Hi guys,
From previous years, the Commerce camp is not compulsary - its completely voluntary. Lasts normally over a weekend, starting from friday ends on sunday.
Expect it to cost you back around a hundred or so dollars.
What I noticed from the camps was that the students of each year stuck to themselves, which would make sense as they would normally see each other in lectures and all... such as accounting etc. For example, all the first years stick to eachother, 2nd years with 2nd, and 3rd with 3rd (however, the third years are normally the ones that organise the camp it self).
All in all its not bad, but don't expect the camp to present you with instant friends! Try to engage with one another in a reasonable manner, and you'll get the most out of it. Again, the people you make friends with at camp you'll most likely see them all the time either at the QUAD food court, CLB area, in lectures and tutes. It's not a bad way to find your groove at uni.
Speaking of finding your groove - I encourage all of you guys to experience the social life at UNSW by attending O-Week!!
*Plug plug* Also... if you join my campus tour I'll give you a free lollipop.