-Do NOT eat fruit you have just picked up from fruit and veg while in the store, eat it, then put the remains on the counter and give me dumb looks when I ask you how exactly I am suppose to give you a price for the item, seeing as mostly fruit goes by freaking weight!
-Do not try and scan the items for me.
-Don't just dump your basket on the counter and look pointedly at me. I'm not your slave.
-If I accidently scan an item twice, and delete one of them so it shows up a s $0, don't laugh like a little girl and say "Oh hehehe! I like that price!"
-Lay your freaking bottles down! Do not bitch to me about how your excessive amount of Coke bottles will now be flat b/c you stood them up and the conveyer belt's motion knocked them over. Same goes for olive oil.
-Don't line up in the non-express lane with three items on a busy day with a long queue, then have a go at me b/c "You've been waiting in line for half an hour for a block of butter". It's called express lane.
-Don't tell me you have green bags but you always forget them. Telling me isn't going to ease your conscience.
-Don't ask me if you can buy cigarettes from the registers. Do I look freaking 18?
-Don't bitch about having to pay to use a trolley. You get your money back in the end, don't whine about it! Would you rather them in the bottom of the lake?
-Furthermore on trolleys, don't get the ones without the coin slot, with the baby seat instead just so your bread doesn't get squashed. Screw you, if you do that I make sure I put your bread under the watermelon.
-If you want to return an item, b/c you no longer wish to purchase it, don't leave it in the basket which your too lazy to even put back where it belongs. Give it to me! Especially if it's liable to smell, or from dairy or deli.
-Please don't put your 7 y.o in the trolley baby seat.
-Don't come through express with 30 items.
-Don't even think about saying "You look bored so I'll come and visit you/Awwwww, you're waiting for me? Hawhaw haw!" Geez. Frreaking. Comedy. Gold.
-Don't tell me how to do my job.
-Don't lean on the screen and check me out. Just don't.
-Don't freaking ask me if I can steal you a christmas uniform.
- Don't accuse me of being hungover! Screw you arsehole! I had spent the previous night ice-skating catching up with friends I haven't seen in ages, and now my legs are killing me. Don't even hint at Berocca.
-Don't tell me what vegetables are. I know what the hell a green capsicum is. Same goes when I pick up the phone for a price check.
-Don't start on a rant with me about how I always say I am good, if on an off chance a customer asks how I am. Be glad I'm not telling you all my problems!
-Don't expect me to be on your side when the nice customer I am serving gets offended by your lame pick up line. You fugly man. Don't insult people you want to screw.
-Don't mispronounce my name. I am NOT called Irene.
-Do NOT swear and curse loudly. If I swore you would have a right tantrum about it and complain.
-If I ask if you have flybuys, under no circumstances do you say "No I hate flying". Again. Boom boom ching.
-Do not talk to me about naked people and panties. You are old and seedy, and I don't like you.
-Read the bloody price tag. Just b/c it is near a ticket that says "$6.95" doesn't mean it is.
-Do not ask how I celebrated (insert latest public holiday here). Especially Australia Day and any commericialised religious events. You're just in it for the presents.
-Green bags at the START of the transaction, please. And make sure they are clean damn it. And don't ask for a plastic bag to put your meat in to put in the bag.(I like green bags

-On a happy note, cheers for the young lady who heard my stiffled, cough-like sneeze, asked whether I had just sneezed and said "bless you". Simple things like that make you feel so much better, especially in bad shifts.:wave:
-Don't tell me the shelves need restocking. You think I haven't been told by every other customer?
-Don't make racist/rude/sexist/etc comments and expect me to smile.
-Don't get huffy b/c you have to wait to get a note exchanged for coins for a trolley.
-Don't repeat what I say.
-Don't bitch about other customers to me.
Kitchen Hand at Youth Camp:
-Do not compare the plates to see what plate has the most food on it. Just take a plate and bugger off.