Can i just say i think it is outrageously unfair!
You cannot put a scale on a musical or artistic ability- YOU EITHER GOT IT .....OR YA DONT!
I have friends that a brilliant at maths and science but couldnt play music or draw or paint to save themselves....just like i couldnt save myself in a chemistry exam.....
I think maths and science should be valued equally to creative subjects, as it is clear that SOME people who are smart may not be able to do those other creative subjects, just like the people who are able to do creative subjects cant do smart ones....of course this isnt the case with everyone, but im sure, like me there are many people who are either one or the other.
Its just like the left side and right side of the brain thing, its out of any ones control and I cant see why music or art can be scaled so low - it seriously outrages me.
I do music 1 and art because I love them and didnt put much thought into the scaling ....its ironic, all your life you are told you have a gift to be able to be creative and musical so why isnt it scaled as if its a gift?