Splendour in the Grass 07 (1 Viewer)

Sep 3, 2003
gold coast
pretty effing sweet

can't be fucked elaborating, will possibly do so later, i'm totally going to bed :eek: pretty sure everything i took to splendour is covered in a thick layer of dust.

Peter Yo

New Member
Aug 6, 2007
Tsup mutherfuckas

Splendour was fucking amazing, katie is sexy ;););)

LOri frothhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhed on the SHinssssssssssssssssssssssss
And she's an awesome housewife
The beahc is fucking amazing

the air is pure and fresh

and we're all having an amazing time

peace out mutherfuckas


Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village
i was 2nd row from the front for bloc party. I thought 'this is not fucking worth it' i was so fucking uncomfortable, i've been in situations like that before but everyone was pissing me off so i went out to the very back so i could at least dance and breathe. Bloc party were amazing, perfect. I was in a bad mood though because it pissed me off just how fucking inconsiderate cunts can be.

arctic monkeys put me back in a good mood though, fucking amazing!

howling bells were SO GOOD. the lead singer is so fkn sexy. she got the frontman from the editors on stage and they did a cover of nick cave and kylie minogue - where the wild roses grow. was goooood.

editors, expatriate, operator please = awesome

muscles was heaps of fun

hot chips dj set was one giant rave was amazing.

kaiser chiefs was a giant sing-a-long, so fun.

i saw some of powderfinger and although ash and ruby were dissapointed i was glad just to hear 'love your way' because thats the only song of theirs that i love. i kept coming and going during that set so i only saw them do like 4 songs.

i saw lilly allen so 'smile' it sounded just like the album was playing.

i loved the corroboree, that was awesome. fucking la la na na na na na na na na eulogy na na na na na na na na na na eulogy na na na na na na na na na na give us our land back etc.

tipi forest was funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

and gotye, everyone fkn loved that, was PACKED, hearts a mess was AMAZING.


1. bloc party
2. arctic monkeys
3. kaiser chiefs
4. gotye
5. howling bells
6. editors
7. expatriate

cant be fucked ranking the rest.
Sep 3, 2003
gold coast
bloc party were actually way better than i thought they would be, although i can't even imagine what it was like up the front .. i was standing at the back of the tent and was still getting squished, and this dickhead in front of me sitting on his mates shoulders was about to topple over and crush me at any given moment :eek:

fucked the arctic monkeys off entirely and ran up to see the shins .. they were THAT fucking amazing, it wasn't even that packed and within a few minutes we were a few people from the stage. although my friend wanted to leave so we could get out of the carpark early and not wait an hour to get out like saturday night .. and on the walk to the carpark i heard them play caring is creepy, i was so shattered to have missed it :eek: so i made her wait while i danced and sang like a moron by myself.

what else, um .. as much as i love their cd, i found hot chip really really fucking boring live. cut copy were pretty sweet. expatriate were alright although i've seen them like 3405945069 times (oh chris etc, idk if you noticed but you guys were standing right in front of me, my friends kirsty and ben were pelvic thrusting towards lori for at least five minutes, i'd be fairly flattered). sarah blasko was fucking AMAZING, yo. she's so beautiful :eek: and she played flame trees and everyyyyyyyyyyyyyone sang along, even the dudes that were clearly dragged to see her by their girlfriends. editors were awesome. horrors were entertaining as hell.

lily allen was so, so fucking cool .. none of my friends like her and were like standing there at the back with their arms crossed, so i was like "ok bye guys!" and squished my way to the front and danced around like a dickhead by myself, it was effing great. and fucking lol at her record company being too povo to provide her with a proper backup band, so she had to resort to guitar/keys/electric drums etc herself in the middle of the stage with a few horn players hanging out at the side of the stage, i almost felt bad for her but she didn't really seem to give a shit. lily allen ftmfw.

but yeah, splendour was fucking sweet. i don't expect anyone to actually have read this, mmm stream of consciousness .. i'm still sneezing black dirt. it's pretty attractive.


Feb 23, 2003
dear bos memba el gronko,

what band are you in. i was unaware that you do music.


bos memba 1time4theppl


Active Member
Jan 5, 2006
In the smile of every child.
brogan77 said:
Ashmobs87 Splendouriffic Weekend


Operator Please: First band up. just warming into it. only really knew 'just a song about ping pongs". was impressed considering they're all 16 or something. seemed fun.

