Hi everyone, I can't remember which school I goto or what subject I do, in fact I can't remember my name,

come one man, you're embarrassing yourself,

shut up, let me think,

am... I think I can remember now, my school in somewhere called Zion,

ah wait, that's not right, there is no such place,

look you're draining my energy and I don't feel comfortable, come on man get a hold of yourself,

k, i think i am studying 5 Unit Maths, and 5 Units English at some private school in the middle of nowhere, yeah, that's it, i'm in the middle of nowhere, yeah and i think i am claiming misadventure, coz I seriously can't remember anything,

what r u laughing at, hey lets get serious, I need someone to park a van outside my school on the 21st at 9:25, coz I tried killing myself and I just can't jump off the bridge, I tried to cut my own throat, that didn't work either, damn the hospital emergency room, they didn't let me die. :sniper: Ok, you've wasted enough time, get back to your bludging now, hey guys did you read the post about John Howard being dead, I think the guy's right, he is dead, they are just moving a doll with hairy eyebrows around on TV, man why's there propaganda everywhere :torch: didn't I say get back to your work :axedeath: