you are I'll kick you out without warning you cause you pissed me off. Im single at the moment and so I take shifts on Friday and Saturday nights and I hate seeing your punk-ass with some hot chick you dont deserve.

Oh and for the ethnic population of the area in which I work, I communicate to you in English, I dont understand incoherent chinese, vietnamese, japanese or any other language for that matter so please at least make an attempt to do the same. Pointing and grunting doesnt justify a comand of the english language.

My pet hate: When I work candybar, when you say you want a combo, tell me what fucking one. There are at least 10 different combo's/value deals up there and turning around to follow your finger is really starting to piss me off. You have a mouth, use it.

Also, when closed for cleaning signs are attached to the door of the cinema. Dont just walk in and sit down. I cant help it that a certain cinema is cheap and only employs one usher, two at the best of times for eight screens & 1800 seats, as a result we normally dont get to clean until 5 mins before the session starts. If you walk in and sit down, I will ask you to leave and dont get all pissy with me cause your tired and my cinema cant afford seats in the lobby. I dont care, you cant be in here when Im cleaning, its a health and safety thing, besides I dont wanna make pointless conversation with you so please wait outside until your invited in.


Ace up my sleeve
Apr 26, 2005
I have just had another revelation about by most annoying customers, stuck up public servants....

First I must explain that we have customer service issues at my work (harvey norman furniture bedding) where sometimes a manufacturing fault happens and we have to deal with people whinging as their products get sent back to the manufacturers with the least amount of trouble for them that we can arrange we work very hard to keep them happy as that is the sort of people we are!

I am sick of seeing massive (1000s of words) emails and letters coming through written obviously when people are on the clock (work email addresses "@dewr(department of workplace relations), @dhag(department of health and aging), @dmsotpm (department of meaningless spending of taxpayers money) *nashie takes no responsibility for one of these departments possibly not existing

They bitch and moan about staff and the company, when it is our company and our staff that are paying for them be writting nasty and exageratted emails!

My new rule is that if I have someone ring up to complain I am going ask them;
1. If they are at work
2. Where they work (make it sound like I am interested in their pathetic lives)
3. If they tell me a government department I will say to them
"I'm sorry your going to have to call me back when I am not paying you to complain about our product/service and also when I am not paying for the phone call that you are making. Have a nice day!"

What does everyone think, does it sound reasonable that I shouldn't be bitched to by people who theoretically I am paying?

(Also please don't any smart asses sya something along the lines of "but they are paying you to be there" because it is incorrect, my boss pays me to be there, he pays me by me selling stuff and not having customers complain, becuase amazingly when something goes wrong all of margins in the things I esell get used up generally fixing the promblems as soon as humanly possibly)


**If any public servants read this please don't be offended its not you, its all of the other self rightous, anal, arrogant people you work with I am bitching about!


New Member
Nov 19, 2006

- your attempt to scare me by threatening to get the manager doesn't work

i'll gladly get manager. after you leave, i get to have the last word with her. ps - the manager never sides with you customers because she knows i'm always right, har har. win/win for me.

- waving your hand in my face while i'm in the middle of serving a customer and when there are other customers waiting won't get you anywhere

i pretend i don't see these people. obv.


duhh. i give short replies and when they keep asking i just walk off. hahh

- walking out in a huff because you had to wait 5 minutes to order your food doesn't make me care. i encourage it

especially if you're a fatass woman with 5 fatass children wanting to order a mega-fatty lunch that will make me 20 minutes to make (and hold up every other customer). leaveleaveleave. the prime function of the business is not to make hot food you fatasses.

- you enter through the turnstyle where it says ENTER and exit out the turnstyle where it says EXIT

lmao. it's amazing how many people keep banging themselves into the exit to get in, and into the turnstyle that gets you in to get out, when there is a massive sign in front of them clearly stating EXIT or ENTER.

my throat gets sore at the end of the day because of these dumbasses.

- don't expect me to coo over your little kids/babies

or expect to get embarrassed. they're not cute to me.

most likely i'll be paying more attention to that dog outside of the entrance. aww like that cute pomeranian i saw last week

blahhh, there are so many more but i cbb listing them off.

oh, ps - those packet of chips cost $2.60 (as the sign states). they're not '2 packets for 60c'.
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Active Member
Jul 4, 2004

I forgot about this thread.

I generally love my job. But some people make me hate it.

YES. I have the same name as my boss. Yes, i know it is an unusual name. No, I am not wearing my bosses name-tag.

I do NOT set the prices. I realise that you can buy a LOAF of raisin toast for the price that you pay for our poorly toasted bits of bread. I think its a rip off too. If you dont want to pay $2.70 for a serve of rasin toast, PLEASE buy a toaster and eat it at home.


Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
If you come up to the counter, and put ur purchases there, and just stand there, i will start scanning them, DONT THEN WALK OFF TO GET SOMETHING ELSE UNLESS IT WILL TAKE YOU LESS THAN 15 SECONDS TO GET IT,

otherwise i have to suspend the transaction so i can serve other customers, then you are going to have to wait whilst i call for a supervisor to come and recall the transaction.

secondly, FUNILLY ENOUGH, the EFTPOS pinpad on register NINE is not connected to register TEN, where i am serving you from, by swiping ur card on the other machine, u look like a complete retard

Teddy Lee

Nov 4, 2006
wow. i am so impressed, i didnt know everyone felt as pissed as i do about this issue! these rude/inconsiderate customers make the otherwise enjoyable experience of making money unbearable.

a few more things to add:

- DO NOT pick something without a barcode!! and if you do, prepare to wait! and be nice, let me serve other customers whilst i call someone to help you.
- don't give me an open packet of lollies to scan and get angry when i spill half of them on the floor
- i dont know where every item is located and i dont know the price of everything and i dont know all the sales that are on atm and if that pisses you off i dont care
- after i ask for your flybuys and you say you dont have them, dont turn to me after you have finished paying and say you found them. too late.
- you look SCARY on saturday morning when you line up behind the door at 8.45 for a 9.00am opening and stampede in like its the last chance for you to buy fish food before the world ends
- when i see that you have literally 10 greenbags and you ask for a plastic bag dont hate me for the greasy i throw you.. it was the environment


Jun 6, 2006
Teddy Lee said:
- you look SCARY on saturday morning when you line up behind the door at 8.45 for a 9.00am opening and stampede in like its the last chance for you to buy fish food before the world ends
Last year during one of our toy sales (Big W), a guy fully grown man COMMANDO ROLLED under the roller door as soon as it started going up.

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
kloudsurfer said:
Last year during one of our toy sales (Big W), a guy fully grown man COMMANDO ROLLED under the roller door as soon as it started going up.
HAHAHA omg that sort of thing happened at my last job...we were inside at like 8:30 getting the store ready to open and there was this woman standing outside banging on the roller door, like that was going to make us open any faster... we were saying, we open at 9, go away...and as soon as the door opened she charged in, grabbed a basket and literally ran down the aisles...the other customers that started wandering in were like wtf?! and she was in there forever too. ah definitely one of the funnier moments.


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
In the same vein as flybuys, don't get out your vibe card after I've taken your money and started giving you change.

If I call a name that isn't even remotely yours, the drink is not for you.

After lunchtime, we juice wheatgrass for the day and put the machine away. After this time we will not juice it fresh for you. You can leave it for 1-2 hours and it still works (assuming it isn't a placebo...)

During the "$3 smoothies for $3 days" email offer
- It says on the email to BRING THE EMAIL to get the discount. If you look like a nice person I'll let you have it, otherwise you can pay full price for being stupid.
- Don't bring the email in the day after. The valid dates are on the email, read them.
- Don't look at me like an idiot when I ask you what size you want. Plenty of people just want a medium. Just because it's all $3 doesn't mean you MUST have the largest size, gutso.
- The line is obviously VERY EFFING LONG. Don't come to me and say you're on a tight time limit.


Dec 16, 2006
1. Dont tell me that it is free, scanning policy DOES NOT cover liquor, "I want to see a manager" they are going to say the same thing, you get it at the REDUCED price not FREE.....

2. Dont tell me because the item is in the wrong place (other end of the store) you get it for free because it had a price under it for something totally different, washing powder and lollies are different!

3. Dont yell at me because we dont have you type of cigarettes

4. Dont ask for a bag when you have a friggin chocolate bar because you aint getting one

5. Dont glare at me when i dont give you a bag for 3 items or less and dont yell at my staff, there are 10,000 signs and radio ads stating that you only get a bag if you ask for them in our express lanes!!!

6. Go to Coles, i dont give a shit where you do your shopping

7. The customer isnt always right you dickwad

8. If you dont like waiting in line on a saturday or thursday night go shopping on another day or night!

9. We are open 14 hours dont decide to come after 9pm or i wont let you in, and please dont beg because you look like a retard.

10. Im not refunding meat that you bought a over month ago that now all of a sudden looks green, i wonder why.

11. I dont order stock and we cant specially order 1 of something for you.

12. If you use your eyes you might be able to find things.

13. Not my fault there isnt any bread left on a saturday night at 8.30pm, should have bought it earlier

14. I dont get paid to take your shit out of a basket

15. Im not swiping your EFT card, do it yourself. How hard can it be there are diagrams.

16. Not my fault that there isnt money in your account now.

17. If you dont like my packing pack your own stuff

Theres some for the wankers that do stupid things at woolworths


Ace up my sleeve
Apr 26, 2005
The most important rule for Harvey Norman... first off I will explain the harveys store I work at is in a westifeld on a mezzanine level so you go up an escallator (scue the christmas eve spelling) to a little foyer area in front of the door into the shop.