Muscles: I know alot of people hate on him, but I fucking loved the set he played. everyone got into it and 'ice cream' went off. pity he pulled out of snowball

Editors: Loved it. My favourite performance out of the "2nd tier" bands. Lead singer was awesome, real charisma.

Beautiful Girls: Was right up the back of the tent for this and even though i like alot of their songs, wasn't really captivated by their performance, so left early and went to the panics.

The Panics: Really enjoyed them and the atmosphere in mclennan at this time. chilled folksy sorta rock band, will have to get into their stuff.

The Herd: Went to the end of their performance with my dog Chadd. Caught their most famous songs, so was stoked. Everyone singing along to "I Was Only 19" was top quality.

Ash: Only caught the end of their set waiting for Cat Empire and was actually quite impressed. Gonna get into their music more, as a result.

Cat Empire: Just a fucking top act. Great, great fun. Jigged around like a goofy idiot with Rubes while they bee bopped and scatted all over the place and loved it.

Grinspoon: Simply awesome. Putting aside my love of certain bands and their musi, i think objectively Grinspoon put in the best possible performace that they were capable of. Phil Jamieson was a great frontman, class act, played all their famous songs, everyone rocked out and had a fucking ace time.

Kaiser Chiefs: The one I'd been hanging out for all day. Pure brilliance. We were in a great spot, dead center, far enough back to have some breathing space. We jumped around to all their songs, played a non-stop choc-a-block set. Highlight had to be Ruby, Ruby, Ruby with the effervescent Ennaybur gracing our presence.

Powderfinger: A disappointment. for some reason decided to play a block of shit acoutic-esque down-tempo obscure songs that no-one could really get into. enjoyed lost and running + love my way; but quite frankly it wasn't enough to stop us leaving early. they also took massive breaks between songs and fanning never seemed to really get into it [from what i saw] chris said it got better later, but meh...fail imho. didn't get to hear sunsets :(

Lily Allen: Saw like one song on my way to the drinks tent to get crunked before tipi forest with rubes. said to myself, if it was awesome i'd stay till the end of her set. it wasn't. some shitty acoustic guitar track i'd never heard before, so barred it off. a pity.

Tipi Forest: Awesome, Awesome, Awesome vibe. One of the highlights of my weekend being with Rubes in then, floating around like crazy idiots, talking to people, chilling out. Just happiness and tranquility and peppness personified. rubes can elaborate more.

Didn't get home till 4am. Had a mad time.


Airbourne: A total surprise packet. Some kind of hair-metal; oddy-esque; akka dakka channelling rock rampage. Front man was fucking tops. Kicking over speakers, fucking up microphones, swilling and spitting out bourbon and rocking out. I'm not usually into that kind of music, but i fucking loved it.

Expatriate: Had heard alot about this band, but not much of their music. Came highly recommended by Ennaybur and HipHop and did not disappoint. Most enjoyed Spaces Between, like many others. And look forward to seeing them at Snowball.

Kisschasy: Went into this thinking their vibe was gonna be completely wrong for Splendour and they were emo cunts etc. But hey, they were fun and easy to listen to. Soft pop rock, it wasn't so bad.

Gotye: Beautiful. Tech difficulties at the start gave me the shits, but once it started, simply beautiful. Such a versatile, awesome performer. PLace was absolutely fucking packed, Ruby couldn't get in coming late from OK GO, which was a shame. The mini-orchestra was well-used and hearts a mess was always gonna be brilliant. ZOLTAN FOR LIFE.

Spiderbait: Saw very little of them. Nothing special. If I had've seen them play Black betty, conjunctivitis, calypso and horschak army maybe i would've thought better of them. Buy Me A Pony seemed to be good, but I was right up the back so didn't get into it.

Hot Chip (DJ Set): A real unexpectedly amazing experience for me. Came out of nowehere and ended up being my equal favourite moment of Splendour. Went in dressed like a gronk, covered in glowsticks and just completely let go and raved to the music. Had dark glasses on so could barely see anything but bright lights, could only hear the music and just danced, danced, danced and never got tired. The aftermath babbling about it with ruby and realising she'd felt a similar thing was special, too.

Hoodoo Gurus: Average. Still absorbing what happened at Hot Chip at this time and not really paying attention to the music. So meh, I dunno. 'What's My Scene' was good, though.

