sex isnt fake and noone is 'expected' to do it
for some people (to many, if you ask me) sex means little more than something that feels good. for others, it is a way of expressing each others feelings because they feel that cannot express how they feel any other way, because its the most intimate thing you can do with a person.
personally, i dont give a shit about societies expectations and what 'they' believe. ive got my own morals and expectations and i Know theyre good, and ill follow them.
if i find the right person for me, then ill have sex with them if its right. but noway if its not going to matter to them or if im not going to be with them for a long time.
so if i dont find the right girl. i wont have sex. i dont care if i never have sex, its not a priority in life for me. Theres plenty of other things that id rather be doing then screw some random.. and right now i think ill do some truman show study, then go for a blat on my bike and get some sweet air before dark. id rather go ride my moto, go flying or skydiving over sex anyway. much more fun.
(last 2 cost more though, well, not for some people i suppose.