SMH Article on Paper 2 (1 Viewer)


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
Can you two idiots go argue in non school or something.

ahh good point _dhj_. The irony.


Sep 2, 2005
The interwebnet is not a post modernist medium. It's the interwebnet. Who the hell ever said it was a post-modernist medium?
It adheres to the strand of thought that postulates that the representation itself becomes reality. For example, celebrities become more real than reality etc. It really goes with the theories of Baudrillard and concepts such as The Matrix. This is actually part of the theory behind Module C, though not understood by most candidates in any great detail. Wars, for example, are not understood via their reality, but via their representation through television.
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Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
"The study of senior school English is shaped by a contempt for the Western canon and a belief held by education theorists that all texts are equal. Discuss."
So true.

"It was so much better than doing Shakespeare-on-a-pedestal in that boring old-fashioned approach."
Ah, so it's not 'trendy' to study Shakespeare for the sake its value as part of our cultural heritage anymore.
Shakespeare is only good when it's being used to learn about 'nihilism', and no more valuable as a "text" than a book's front cover and blurb or a defunct government organisation's webiste.


New Member
Oct 22, 2005
SGB_J said:
Lets all go to public schools and have fund rasiers so we can buy pencils
Who are you? thats just waaay too low.


Schroedinger said:
Hay gays wuts goin on in this hear thred? :cool:
MM okay have fun driving that shitbox you call a car and that carboard house you call a home


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
meh mods, delete the off-topic posts.

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
_dhj_ said:
Yeah. The syllabus isn't too radical as "It is the responsibility of intellectuals to speak the truth and expose lies (Chomsky quote from frontline essay)" ;)
_dhj_ said:
This is what is fucked about the conservative attitude. You guys prefer a society where people are left in the dark, where people are manipulated and exploited. The fact is, the intelligentsia makes up only a very small percentage of society. The masses should be given as much opportunity to join that intelligentsia. Why does the right want the population to be apathetic? Education is impartial, it gives the educated the choice to join either side. It is not some agent of the left.
You know what pisses me off about that? That it is implying that non-intellectuals, or in the case of this thread, people who haven't studied post-modernist theory, are incapable of thinking for themselves, and that you have to be able to use big wanky terminology like

It adheres to the strand of thought that postulates that the representation itself becomes reality. For example, celebrities become more real than reality etc. It really goes with the theories of Baudrillard and concepts such as The Matrix.
for your thoughts and opinions to have any value. You know who else once described the masses as an "ignorant herd"? Hitler.

Just because someone doesn't embrace post modernism or critcal theory (which as Schroedinger pointed out can largely be figured out thru common sense) then we are being "kept in the dark and exploited". By who? Who's exploiting me if I accept what I see on the news?

Not joining the intelligentsia does not make someone apathetic. You would be surprised how insightful the average member of the 'masses' is, solely through life experience and conventional wisdom. Something you cannot get in a book.


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Captain Gh3y said:
You know what pisses me off about that? That it is implying that non-intellectuals, or in the case of this thread, people who haven't studied post-modernist theory, are incapable of thinking for themselves, and that you have to be able to use big wanky terminology like

for your thoughts and opinions to have any value. You know who else once described the masses as an "ignorant herd"? Hitler.

Just because someone doesn't embrace post modernism or critcal theory (which as Schroedinger pointed out can largely be figured out thru common sense) then we are being "kept in the dark and exploited". By who? Who's exploiting me if I accept what I see on the news?

Not joining the intelligentsia does not make someone apathetic. You would be surprised how insightful the average member of the 'masses' is, solely through life experience and conventional wisdom. Something you cannot get in a book.
Dude, what are you on? you ask "who's exploiting" you if you don't criticise a source? That's not post-modernism, it's just common sense. Try not criticising or thinking about the IR ads the government seems intent to waste all of their money on? If you believed those at face value, you end up working for 3c per hour.

Let's try an experiment. I'm going to say things about you, and you decide whether to believe the whole thing as is, or to reject the entire paragraph, some of which will be true. Let's see if your approach works here bitch:

1. You are human.
2. You smell like a retarded chicken that has been repeatedly raped by siphiletic mongrels.
3. You seem to believe that the intelligentsia is some definite or tangible organisation, possibly because you're stupid.
4. You use the "Hitler did it" criticism. You wanna prove that Hitler said that, or do want to take you're blatant speculation elsewhere? I know because this is what I do, and have done, in every one of my history and english exams. It's called "fabrication"...alot of people are doing it. Note News Corporation.
5.You use the adjective : "wanky", where the new form as sanctioned by Dick Cheney is "terrorist wankified terrorist filthy burning bodies in an affront to Islam and international law terrorism". Oh no, did I just fabricate evidence? Who know's?
6. You're use of poor grammar, though largely non-existence, shines forth in the SENTENCE WITHOUT A FUCKING VERB, "Hitler." Listen very carefully here - A PROPER NOUN IS NOT A WHOLE FUCKING SENTENCE YOU GRONK!
7. I just plain don't like and thus, since we seem to entering an era where critical thought can be exchanged for redcutions of civil and industrial rights, YOU'RE A FILTHY ADVOCATE OF TERRORISM LIKE YEATS!

So, you're choice skank - use critical analysis and pick and choose which of those are correct, or apply you're approach and believe the whole thing. And remember, if you choose to believe all of this, "Rippy the Razor says up the street not across the block. Do one thing right in your pathetic life."

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
Trogdor_McDoo said:
Dude, what are you on? you ask "who's exploiting" you if you don't criticise a source? That's not post-modernism, it's just common sense. Try not criticising or thinking about the IR ads the government seems intent to waste all of their money on? If you believed those at face value, you end up working for 3c per hour.

