Subject Reviews (with PDF compilation) (5 Viewers)


Jun 15, 2008
Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)

***PHIL 2610 Exploring Nonclassical Logic (Smith)
Ease: 3/10. MUCH more difficult than Introductory Logic. No friendly weekly exercises. Assessments seemed pretty indifferent - 2x 50% assignments, no feedback, just raw marks. No scope for improvement either - each assignment tested a separate half of the course.

Lecturer: 9/10. Beautiful clear explanations, encouraged questions, wrote everything up on the whiteboard at the PERFECT speed (a rare talent!), put up WebCT handouts as well. The negatives: Cancelled the weekly tutorial in favour of making it a 3-hour lecture, so it's harder to ask for help if you're struggling. Also, did I mention the 3 hour lecture.

Interest: 5/10.
Overall: I dunno. Obviously a great course, but in hindsight, not the one for me.

***HPSC 3022 Science & Society (Pols)
Ease: 9/10. The 3 essays were only tangentially related to the lectures, but hey, no exams and lots of scope for creativity, it's all pretty good.
Lecturer: 9/10. Occasionally wandered off topic.
Interest: 9/10. Great stuff. Always entertaining. (You do NOT need the textbook, although you will definitely need the course reader for your essays.)
Overall: 9/10. Very enjoyable.

***HPSC 2100 The Birth of Modern Science (Gal)
Ease: 9/10. Assessment structure very complicated, but all OK, plus no final exam. Essays were based on primary sources and absolutely fascinating, plus no research required. Lectures absolutely fascinating also. The 4x quick multiple choice exams were diabolically difficult, but kinda fun as well - you didn't need to study too hard, just to think on your feet on the day.

Lecturer: 10/10 for the lecture content. 5/10 for repeatedly yelling at us and telling us we were the worst class he'd ever had, and then wondering why we stopped going to his lectures.
Interest: 9/10. Struggled a bit when it started dealing with the Laws of Motion - physics is not my thing.
Overall: 9/10. Very glad I took this subject, despite the lecturer badly needing a holiday.

***PHIL 2645 Philosophy of Law (Reid)
Ease: 7/10. 50% essay was pretty tough - present arguments relating to a Real Academic Article (choice out of 4). Positives: No research required. Negatives: Tricky, required a lot of analysis. 50% exam was fine, they gave us loads of hints about the questions.

Lecturer: 9/10. V enthusiastic, encouraged class discussion, but sometimes talked too fast and didn't record audio on WebCT.
Interest: 7/10. A lot of it was prettty abstract, I wouldn't say 'boring' but it was a bit tough to get through.
Overall: 8/10. I learned a LOT. I guess that's a good thing :p


Premium Member
Jan 23, 2009
Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)

hmm anyone have the pdf?


Sep 5, 2010
Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)

this thread is really helpful and useful, but the link in the first post is dead. Can someone remedy this or has the thread-starter long-since graduated university and abandoned this site?


Nov 4, 2009
your moms ass
Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)

AFNR1001 -
Ease: 9/10
if you failed this unit you are really dumb
Lecturer: 4/10

Interest: 6/10
its all about dairy farm

Overall: 7/10

Ease: 7/10

Interest: 5/10

overall: 6/10

Ease: 8/10

Interest: 7/10

Overall: 8/10

Ease: 6/10
this wasnt easy for me
Interest: 5/10

Overall: 5/10

Ease: 5/10
harder than chem1a
Interest: 4/10

Overall: 1/10

Ease: 7/10

Interest: 2/10

Overall: 4/10

Ease: 7/10

Interest: 5/10

Overall: 6/10


Ease: 5/10
exam was easy but you need to catch 50 different insects<- this was mad
Interest: 7/10

Overall 6/10

Ease: 7/10

Interset: 1/10

Overall: 2/10


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
Re: Subject Reviews (PDF updated 17/01/09)

this thread is really helpful and useful, but the link in the first post is dead. Can someone remedy this or has the thread-starter long-since graduated university and abandoned this site?
I created the pdf. Still here.

I've fixed up the first post. You can access it here: Subject Reviews.pdf

I'll update it soon.


USYD 2011 :D
Dec 18, 2008
Intermediate Microeconomics ECOS2001:

Ease: 9/10
Content wasn't too difficult too grasp at all. I found that for me, one read through the relevant chapter and I could understand the key concepts well. Then it's just a matter of rote learning.