Bloc Party: What the weekend was all about for me, really. Had such massive expectations of them and they fulfilled everything I could've asked of them. Was with Ruby the whole time, sad that Chris couldn't be there, but it was just amazing watching, closing my eyes, singing, moshing to them. I really love them. It was like I was on such a high with it all, I didn't give a shit about how much pushing was going on, and all the shitcunts, and the heat and suffocation. None of it mattered cos I was so completely happy and content and nothing could've brought me down.

They played, if memory serves:

Song For Clay (Disappear Here)
Hunting For Witches
Waiting For The 7:18 (which I thought was their best performance)
The Prayer
Like Eating Glass
She's Hearing Voices
This Modern Love

Arctic Monkeys: A great way to end it. They were fucking marvelous as well. I don't get people who hate on their live performances cos I thought they were brilliant. Catchy, emotive, passionate, pure awesome. Played just a string of great songs. Mixed their up-tempo songs with their more mellow songs (eg. Mardy Bum) better than anyone else who played, imho. It was a pity the weekend took so much out of all of us, that we didn't get to dance around like maniacs to them as much as we probably would've. But in a way I appreciated that i got to listen to it in a different light, and really, really enjoyed it. A grade.

So yeah, was one of the best weekends of my life.

I love you guys, Chadd, Gloria, Chris and Ruby for getting to spend it with you.

Thank you so much rubes for letting us stay at your house. It was beautiful.
I loved experiencing your home town, your parents were fantastic, I couldn't find fault with anything. I really do love you very much. :eek:

Also, GeoDome or EcoDome was fucking awesome mad trippy and chilled out.
Oh and I enjoyed that Hare Krishna shit you mad me eat rubes, I'd have it again.

Only real regrets, not being able to have Chris with me for Bloc Party and not getting a Dagwood dog. :(

That shitty chicken burger I chose over it will haunt me for the rest of my days.

Now all that's left is to see The Shins, Klaxons & Hot Chip (proper style).

Peace out friends.

lol joking, QFT
Sep 3, 2003
gold coast
hot chip were shit, you didn't miss anything. also; ash are awesome and i was pretty emo i didn't see more of them.

andddd furthermore i was sitting on those benches behind the main stage when spiderbait played calypso, as much as i don't really like spiderbait, the whole effing tent of people, all the people on the benches and everyone walking past just fucking yelled the words, it was really cool actually :eek:


Not premium
Sep 12, 2004
This is my story.

My story is long and if you don't like long stories, don't read it.

My story begins on Friday night.

Me and my accomplice, who shall be known only as K, could not get to Splendour on Friday as we had a gig that night, thus we had booked a plane for 6:30am Saturday morning to get us in before 9. A bus would then pick us up from the airport and drive us directly to Splendour in the Grass, where 3 of our mates would be waiting, all of whom drove up Thursday night/Friday morning.

At about midday on Friday I had telephoned one of those three mates (all of whom were incidentally law students), and by midday on the Friday he already had a head full of acid and was utterly incomprehensible.

My accomplice (K) and I, had free drinks all night Friday, and after leaving the venue at about 2, thoroughly drunk and stoned we attempted to rob an ecstasy dealer with a can of mace that I had recently acquired. He turned out to be a fan of our band and we ended up having a pleasant conversation.

After returning to someone’s house that was close at hand and full of marijuana, my accomplice revealed to me that he had stolen a 1.25 litre bottle of Jim Beam. Thus it was only after more drinking and smoking that we finally passed out, around 4:30. We were woken at 5 by the taxi driver who knocked loudly on the door. Whilst I was ready to go in an instant, K had tremendous trouble getting out of bed and when we finally got out of the house to the cab, K realised that he had forgotten his phone. We had no key, and no one would answer the door, no matter how hard K knocked (was there even anybody else home?). In his confused and twisted state that poor fool merely stood looking at the house, then paced a little bit before finally giving up.

By this time, it was about half past 5 and the taxi metre had been running the whole time. We had to check in before 6 so we demanded that the taxi driver get us to the airport before 6 at all costs, but the swine refused to comply, instead he resigned himself to petty road rules, allowing himself to be dictated by inanimate objects, such as coloured lights and white lines.

