St Andrews Cathedral School... And it is fucking shit and just getting worse. You'd think a private school would be better than most but sadly it's not.
For example, throughout year 11 my IPT class didn't learn anything because we had a teacher that knew less than we did. I figure they just pulled her off the street and said 'hey what about a teaching job!!??'
Then there is the excessive time wasting. The time allocations are stupid and organisation doesn't exist. Take for example 'admin' period every day. This time is basically wasted. Going to lunch would be more useful, and thats what we did most of the time.
Then there is the time in between periods. Of course no time is allocated for this, even though we have 3 seperate buildings (which are in different buildings in the city) and it takes time especially with the building with lifts. Then to add to that, instead of making 5 teachers move buildings to teach, they make 150 students move. If they are moving to the building with the lifts, theres another 15 minutes waiting in line. And if the teachers actually have to go to another building to teach, they usually show up more than 20 minutes late.
Then there is just the staff in general. A lot of them are constantly late, as seen by my maths teacher this year who was at least 15 minutes late every lesson and who's record was 52 minutes late (our lessons are an hour long). Classes at my school are like a lucky dip. Some teachers are good and some are bad. There is almost no structure in the teaching, pretty much every teacher just teaches whatever they want in whatever way they want to teach it.
Students are dismissive of most of the teachers, this is especially the case with year 12's who have dealt with their incompetence for years. And you'd think the heads of department would be intelligent but apparently not. For english this year we were stuck with the worst possible choices of texts.
Being a private school there is more funds avaliable for stuff like computers. My school sure uses it well. For some reason the computers in study hall (which is used exclusively by year 11 and 12) are worse than the computers in the primary. The internet is constantly screwed up and the network storage constantly deleted peoples work.
There is so much more I could say, but obviously you can already tell the school is screwed. And sure you can say 'well at least you are at a private school' but thats exactly my point. Sure we have better facilities than most but what makes a school is the people in it, and the people in this one are complete idiots.
So to really rate the school it needs to be broken up into categories.
10/10 for opportunities
0/10 for actually taking advantage of those opportunities
Thanks a lot St Andrews, I had a wonderful time. I hope you guys are having a great holiday with all that cash you saved from hiring random people off the street.