While it is true that English Advanced has superior alignment when compared to English Standard, what is not true is that a student's ability to achieve a band 5 in English Standard is limited. Back when I did my HSC, I took English Standard and was able to achieve a band 5 despite coming from a non-English speaking background.
I believe that a comparison of the advantages of each subject will hopefully assist you in making a more informed decision.
English Advanced - Advantages:
As mentioned, English Advanced offers the benefit of superior alignment. This means that a lower raw mark in English Advanced may be sufficient to be adjusted to a band 5/6, as opposed to English Standard, where the same outcome typically requires a higher raw mark. Additionally, instances of students achieving band 6's are more common in English Advanced than they are in English Standard.
English Advanced is more complex/sophisticated than English Standard given the nature of the modules as well as the prescribed texts, allowing for a potentially more enriching learning experience and an opportunity to develop your writing/analytical capabilities further than the scope of English Standard. This could be useful if you wish to study a university degree where writing and analytical abilities are emphasised (as you would have gained a solid foundation in advance).
English Standard - Advantages:
English Standard is simpler than English Advanced in relation to the difficulty of the modules and the fact that the prescribed texts are less sophisticated. An example would be "King Henry IV" from the English Advanced Module B compared to the less complex "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time" from the English Standard Module B.
English Advanced students tend to be more academically capable than English Standard students. Based on this, if you drop to English Standard and do your utmost, you may have a good chance of achieving a favourable rank in your cohort.
Expectations and overall advice:
I would be inclined to think that quality expectations are slightly lower in English Standard, although it is important to note that this does not necessarily make them low. Regardless of your final decision, one thing to avoid is to underestimate or overlook the difficulty of a subject (i.e. assume that minimal effort is sufficient for favourable performance).
Much of the same advice is applicable to both subjects, meaning that, irrespective of whether you choose English Standard or English Advanced:
- You should ensure that you understand each module, including key ideas/themes/issues raised.
- You should ensure that you have a good understanding of your prescribed text(s) for each module, including relevant quotes and techniques.
- You should regularly seek feedback on your written pieces and ensure that you implement any suggestions in order to maximise the quality of your writing.
I hope this helps!