Once at the airport we had to make another stop as my accomplice (who had now proved himself a burden and a fool) felt it necessary to empty his guts in a bin outside domestic. We arrived at 5 past 6, but the bastards would not let us forward, they insisted that the plane was boarded and our tickets forfeit. No bride would shake this stone faced dictator and we were forced to buy new tickets for a plane that left half an hour later at $250 each.

By the time we arrived in the gold coast, we soon found that we no longer had transport to splendour, and everyone we asked refused to let us join them in their cars. So we called my acid eating law student friend, and the gentlemen swiftly obliged to our request of a lift. Whilst waiting for him we sunk 5 gin and tonics each at the airport bar, our only company being the bar lady as the bar was otherwise empty. Instead of attempting communication with that daft bat we made conversation through the large open windows with passer-by’s who rarely responded with more than a worried glance and an increase in their walking pace.

It was a welcome sight when our lift pulled up and I was quick to fill my head with cocaine.

Finally arriving at our destination we swiftly got into a bag of pills before heading to the Valentinos. I am a massive fan of these boys but their set was dull and uninspired. Nick, their lead, regularly missed notes and often lagged. From there it was Muscles who was incredibly coked up and drug fucked, but still put on a great performance.

Originally I excused the Valentinos for their poor performance and put it down to the equipment and the nature of outdoor live concert. This was until I saw the Editors, who were on the same stage, and changed my life with an amazing show, simply amazing. Every note was spot on, and every lyric clear whilst still maintaining the energy and magic of a live gig. Blood, Munich and Rat Race were my highlight tracks.

Other highlights of that day were the Cat Empire who essentially threw a party rather than a show, the Kaiser Chiefs, who were charmingly charismatic, professional and fun (highlights: Everyday I Love You Less and Less, Ruby, Oh My God), and Lily Allen who we were pretty much front row for (Oh My God, Smile, Alfie). And Sarah Blasko was awesome. Like, literally awesome. I will be dreaming of her for many nights.

Night time was fucked, it was so fucking cold that when we did finally get to bed I slept in two jumpers, a scarf, my jeans and a sleeping bag. I was awoken the next morning at about 8:30 by my heroic acid head law student friend who had bought us bacon and egg sandwiches to eat outside the tent for breakfast. We were then visited by a couple on pushbikes who sold us hash cookies.

The woman warned us to only eat one, so naturally we had three each. We drove into Byron city, and I played with a kite on the beach for several hours. Once we went back to the car, I began throwing up all over the crowded main street to the disgust of the many onlookers.

Once back at the camp, I sold some acid to our neighbour who paid twice what I bought them for. I took some medication and we headed into the festival once more. There is much of this day that I do not recall, but I do remember how amazing and intense bloc party were, and was glad that I caught a few songs in the Shins set, including New Slang, and that the Arctic Monkeys were fantastic.

Some topless moron tried to fight me as we were leaving, but got scared off when I started waving the mace at his face. We then finished off what was left of the weed and coke, and I sold the rest of my acid to some poor stoned fuckwhit who didn’t realise that the next 12 hours of his life would be a hellishly torturous nightmare.

I remember at some time during the day witnessing the asylum that was the Tepee Forest, a dance stage that blasted trance all day and night long. It was basically full of truckies and old drug fucked couples, victims of the hippie generation who moved on to smack while their friends put on the business suit. Every now and then people would leave the dance floor to go into surrounding tepees, emerging glassy eyed minutes later to crawl back to that endless one bar loop. I’m still not sure whether I am disgusted by these people, or impressed that they stayed true while everyone else surrendered themselves to the monotonies of an occupation. I don’t think I’m that brave.

We went home by car, throwing fart bombs at the other campers who were packing up as we left.

We stopped at the big banana to go on the toboggan ride.
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Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village
ok ash did a long one. so i shall too. im bored.


Operator Please
Highly recommended by a mate of mine (and not ash's :eek:), was fun, gloria seemed to love them. We didn't see all of their set though and I only recognised two of their songs but they were entertaining enough. Probably wouldn't go out of my way to see them, but if I happened to I wouldn't complain.

Best performance: 'It's just a song about ping pong'



Wished I had a better spot and more elbow room but was a very fun set. I went crazy when 'ice cream' came on, I'm pretty sure I probably almost elbowed ruby in the face (sorry if i did :eek:) coz she was right behind me. Chadd seemed to be getting into it but he was just being ghey. 'Ice cream' was one of my fav moments of splendour though. Everyone got into it. Fun set.

