gracie007 said:
oh really, so how do they diognose chronic fatigue?? i srsly think i have it. im also screwed at uni, and over the past yr or two i havent been going out basically at all coz im too tired/get too tired! wen i go out n drink i start getting even tiiireeddder, whereas it used to just pump me up more. its so annoying.
Um well you've got to be a lot more than tired, there's a whole heap of other symptoms other than fatigue you need to have to be diagnosed. and its different from that normal sort of tiredness to, it feels more like your bodys made out of lead and sometimes you can go for days, weeks or more without being able to get out of bed. its evil.
like without wings said, its diagnosed by excluding other medical conditions that could be causing the same symptoms. i was diagnosed by a specialist a couple of months after i got sick, after seeing a bazillion specialists and tests rule out stuff first. i felt like a guineapig haha.
lol, i can't drink alcohol at all which sucks, i tried a couple of drinks at my friends 18th and ended up unconcious and in hospital. never again!
i hope you find out what it is, its so bad not knowing. i hated it. how screwed are you with uni? im sooo behind that they're worried im going to fail a subject . agh *runs away*