Lecturer: 8/10
He was nice, easygoing and easy to understand. He posted all the lectures on Lectopia as well! (This was a big plus, I struggled to be at uni before 12).

Interest: 7/10
I only really liked the elegance of most of the theory. A lot of it is a rehash of ECON1001 but it breaks a lot of it down and goes into far more depth which I found really interesting.

Overall: 9/10
I enjoyed this course quite a bit. I think it may have turned me from a macro-geek into a micro-geek.


Mar 17, 2008
Understanding Business: BUSS1001

Ease: 6/10
This unit is an extension of HSC business studies. While the content is easy, getting a good mark is hard (and might depend on how lenient your tutor is).

Lecturer: 2/10

Interest: 1/10
It's basically a subject that teaches you to reference and apply critical analysis.

Overall: 2/10

Foundations of Business Law: CLAW1001

Ease: 8/10
Summarise the principles and authorities and bring them into the exams and you'll be sweet.

Lecturer: 9/10
Juice made the content pretty interesting. He seemed pretty enthusiastic about the material so that was a plus.

Interest: 6/10
I studied this unit because it's a CA/CPA requirement. Learning about contract law is pretty fun but my passion lies in accounting <3

Overall: 8/10
Easy subject. Recommended.

Accounting, Business and Society: BUSS1030

Ease: 4-6/10
Over half of the cohort failed the midsem, easily. The final exam was much easier than the midsem though.
There are weekly online 'myaccountinglab' homework questions that form part of your grade. Make friends in 1030 and try to help each other out for maximum marks ;)

Lecturers: 4/10

Interest: 10/10
Useful and applicable to real life. You'll benefit more if you're actively learning and questioning the material.

Overall: 6/10
I like accounting but this unit was too theoretical (exam-wise) for my taste. I also didn't like how they used IAN as a consequential class tutorial example. I would've preferred if they just made up unrelated tutorial questions.

Economics for Business Decision Making: BUSS1040

Ease: 6/10
I found this subject a bit difficult.. I never studied eco in the HSC, however I managed to get a CR by cramming the lecture slides (didn't bother with the lecture recordings.. too high of an opportunity cost). I never did the readings after the midsem and only studied crappy general maths in the HSC. If you can draw graphs and differentiate (first principles), you'll be ok. Thank God I did the 2u maths bridging course. P.S. like accounting, make many friends in economics as well. ;)

Lecturers: 8/10
Pablo was pretty good - he has a bit of an accent but still a very good lecturer. I preferred his lecturing style compared to Andrew's, although they're both good lecturers.

Interest: 8/10
There are many practical applications for intro microeconomics- esp. opportunity costs, sunk costs and the prisoners' dilemma.

Overall: 8/10
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Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
CHEM1901 - Chemistry 1A (Advanced)

Ease - 3/10
This subject is not easy.
Well, it's is easy to get 100% in the laboratory side and 100% in the quizzes, the final exam will make your life difficult. Even if you work consistently throughout the course, the final exam is incredibly difficult and extrapolates a lot of knowledge away from what was taught. I suggest practicing the papers throughout the semester and then you should be fine.

Lecturers - 6/10

Chris Ling - 4/10
We had Chris for the first half of semester and he was okay, BUT when the equations and worked examples came up he would skip a lot of that stuff and say "That's pretty simple" when it clearly wasn't, and you would have to be dedicated enough to go over it at home to actually understand it.

Tim Schmidt - 8/10
Very good.
Explained things well, kept interest, was funny and quirky.

Interest - 5/10
I LOVED HSC Chem and was really interested in it, but this unit is sooo boring at times it's just horrible, but at other times it is quite interesting.

Overall - 4/10
Don't do this unless you're doing advanced science and want to major in chemistry or something that has a distinction/credit in this as a prerequisite.
Or unless you're a Chemistry genius (94+ in HSC Chem and naturally good at Maths or Physics too).


New Member
Jul 5, 2012
HSTY2692 - International and Diplomatic History

Ease - 8/10

The subject was not very hard, just two essays, one which is 700 words and the other was 2300. There is also an exam, part one is just on content which is just one line responses, the second section is a document response where you just regurgitate what you said in your 700 word essay. The final section is an essay response where you just talk about a historian/historical methodology you have studied.

Lecturer - 7.5/10 (Glenda Slugga)

It is very hard to fault Glenda's oratory skills as a lecturer, she has a really bubbly personality and at the start of the semester she seemed to get everyone excited to learn history. However everything kinda collapsed from there. Her organisation was pretty awful and the lectures were just very unorganised. We seemed to cover the same topic for 3 weeks in a row and spent only one lecture on the Cold War, which anybody would think is a significant period of diplomacy.