If a large group of people wearing identical shirts are standing up the top of the escallator outside a store that is obviously not open and the lights are even off in said store because the boss is late, and you stand at the bottom staring at them for a minute, don't bother coming up the escallator, wlak straight past all of these people who have the same fantastic fashion sense to try the door into a store that is ptich balck becuase no lights are on yet.....

Do you seriously think that we would be standing outside when there are comfortable lounges a couple of metres away if it was a simple of sliding the door open??

This seriously happens every weekend when one of the bosses is running late...

and every time I just want to knock on these people's heads and see if they are hollow

This is not even begining to explain all of the customers who turn up at 8:20 am and walk up the off escallator and ask if we are open yet when we are all standing there outside a darkened shop... (My dream is to say "I dunno, be great if someone who works here would show up and let us in, every other furniture,bedding, computer and electrical store would be open by this time."all while wearing my uniform, I am giving myself ideas now!)


London Calling
Dec 25, 2003
Pilotdude said:
15. Im not swiping your EFT card, do it yourself. How hard can it be there are diagrams.
Ergh. I gave up on that one a few weeks ago. I'm sick of people just sticking out their card and then acting all dumb when I ask them to swipe the thing. I just grab it and swipe it myself and select their stupid account for them then snap at them to press their pin.

The amount of people who pay by card and don't know how to friggin use it... :mad1:

For the people who insist on doing it themselves, DON'T SWIPE IT UNTIL IT SAYS "SWIPE CARD"!!! All these dumb people swipe it and start blindly pressing savings and their PIN no. while the thing beeps like crazy. THE BEEPING MEANS YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG! :burn:


Nov 1, 2005
North Ryde

1.sort out all your shit before lining up..i hate it when you suddenly want to get somethin else while in d middle of d transaction. when its busy i have to suspend it meanin i hav to get d fuckin register key to do it.

2.if the item scans a diff price dan d one u saw ill go check it...dun say dat it shuld be fuckin way dude..even manager will tell u it aint free

3.i dont know by heart the store so if i have to ask someone where is a product dont whinge on me

4.when i try and fold your clothes dont hav a whinge to me that i did them a bloke not your fuckin house maid

5.if your buyin three items or less and/or if its a small item i will ask you if you want a bag..dont go say yes or no then change your annoys me massively because im tryin to reduce bag consumption

6.if im on layby and you have to wait for me to look for your parcel you WAIT!!! i only have two hands and two legs you fuckwit

7.if im on the service desk and you return somethin without a receipt dont whinge if you get a lower refund than what you paid for..manager will even back me up

8.also if you buy an ipod and you decide to return it after 7 days we aint obliged to give u a refund..its apples policy not ours

9.if you look nice ill go out my way to help you with a fuckwit and ill be nasty to you

10.dont crack some lame joke when you know im tired

11.when im on my break and im wearin my uniform..dun ask me coz im on my can see me carryin my friggen lunch or food

12.try and understand what im explaining to you when you ask me something..dont go assume anythin coz im easily pissed off by people like you...

13.when you whinge at a wrong price and i check it against the ticket on d shelf and i tell u dat u got d wrong product..dont go tell me that that is dodgy trade aint my fuckin fault if other customers jz place d goods on places dey aint to be there

14.when i have jz started my shift in the mornin and i have to give u coins as change dont complain!! it aint my fault dat my till was empty!!

15.when your buyin somethin less than 10 bucks dont dare give me a 50 buck or a 100 buck note..its a bitch to change

16..dont pay your goods wit all coins..its a bitch to count
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London Calling
Dec 25, 2003
one_wit said:
i know it's been said b4, but PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, if i have my hand out, waiting for ur money, DONT plonk it on the table, because i never, EVER do that 2 u.

even if my hand isnt it so hard to hold onto ur cash for 8 more seconds, ffs
Haha this lady did that to me. When I got her change out of the til and turned around, she had her hands out for her change. I placed it carefully on the counter with the reciept just far enough from her hands and sweetly said "Have a loooooovely day". She looked like she wanted to murder me :p

I wouldn't dare do that if I was on Express though cos my supervisor/ dept manager would go off at me lol


oh hi
Feb 24, 2006
- This is Woolworths, not Coles. It's very embarassing for you to attempt to scan your fly buys card on my scanner when you're a Shell employee.
- I'm not a magic man, the second I take a discount off the wall at 9:30pm on a Sunday night (half an hour before the store closes) the system will NOT automatically bump the price up. We do it at this time because NEW SALES WILL START THE NEXT DAY.