Let's try an experiment. I'm going to say things about you, and you decide whether to believe the whole thing as is, or to reject the entire paragraph, some of which will be true. Let's see if your approach works here bitch:

1. You are human.
2. You smell like a retarded chicken that has been repeatedly raped by siphiletic mongrels.
3. You seem to believe that the intelligentsia is some definite or tangible organisation, possibly because you're stupid.
4. You use the "Hitler did it" criticism. You wanna prove that Hitler said that, or do want to take you're blatant speculation elsewhere? I know because this is what I do, and have done, in every one of my history and english exams. It's called "fabrication"...alot of people are doing it. Note News Corporation.
5.You use the adjective : "wanky", where the new form as sanctioned by Dick Cheney is "terrorist wankified terrorist filthy burning bodies in an affront to Islam and international law terrorism". Oh no, did I just fabricate evidence? Who know's?
6. You're use of poor grammar, though largely non-existence, shines forth in the SENTENCE WITHOUT A FUCKING VERB, "Hitler." Listen very carefully here - A PROPER NOUN IS NOT A WHOLE FUCKING SENTENCE YOU GRONK!
7. I just plain don't like and thus, since we seem to entering an era where critical thought can be exchanged for redcutions of civil and industrial rights, YOU'RE A FILTHY ADVOCATE OF TERRORISM LIKE YEATS!

So, you're choice skank - use critical analysis and pick and choose which of those are correct, or apply you're approach and believe the whole thing. And remember, if you choose to believe all of this, "Rippy the Razor says up the street not across the block. Do one thing right in your pathetic life."
The fact that you claim the Government's IR reforms will result in anyone working for 3c/hour discredits your entire argument.


Apr 2, 2005
Outside, looking in. Inside, looking out.
SGB_J said:
MM okay have fun driving that shitbox you call a car and that carboard house you call a home
SGB...The accident of your having discovered this particular thread - by, it appears, clicking randomly at the screen and going, "aah" - is offset stunningly by the accident of your birth. Like an open sewer next to a Macdonalds, the two seem fated to be.
That said. Shut the flying fuck UP.


New Member
Oct 21, 2004
Captain Gh3y said:
The fact that you claim the Government's IR reforms will result in anyone working for 3c/hour discredits your entire argument.
Nice rebuttal , shitface. We'll just ignore the essential point of the post and focus on one instance of exaggeration shall we? How about you answer the question - do you accept the assertions, or subject them to critical analysis?

Captain Gh3y

Aug 10, 2005
falling from grace with god
Trogdor_McDoo said:
Let's try an experiment. I'm going to say things about you, and you decide whether to believe the whole thing as is, or to reject the entire paragraph, some of which will be true. Let's see if your approach works here bitch:

1. You are human.
2. You smell like a retarded chicken that has been repeatedly raped by siphiletic mongrels.
3. You seem to believe that the intelligentsia is some definite or tangible organisation, possibly because you're stupid.
4. You use the "Hitler did it" criticism. You wanna prove that Hitler said that, or do want to take you're blatant speculation elsewhere? I know because this is what I do, and have done, in every one of my history and english exams. It's called "fabrication"...alot of people are doing it. Note News Corporation.
5.You use the adjective : "wanky", where the new form as sanctioned by Dick Cheney is "terrorist wankified terrorist filthy burning bodies in an affront to Islam and international law terrorism". Oh no, did I just fabricate evidence? Who know's?
6. You're use of poor grammar, though largely non-existence, shines forth in the SENTENCE WITHOUT A FUCKING VERB, "Hitler." Listen very carefully here - A PROPER NOUN IS NOT A WHOLE FUCKING SENTENCE YOU GRONK!
7. I just plain don't like and thus, since we seem to entering an era where critical thought can be exchanged for redcutions of civil and industrial rights, YOU'RE A FILTHY ADVOCATE OF TERRORISM LIKE YEATS!

So, you're choice skank - use critical analysis and pick and choose which of those are correct, or apply you're approach and believe the whole thing. And remember, if you choose to believe all of this, "Rippy the Razor says up the street not across the block. Do one thing right in your pathetic life."
Where did I say anyone should not pick or choose what they believe?

1. True
2. False
3. Where did I say that?
4. It's in Mein Kampf, I'm not digging up a fucking page reference for you. It's discussed here.
5. What?
6. That's lovely. "Gronk" huh?
7. "I just plain don't like and thus" - so what were you just saying in number 6 about sentences?
8. As per my previous post, you seem to be totally, unquestioningly believing, the propaganda from the Unions and lefties on the IR reforms. (which I assume is what you are referring to by "loss of industrial rights".) What happens to Mr. Critical when he hears something anti-government that sounds appealing to him? SO much for critical analysis then, huh?

Oh yeah, just found another one: 6. You're use of poor grammar.

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Apr 2, 2005
Outside, looking in. Inside, looking out.
Schroedinger said:
Let the 8 year old have his fun. It's only a matter of time before daddy finds him browsing naughty sites and beats him up with the extra-large belt buckle.
Schroedinger, it's lax attitudes like yours that let people like this wander the streets after their lobotomy. Attitudes like those let Hitler into the world. Just think how many less people would have died OVERALL if we just killed anyone who grew a small neat moustache. And, after all, chances are they would have been stupid.


Sep 2, 2005
Hitler did in fact describe such a herd mentality, but that's what's scary about it. No ideology of Hitler's was new. The only new thing he did was the scale on which the masses were manipulated, based on the "lowest common denominator" of the herd. So your point proves rather the opposite - the danger of the exploitation of the prejudices of the ignorant masses is still omnipotent.

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