Best performance: 'ice cream'



I had been listened to their album quite a few times at the listening station at fish records and the sound of it got me excited to see them, and I knew I'd get into them. I was very into them, Chadd and Gloria didn't seem to like it at all so left and I ended up watching them by myself. It's alot more fun to have your friends to sing-a-long/dance with though but none of us really knew their stuff anyway. They were really, really good. As Ashton said the frontman is perfectly suited to them, they work very well together from my perspective. 'Munich' was brilliant, awesome song, everyone download it.

best performance: 'munich'



Fuck yeah, abo 4 lyfe. Me, Chadd, Gloria and Ashton came across a coroboree (aboriginal tribal dance, performed by real life aboriginals) and I got into it, dancing and filming and shit to it. Fuck yeah, the coroboree they performed was called 'emu' it went along the lines of:

na na na na nanana na na na eulogy (repeat 10 times and stop dancing like emus)

I regret not going up to learn it but probably would have taken up precious time which you don't have much of at splendour.

best performance: 'emu'


The Beautiful Girls

Never really got into their stuff, but my sister likes them and I've heard good things, also they have been compared to Jack Johnson many times, who I love. Me and Ash watched from the back of the tent, heard about 2 songs but just weren't captivating enough to want to stay. So left. So my score is biased and probably unreliable.

best performance: n/a. don't know the names of their songs.


The Panics

The day before we left I downloaded two of their songs and chucked them on the ipod, listened on the train up and was really caught by their song 'like an unwelcome guest' the vibe is just so mellow and the frontmans voice is soothing. So dragged Ash along to see them, good decision. Ash enjoyed it and so did I. Will definently check out more of their stuff. As performers they didn't do much for me because they just stood their a sang. I guess I can't really expect much in that sense though because of the style of music. Chilled, mid-tempo.

best performance: n/a didn't perform the songs i knew and i didnt know the names of the songs they did.


Howling Bells

Ashton left for this, I wanted him to stay but Gloria was there anyway. My friend tom (green) always recommended this band and I'm very glad I decided to listen to him. The frontwoman for this band is sexy as fuck. All throughout the set everyone around me just kept commenting on how 'sexual' she is. I only knew one of their songs which is their most known 'low happening' and I was just hanging out for that really but the other songs impressed me too. She bought out the frontman of the Editors and they did a cover of 'where the wild roses grow' by nick cave and kylie minogue, wish ruby was there for that. Was a perfect cover thoguh. Gloria left before the end of the set, she shouldn't have because 'low happening' was amazing live. Was so good, love that song so much.

best performance: 'low happening' tied with 'where the wild roses grow'


Sneaky Sound System

Only caught a bit of their set, like 'U.F.O' and 'I Love It,' Gloria saw their whole set though. I was right up back by myself which is shit during a 'dancy' type act. Sounded just like the CD was playing though so what I heard didn't impress me. Again, score is unreliable.

best performance: 'U.F.O'



Saw with Ruby, Ash and Chadd. Didn't expect much but I do love the songs of theirs that I know. Was a brilliant set, they are great performers and everyone got into it. Even Chadd seemed to like them.

best performance: 'hard act to follow'


Kaiser Chiefs

Was one of the main acts I came up to see. Only really just got into their music a few days before splendour but was looking forward to hearing many of the songs. Was like one big sing-a-long the whole crowd was into it. Especially this fucking shit asian guy next to me who kept swaying back and forth and bumping into me. And this other guy next to me who killed my vibe coz he was like 'I can tell you are going to get into it and your tall so could you mind just calming down a bit so i don't get hit in the head.' However, fucking loved the set. Loved every bit of it. They did all the songs I hoped they would do and flawlessly.

Best performance: 'I predict a riot'



I was put into a less than great mood for some reason. I walked off by myself and kept coming and going in between the back of supertop and food stands. I heard a few songs but i'm so, so glad I heard them do 'love your way' because I'm in love with that song, probably the only song of theirs that i really really like though. 'Already gone' was pretty good too as it reminds me of my sister :eek: as she loves powderfinger. Didn't hear many good things about their entire set though but from the little that i heard, it wasn't too bad.

best performance: 'love your way'

5/10 (2 points just for 'love your way')

I caught a bit of Lilly Allen doing 'smile' and some other song, didn't sound too good as just sounded like she does on the CD.