Dec 16, 2006
Sarah168 said:
For the people who insist on doing it themselves, DON'T SWIPE IT UNTIL IT SAYS "SWIPE CARD"!!! All these dumb people swipe it and start blindly pressing savings and their PIN no. while the thing beeps like crazy. THE BEEPING MEANS YOU ARE DOING SOMETHING WRONG!
Thank god Woolies is getting Pre-Swipe in the new year, and hopefully the CBA wont make our EFT crash nationwide when they try to upload it this time :eek:

Another rule for all the cockheads when i sell an Epay (phone credit etc.) it has a "No Refund on Purchase" on the bottom and im not going to refund you, unless it is missing a number then i might ring EPAY for you. If you cant decide then get the wrong thing then say as youre walking away, "Oh i meant telstra" i will laugh and point at the bottom.

When there is a sign saying we have no ice, it actually means we DONT have ice......

And when there is no chicken thighs in the Deli please dont yell at me because i bite back.

Fukhead customer of the year award is for Xmas eve...
"Are you going to open anymore checkouts?"
"Uh, everysingle one is open"
''Well i need to get home, so ill go through express then"
"Its for 8 items or less, if you look at the sign"
"Well ill shop at Coles then"
"Thats nice" (like i give a shit)

Everyday customers amaze me with things like asking for a saturday paper on a thursday and going at me because we dont have in left :burn:

Its always fun when customers are rude to me, being a supervisor i bite back. Thank god we have some nice ones out there......


Oct 9, 2004
Somewhere In Sydney
It only gets worse...
1. DO NOT dump our $300 + silk formal wear on the ground expecting me to change it.
2. DO NOT just through ur clothes at me cause more than likely I will throw them straight back at you and you won't be welcome back.
3. DO NOT pull over the mannikens they are worth $5000 and when they break and crack don't stand there saying "you shouldn't have them so people can reach them" or ask if they are insured? sure they are for us not when stupid or angry customers tug on the clothes and pull it over!!!
4. Don't let your kids run in between the racks and push them over cause when they fall on the kid I have no sympathy and then don't BLAME me for having too much stock on it blame ur idiot kid for trying to drive it like a BUS!!!
5. and on th kids note don't let them run around the store pressing buttons on my computer and ripping open the curtains on other customers.
6. WHEN all the BIG SIGNS and the NOTICE ON THE RECEIPT says NO RETURN OR EXCHANGE on SHOES, SWIMWEAR, FORMALWEAR, ACCSESSORIES and SALE STOCK read them and don't try and bargain with me cause the more you do, the angrier I GET and the more I WON'T BUDGE and then if your lucky I will kick you out or maybe I will get you a security escort when you start throwing shoes at me and backing me up against racks with a clenched fist. AND more than likely you will be banned from everystore that the company owns.
7. When we ask you to wear underwear underwear under ur swimmers we don't ask this cause we like to be an imposition we ask so that you DON'T GET YOUR FREAKING BLOOD ALL THROUGH THE SWIMMERS AND LEAVE THEM IN A PILE FOR AN UNSUSPECTING ME to find... SOOOO NOT COOL!!!
8. Don't tear off the button and tell me it's fault I watched you do it you dickhead I will charge you more!!!
9. When I am folding don't follow me and mess it up more than likely I will stop and follow you and grunt and moan till u get the picture...
11. When the shop is being mopped don't walk all over the closed off areas
12. WHEN THE DOOR IS SHUT THE SHOP IS SHUT... WE AREN'T ONE OF THOSE EXPENSIVE SHOPS THAT BUZZES YOu IN AND OUT... WE ARE CHEAP and CRAP when the doors are open we are open when they are closed we are closed... Don't walk in and get angry at me..
13. WHEN I TELL YOU WE HAVE to CLOSE THE TILL do NOT keep browsing I will close it and kick you out u are lucky I have allowed you to remain in the shop!!!
14. WHEN I SAY WE ARE SOLD OUT OF THAT STYLE IN THAT SIZE do NOT go and ask someone else they will tell you the same thing, I am not lieing for the sake of watching u get miserable about not getting that dress!!!
15. WHEN your daughter LOOSES her change but continues to spend the rest of the money she has DO NOT ring up the shop and tell them your daughter had to walk home because the staff didn't give her her change, she would have had money for the bus had she not kept spending it all!!!

AAARGH PEOPLE MAKE ME SOOO ANGRY there is sooo much more but sooo little time!!!


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
dodgyfilokid said:
16..dont pay your goods wit all coins..its a bitch to count
HAHHHAHAHAahhaa.... that's what my mum always does.


Mar 30, 2005
bah i hate when they do that!! its even worse when they use their bloody credit cards to pay for something under $10!!

i hate those ones who just dump their green bags and just stand there in front of me..watching me struggle to pack groceries into it..grrrrrrrrrrrr

i can sooo relate to all you guys!!! its funny reading all your stories!

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