Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)
PHIL 2600 20th Century Philosophy
Ease: 7/10
1 essay, on Ayer's book Language, Truth and Logic. Great book, sadly also, very wrong, which is even more fun. No research, just re-explain Ayer's ideas. (EDIT: It's a *small* book, and it's very clearly written, stay calm

Exam, write 3 40min essays. All 10 possible questions are given in the last lecture and explained in detail.
Readings, sometimes difficult, sometimes not. Usually entertaining. You can get away with not doing them, because the lectures are so good.
Pretty solid course, some tough concepts, but explained clearly in lectures.
Lecturer: 10/10
McDermott is pretty awesome, he totally knows what he's talking about! His lecture notes AND audio recordings are all put up on WebCT pronto. He explains things clearly and is entertaining as well, although can be a bit intimidating in tutes, because he knows everything. (I'm serious)
Interest: 9/10
History of rise & fall of empiricism / analytic philosophy. Very interesting, some fun concepts. The logical positivists (1st half of course) are pretty hilarious. Middle stuff is a bit tricky before finishing with resurgence of metaphysics, fun stuff. Covers important ground.
Overall: 9/10
Really liked this course, some work involved though (oh noes! =P)
PHIL 2606 Knowledge, Reason and Action
Forget reason and action, this is all about knowledge.
Ease: 7/10
7x 500-word exercises, 1x 1000-word essay, all handed in end of Stuvac. Exercises look easy to start with (but aren't) and definitely don't look easy at the end (they still aren't). Generally based on 1 reading each, which allows you to really 'get' the material. 500 is nicely bite-sized and 1000 is pretty manageable.
Lecturer: 7/10
Wylie's lecture notes are so good, you don't need to go to the lectures, just print them off. They're fantastic, very clear. He expects YOU to write in the same way. Sadly his lectures are not fantastic, he's just reading out his lecture notes. Oh well, can't have everything. Lots of free-for-all discussion though, pretty good. Tutes are a bit annoying, if you find arguments annoying, but then why are you doing philosophy.
Interest: 7/10
Some of it seems a bit hair-splitting, but hey, the cases and countercases are always at least mildly interesting. Useful intellectual exercise.
Overall: 7/10
Pretty good, reccommend if you want a lighter courseload during semester. Clear explanation of concepts, learned a lot.