Captian Kain @ tipi forest

Was fun but I was in a bad mood, felt a bit excluded :( but i don't blame them, they were wasted, I wasn't, drinking stands all shut down at that time dammit!. So I went off and danced by myself, was quite fun. Some old guy tried to pick me up though, that wasn't fun, yes a GUY. He asked me what I did etc and im like 'syd uni' and he's like 'oh hehe ur a catch arent ya' im like 'wtf ahhhh' then he kept trying to rub up against me and I ran away somewhere else. 2 Many guyz.


ill do sunday in the next post.
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Not premium
Sep 12, 2004
I'm so sad that I missed you guyz :( :( :(

My phone died so i didn't get your messages till like, yesterday.

We went to so many of the same bands too.


Twisted firestarter
Jun 26, 2005
Sydney University Village


Caught a bit of their set, no idea who these guys are. They were entertaining enough, even if the songs sounded sub-par

best performance: n/a



Awesome, just awesome. Saw with Gloria and Chadd. Great set. 'play a part' and 'the spaces between' were flawless and amazing. I will definently be buying their album and looking forward to seeing them live again, tomorrow, at snowball, which everyone should come too.

best performance: the spaces between



Didn't get into them, wasn't in the best of moods whilst watching them. One of their songs went off though, everyone seemed to get into them.

best perf: n/a



Was PACKED. they had to stop letting people into the tent. Bit of difficulties with the sound I think so he took awhile to start. But when he did it was beautiful. Tranquil. The music was so captivating and soothing, I didn't want him to stop playing 'hearts a mess' I will definently be buying more of his stuff. Saw with ash, chadd and lori. Was fun before hand starting numerous one-after-the-other slow claps and being idiots. Everyone singing along to hearts a mess added so much to the vibe.

pest performance: hearts a mess



caught a bit of them. Wasn't really interested as only know a few of their songs. Funniest part was the frontman was like 'I love you all you are all amazing' and some guy next to us screamed out 'YEAH FUCK YOU' :confused:

best perf: n/a, didn't really listen


Hot Chip DJ Set

My experience of it was much like my experience of the tipi forest. Was looking crazy dancing by myself for the most part. But was decked out with glow sticks and had fun. some guy tried to talk to me whilst i was dancing, selling me some boosted jacket or something and he was like 'ok if u dont wanna talk to me thats fine just be honest' and i was like 'i can barely hear you and im dancing dude go away.' Everyone raved for the full 45 mins so was fun. Reminded me of we love sounds, though we love sounds was better :eek:

best part: when they played 'over and over' remix


The Hoodoo Gurus:

Meh, wasn't into them at all, although 'what's my scene' was decent. It was more of a 'have to see them to get a good spot for bloc party' What a regret that was, I should have just stayed with Lori and saw cut copy instead.

best perf: whats my scene


Bloc Party:

Ok, so here's the thing. I used my awesome ninja skills to deviate from ashton and ruby and manage to get to 2nd row from the front, almost dead centre. I had a fucking AWESOME spot. However, it was perhaps the worst possible concert environment I have ever experienced. Everyone around me was just so fucking selfish and inconsiderate, I saw people fall over and almost get trampled, I helped one guy up and he just got up and pushed some more people. I've been in mosh pits before (don't be like 'but thats what a concert is etc) but this was out of fucking control. I snapped when I heard some fucking greenwood-esque asshole and his girlfriend, he was like to her 'we gotta push through all these cunts ok we have to get to the front, just smack everyone' and he was laughing about it too. I laughed when his girlfriend fell over though. She got back up, what a shame. I literally fell off my feet at one point but didnt actually fall down as everyone was just piled on top of one another.

I decided, and MANY other people decided too, to get out and that we would rather be up the back of the tent where there was room to dance. It was so fucking difficult getting out of there and to the back. Took such a long time, I made lolfriends with some big guy who was trying to get out too so i just stayed behind him while he cleared the way, and I basically missed bloc partys performance of 'dissapear here' because my back was too the stage. At least I got to hear it, sounded perfect.

fuck even Kele Okereke expressed his concern about what was happening down the front of the stage. Someone next to commented 'this is like a fucking zoo, i love bloc party, but im leaving'

Got up back, behind the tent covering so couldn't even hear the stage, I decided it was the best I was going to get without being absolutely fucking frustrated by how fucking shit people are.

