nikmueller said:
well obviously. a good start could be a giant MQ online forum run by students for students. reality of the role as student rep is that i have no power. i just keep the students informed on uni goins on and keep uni informed of what they are doing wrong/right. sorry ladies, no supreme god-like power here.
also, if anyone wants to help me out here i am looking for any explanation as to how victor got voted in again. found out that i got 35% of the votes, about 775 ppl, and he got the rest.
that means there are about 1,300 ppl out there who want what victor was offering. obviously some people were victor's friends. Most i assume were not. i'd like to know how i can represent them.
Noone ever listens to me. How many times did I tell you to take your top off? Also, everyone secretly hates the environment, white people, and people who wear fisherman pants.
Seriously, though, I'm sure Victor was doing some lying and manipulating. There is also the most fundamental human instinct at play here; authority. The infamous Milgram experiment and its progeny confirmed that most people will kill if they are told to do so by a figure of authority. This is because we are programmed to do what our parents, teachers, mentors, etc etc tell us - otherwise we're (as Dawkins says) wandering off cliffs and patting nasty animals.
Add to this the fact that Ma holds
more authority because those to whom he's familiar (Asians) are outside of their little safe zone. Outside of your safe zone, you really need a familiar leader -- it happens naturally, usually. I'll also mention, again, that Asians are hopeless when it comes to politics. Sociologists have field days going into East Asia and studying how they relate with each other and society (hopelessly).
Because Ma is the only familiar representative, and because he tells Asians to vote for him, they will. I guarantee you that very few Anglo students voted for him.
The flip to this coin is, as I said above, the fact that local students are lazy and don't give a shit. Anyone who disagrees can argue with the results of this election.