First Blizzard butchers a totally balanced and great game by adding +9000 new abilities and new units, now they expect you to buy exansions for an expansion of an expansion?
What are they going to do next, cut SC and SCBW bnet servers with the release of SC2?
First Blizzard butchers a totally balanced and great game by adding +9000 new abilities and new units, now they expect you to buy exansions for an expansion of an expansion?
What are they going to do next, cut SC and SCBW bnet servers with the release of SC2?
hint: don't comment on balance issues when
a) you've never played it
b) you have no idea about the balance considerations involved in designing the new units / abilities
c) there are usually balance issues in any game upon first release, and blizzard can be relied upon to fix these issues in successive patches