I was in a very bad mood but I did enjoy hearing what I came up to hear even though I really wished I was with ash and seeing bloc party with him was one of the main things I wanted out of the weekend.

Waiting for the 7 18, banquet, helicopter, uniform, shes hearing voices, this modern love, the prayer all fucking great performances, at least they sounded great.

Really regretted alot during that set though, I was ready to just give up and leave, but then they did 'like eating glass' which is what i wanted to hear i spent most of it with my eyes closed coz im a lolfaghippie, feeling the music and shitlol.

was put into a really bad mood.

best performance: like eating glass, banquet, helicopter

8/10 (better experience would have warranted a 10 though, they really did sound amazing live, like absolutely fucking amazing)

Arctic Monkeys

Met back up with ash and ruby for this but then ended up by myself again throughout the set coz i prefer elbow room as i really got into most of their set.
They played every song I wanted to hear, They put me back into a really good mood. I loved it, my love for bloc party aside this was my favourite set.

everyone really got into all of it too. Some crazy cunt climbed a pole and was on the top of the tent.

fake tales of sanfransisco, brainstorm, teddy picker, mardy bum, dancing shoes, old yellow bricks, d is for dangerous, balaclava, flourescent adolescent, i bet you look good on the dancefloor...all perfect.

best performance: very, very hard to choose. Probably between 'fake tales of sanfransisco' 'brainstorm' and 'i bet you look good on the dancefloor' for me,


Was an overall enjoyable weekend.

I love everyone I went up with, Loved ruby's house and parents. Thankyou so much all of you <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 many lulz were had.


Not being with ash more, especially during bloc partys set/ missing most of bloc partys set.
Being by myself for most of it (main reason for going up was being with my mates)
not buying more stuff :eek:
not seeing cut copy instead of hoodoo gurus.

there just wasn't enough time to do more things, like go to that slender bar where the bandits DJs kept playing all the songs i loved. The food stands were so good too.

I saw one fight, was funny. was full on too. I met some dude from greystanes high too :eek: though he graduated in like the 90's. I met katietheskatie, was good seeing her again :eek:. Was good seeing jezzmo <3<3<3<3 cut i didn't get to see raph though :(. or anna (helmut on bos)

overall rating: 8/10. Very memorable but did have its voids for me.

top moments:

1. arctic monkeys - i bet you look good on the dancefloor/brainstorm
2. bloc party - like eating glass
3. bloc party - banquet
4. kaiser cheifs - i predict a riot
5. gotye - hearts a mess - his whole set actually
6. coroboree
7. muscles - ice cream
8. the food
9. decking myself out in glow sticks and going to hot chip dj set
10. expatriate/editors.
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Jan 29, 2005
ElGronko said:
This is my story.

My story is long and if you don't like long stories, don't read it.

My story begins on Friday night.

Me and my accomplice, who shall be known only as K, could not get to Splendour on Friday as we had a gig that night, thus we had booked a plane for 6:30am Saturday morning to get us in before 9. A bus would then pick us up from the airport and drive us directly to Splendour in the Grass, where 3 of our mates would be waiting, all of whom drove up Thursday night/Friday morning.

At about midday on Friday I had telephoned one of those three mates (all of whom were incidentally law students), and by midday on the Friday he already had a head full of acid and was utterly incomprehensible.

My accomplice (K) and I, had free drinks all night Friday, and after leaving the venue at about 2, thoroughly drunk and stoned we attempted to rob an ecstasy dealer with a can of mace that I had recently acquired. He turned out to be a fan of our band and we ended up having a pleasant conversation.

After returning to someone’s house that was close at hand and full of marijuana, my accomplice revealed to me that he had stolen a 1.25 litre bottle of Jim Beam. Thus it was only after more drinking and smoking that we finally passed out, around 4:30. We were woken at 5 by the taxi driver who knocked loudly on the door. Whilst I was ready to go in an instant, K had tremendous trouble getting out of bed and when we finally got out of the house to the cab, K realised that he had forgotten his phone. We had no key, and no one would answer the door, no matter how hard K knocked (was there even anybody else home?). In his confused and twisted state that poor fool merely stood looking at the house, then paced a little bit before finally giving up.