Interest - 5.5/10

I have been interested in history since primary school so just doing a history unit was fun. If you don't have that natural historical inquisitiveness however you will be disappointed. Reiterating what I said above, there was very little meat on the content bones (using a tired cliche.) There would be a couple of dates thrown out, and an almost repetitive use of race as a construct. There was clearly some intellectual bias there, which I suppose is unavoidable in broad subjects like these but it would have been nice if we actually approached how diplomacy was done, and how it changed in a historical context (which should have been half the course.)

Also be prepared for crappy readings. Nobody did them and there was a clear reason for that. They were long, unhelpful and you could get most of the content in the first page of the readings. I spent most of the time rambling off the top of my head and that seemed to serve me well. There were some people who did them but you could see in their eyes that they were tortured by the experience. The tutor was nice but she seemed unable to steer the conversation. In the first half of the semester she was just getting into it, but in the second half she became much better.

Overall - 6.5/10

This unit unfortunately made me rethink doing history honours, which is not just a fault of the course but also my changing interests. If you are interested in race relations in an international context, the development of international law with a tiny bit of diplomacy thrown in you are perfect for this course.


Apr 13, 2011
Uni Grad
PSYC1001 - Psychology 1001

Ease: 5/10
A broad sweep over almost all of the aspects of Psychology. But don't be fooled by the word broad, there is a heck of a lot to learn. You are given well over a month to do your 1000 essay, but you need to learn all about APA style and presenting an argument. If you purchase the recommended book and absorb it you will have no problems. As for the exam, 100 multiple choice questions is definitely not easy, especially since they are designed by Psychologists who take delight in tricking you.

Lecturer: 9/10
7 Lecturers in total, one for each field in Psych. The standouts are easily Dr. Caleb Owens, who is funny and interesting while lecturing about the worst part of Psychology: Statistics. And of course, Dr. Lisa Zadro!!! Trust me, she will make studying Psychology worth it. The other lecturers are great, although one did put me to sleep, but I will leave that snooze-fest as a surprise.

Interest: 9/10
My favorite subject. From an Arts perspective, it was a little bit difficult to adjust to the level of Science involved. But once you are brought into the Psych world, with the help of lecturers like Lisa Zadro, it is interesting and thoroughly enjoyable.

Overall: 9/10
Highly recommended and rewarding. But do your readings!!

ENGL1009 - English - Reading English Texts

Ease: 7/10
Two essays with a number of options to write on, both of which you are given ample time for; but should you need it, requesting a general extension with the simple words "I need more time" will give you an extra week with no penalties. The final exam is a mix of ease and terror. Pay attention weeks 9-12, because the essays you need to write in the final exam will be on any one of those poems/prose.

Lecturer: 8/10
Dr Bruce Gardiner is of particular note, as his lectures are a stream of consciousness that is thrown at you, filled with the most incredible knowledge... just try and keep up with him. Huw Griffiths and Lawrence Warner are also great. A nice wide variety of lecturers, ranging from interesting and insightful, to fall asleep, mind-numbing boredom. The latter was rare though.

Interest: 8/10
Simply a great course, filled with some amazing literature.

Overall: 8/10
Highly recommended and a great introduction to the world of English Lit.


New Member
Jul 13, 2012
Embryology BIOS2115

Ease: 7/10

The content was really difficult in most topics. Towards the end with fetal surgery/artificial reproductive technologies/teratology it got easier to understand but the initial 'the X derives from the Y' stuff is pretty dry and so difficult to remember. But in saying that, the assessments are broken up into midsem (25%), project (35%), online quizzes x 3 (15%) and final (25%). The project is a lot of work but it's easy to get into the D-HD range because you are given a detailed marking criteria. The online quizzes can be attempted as many times as you like so that's an easy 15%. The midsemester was the hardest assessment as it tested the really dry stuff, I think the class average was around 60%. The final exam only tests content from the midsem onwards (and the content covered then is much easier). My advice for succeeding at this unit: do the quizzes and get 100%. Follow the marking criteria as you do the project. DO THE PRACTICE EXAMS. They were virtually identical to the actual ones.