By this time, it was about half past 5 and the taxi metre had been running the whole time. We had to check in before 6 so we demanded that the taxi driver get us to the airport before 6 at all costs, but the swine refused to comply, instead he resigned himself to petty road rules, allowing himself to be dictated by inanimate objects, such as coloured lights and white lines.

Once at the airport we had to make another stop as my accomplice (who had now proved himself a burden and a fool) felt it necessary to empty his guts in a bin outside domestic. We arrived at 5 past 6, but the bastards would not let us forward, they insisted that the plane was boarded and our tickets forfeit. No bride would shake this stone faced dictator and we were forced to buy new tickets for a plane that left half an hour later at $250 each.

By the time we arrived in the gold coast, we soon found that we no longer had transport to splendour, and everyone we asked refused to let us join them in their cars. So we called my acid eating law student friend, and the gentlemen swiftly obliged to our request of a lift. Whilst waiting for him we sunk 5 gin and tonics each at the airport bar, our only company being the bar lady as the bar was otherwise empty. Instead of attempting communication with that daft bat we made conversation through the large open windows with passer-by’s who rarely responded with more than a worried glance and an increase in their walking pace.

It was a welcome sight when our lift pulled up and I was quick to fill my head with cocaine.

Finally arriving at our destination we swiftly got into a bag of pills before heading to the Valentinos. I am a massive fan of these boys but their set was dull and uninspired. Nick, their lead, regularly missed notes and often lagged. From there it was Muscles who was incredibly coked up and drug fucked, but still put on a great performance.

Originally I excused the Valentinos for their poor performance and put it down to the equipment and the nature of outdoor live concert. This was until I saw the Editors, who were on the same stage, and changed my life with an amazing show, simply amazing. Every note was spot on, and every lyric clear whilst still maintaining the energy and magic of a live gig. Blood, Munich and Rat Race were my highlight tracks.

Other highlights of that day were the Cat Empire who essentially threw a party rather than a show, the Kaiser Chiefs, who were charmingly charismatic, professional and fun (highlights: Everyday I Love You Less and Less, Ruby, Oh My God), and Lily Allen who we were pretty much front row for (Oh My God, Smile, Alfie). And Sarah Blasko was awesome. Like, literally awesome. I will be dreaming of her for many nights.

Night time was fucked, it was so fucking cold that when we did finally get to bed I slept in two jumpers, a scarf, my jeans and a sleeping bag. I was awoken the next morning at about 8:30 by my heroic acid head law student friend who had bought us bacon and egg sandwiches to eat outside the tent for breakfast. We were then visited by a couple on pushbikes who sold us hash cookies.

The woman warned us to only eat one, so naturally we had three each. We drove into Byron city, and I played with a kite on the beach for several hours. Once we went back to the car, I began throwing up all over the crowded main street to the disgust of the many onlookers.

Once back at the camp, I sold some acid to our neighbour who paid twice what I bought them for. I took some medication and we headed into the festival once more. There is much of this day that I do not recall, but I do remember how amazing and intense bloc party were, and was glad that I caught a few songs in the Shins set, including New Slang, and that the Arctic Monkeys were fantastic.

Some topless moron tried to fight me as we were leaving, but got scared off when I started waving the mace at his face. We then finished off what was left of the weed and coke, and I sold the rest of my acid to some poor stoned fuckwhit who didn’t realise that the next 12 hours of his life would be a hellishly torturous nightmare.

I remember at some time during the day witnessing the asylum that was the Tepee Forest, a dance stage that blasted trance all day and night long. It was basically full of truckies and old drug fucked couples, victims of the hippie generation who moved on to smack while their friends put on the business suit. Every now and then people would leave the dance floor to go into surrounding tepees, emerging glassy eyed minutes later to crawl back to that endless one bar loop. I’m still not sure whether I am disgusted by these people, or impressed that they stayed true while everyone else surrendered themselves to the monotonies of an occupation. I don’t think I’m that brave.

We went home by car, throwing fart bombs at the other campers who were packing up as we left.

We stopped at the big banana to go on the toboggan ride.
hahahaha. epic


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
I had fun, you guys are awesome etc. Love you ash, ruby, chris, lori ^____^ I have a serious infection and shit, so that probably explains why I went into some sort of crazy argumentitive over really odd bullshit mode on the train last night (or im just shit). I'll probably make a longer post later when I'm not all high on aids and medication.

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