Lecturer: 5/10

The majority of the content is delivered via video lectures which are given out at the beginning of semester on a CD. These are pretty boring, literally just a lady reading out notes. There is the odd 'tutorial' in which the unit coordinator gives a face to face lecture. She was excellent and made content really easy to understand. It's virtually a distance subject as tutorials are not compulsory, so that's a plus.

Interest: 7/10

I found it interesting. I enjoyed the content (some of it was dry, but at the end of most topics abnormal development was explored and I found that very interesting).

Overall: 7/10

You do need to be prepared to set aside 1-2 hours/week to watch the online lectures and write notes. If you don't, you'll fall behind. I liked it and thought it was relatively easy to achieve a high mark if you put in a reasonable amount of effort.

Body Systems: Structure and Function BIOS1170

Ease: 7/10

Pretty much an expansion on HSC biology. Covers respiratory, renal and cardiovascular systems and some stuff on fluids and gases as well. Most of the content was easy to comprehend if you have an interest in how the body works. I found it easy because I really enjoyed the content. However, the exams are pretty challenging (not the type of exam you can just wing it).

Lecturer: 7/10

Multiple lecturers. None of them were stand out fantastic or stand out horrific. Peter Knight was my favourite.

Interest: 9/10

I really enjoyed it. If you like the human body and how it functions, you probably will too.

Overall: 8/10

You do need to progressively study for this unit as there is quite a lot of content and it can get overwhelming. But overall it is interesting.

Alcohol & Drug Misuse Rehabilitation REHB3064

Ease: 8/10

Really easy content. 50% online quiz, 50% essay. The online quiz was difficult because it tested stuff that was not in our notes and couldn't be googled. I thought the test was pretty dumb as the questions were poorly written and a couple of questions had two completely equally correct answers with only the option to select one. I brought this up with the lecturer but he said he wouldn't give me the questions again so I could point out the faults because he uses the same test every year. The essay, on the other hand, was really easy. You can make up your own question or choose from a long list. I literally wrote mine 4 hours before it was due and got a D for it. Not very much critical thinking involved, more a compilation of information about a topic.

Lecturer: 4/10

Notes were given in the form of a word or powerpoint document once a week. Sometimes he'd decide to post a recording in which you could not hear/understand him. Content was all over the place. He wasn't very helpful when I tried to discuss questions in the midsemester which was frustrating.

Interest: 5/10

I wasn't interested in this unit, however I never was just picked it because it was online. Content was boring.

Overall: 7/10

Easy unit with minimal effort. I probably did a total of 7-8hrs work for this unit the entire semester. It's a great way to bring up your GPA.


Jun 3, 2012
kill yourself
MATH1901 - Differential Calculus (Advanced)

Ease - 6/10
This is the easier of the two Maths units in semester one and isn't that difficult as long as you consistently practice and you make sure you understand the content.

Lecturers - 1/10

Chris Cosgrove - 1/10 (because I can't give 0)
The lectures were terrible. 8am. Ugh
And the lecturer was bad at explaining things, the lectures just turned into "copy what he's writing."
They were kind of pointless.

Interest - 6/10
I'm not a very Maths-y person but I found the course slightly interesting.
But, being the easier of the two Maths units it is also the less-interesting which made it boring in comparison.

Overall - 4/10
If the lecturer wasn't bad I would give it 6/10 or higher.

MATH1902 - Linear Algebra (Advanced)

Ease - 4/10
This is the more difficult of the two first semester of first year Maths courses.
It is very different from the stuff we learn in highschool Maths and you're required to think a bit differently, but it is interesting which helps you want to put in the time and effort to do well.

Lecturers - 9.5/10

David Easdown - 9.5/10 (because I can't give 10)
He is the best lecturer I had in first semester and probably the best I will ever have.
He was very good at explaining things and seemed very approachable and stuff too.

Interest - 7/10
It's a fairly interesting unit since its so different and new and stuff.

Overall - 7/10
I'd probably give it a ranking of 5 or less if it wasn't for Easdown.
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Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad

Ease - 6/10
For anyone that got a 90+ ATAR and a C+ average in semester one you'll find this subject easy and will at least get a C+ mark. (also, if you're good at Maths)

Lecturers - 3/10

Marjorie Valix - 5/10
She's not a great lecturer but she is good with the concepts and she will see you afterwards and speak and go through the work with you if you ask.

Vincent Gomes - 1/10
I don't like him.
He can't explain things.
He's mean.
He's generally just not great.
I know other people that like him but I don't.
You might like him but I just think he's a bit of a meany and sometimes he just has absolutely no idea what he is doing.

Interest - 1/10
A few things might seem interesting for five minutes, but after that it's like no.

Overall - 3.5/10
It's pretty bad.
The only reason it isn't 2/10 or lower is because it's pretty easy.
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Mar 17, 2008
BUSS1002 - Business Environment
Ease - 4/10 (content is easy but there's too many fucking assignments)
Lecturer - ?/10 (waste of time, didn't attend)
Interest – 3/10
Overall - 3/10 (I'm not sure why they treated BUSS1001 and 1002 as separate units. They could have EASILY been structured into one single unit.)

ACCT1006 – Accounting and Financial Management
Ease – 8/10 (it would’ve been a 9 without the practice set; easier than BUSS1030)
Lecturer – 8/10 (better lecturers than BUSS1030.)
Interest - 7/10
Overall - 8/10

BUSS1020 - QBA
Ease – 8/10 (this unit's structured so that you can't possibly fail unless you don’t study. I didn’t study 2U maths and found this subject easily manageable)
Lecturer – 9/10 (initially had Danny, he was pretty good but I ended up watching the recordings on Blackboard. Archie is a champ at explaining concepts, very well versed in statistics. stopped attending tutes after week 3 because the tutor went through the material too fast)
Interest – 6/10
Overall – 8/10

INFS1000 – Digital Business Innovation
Ease – 6-9/10 (in terms of group work, things can get frustrating if you have a bunch of freeloaders. the content itself is relatively straightforward. I did minimal study for this unit and I’m expecting a high D or possibly HD)
Lecturer – 0/10 (this guy intentonally talked extremely slowly to delay the lecture and literally read the lecture slides verbatim. total waste of time. not gonna name names but if you get a lecturer that does this, swap immediately. lectures are compulsory in order to receive marks. tutes were fairly useless. I stopped attending after week 4-5.)
Interest – 2/10 (although this subject is piss easy, it’s also mind numbingly boring. I learnt nothing new from this unit except learn how to draw ERDs and business process modelling)
Overall – 6/10 (averaged it - 9 because it’s a WAM booster, 3 because it’s utterly useless. although it's useless, it's probably less useless than marketing or management.)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2009
With the release of HSC 2012 scores and ATARs to be released soon allow me to congratulate those with the marks needed to gain admission to their desired course here at USyd. Hopefully you will take your university studies seriously as you did with HSC. USyd is a huge so ask around about the unit of studies and plan your timetable carefully when the time comes. Don't leave your assessments to the last minute; be ready to achieve your optimum.

Overview of Subjects:

ATHK1001 – Analytical Thinking 1001:*
This unit is a genetic combination of English and Mathematics (Statistics). The unit material is boring – my god you would probably fall asleep and not realise that you ended up sleeping through a French lecture as well. However, despite the unsatisfying quench for engaging lecture materials the assessments and examinations are not difficult. As long as you have the knack to keep up with this unit you will not just pass this unit but gain credits and above. [Ease: 7/10 | Overall: 8/10]

BIOL1003 – Human Biology:
If you are eager to study physiology, immunology or anatomy and histology etc in the second year or major in any of these areas then BIOL1003 is a definite must have unit of study. It may not be a prerequisite for most second year units (if I read correctly) but it is a very engaging unit. The lecture materials are very easy to understand and on top of this there are weekly online resources which helps consolidate your learning. Practicals at times may be daunting so make sure you have an awesome group to ease the burden of finishing later rather than sooner. [Ease: 6/10 | Overall: 9/10]

PHIL1011 – Reality, Ethics and Beauty:
Let me start off with: WTF? You’re going to have to attend all the lectures in order to understand what is going on or at least carefully analyse and critique your understanding of the reading materials. You cannot (most of the time) BS your way out of the questions they set you. Only commendable aspect of this unit would be the final exam where you are given a set of essay questions to prepare for in which four or so of these questions will appear in the final exam. Hence it is no excuse to fail the final exam since you are given so much to prepare for. [Ease: 4/10 | Overall: 7/10]

PSYC1001 – Psychology 1001:
I personally enjoyed all the lecture materials. However, though the lecture materials are engaging and insightful into Neuroanatomy etc. be mindful that there are a lot of readings to do in order to understand the material. Bro Tip for this unit of study is be prepared to do readings because they will help a lot with the final exam and if you’re struggling be sure to complete all the non-compulsory units to make up for the marks. [Ease: 5/10 | Overall: 7.5/10]

PSYC1002 – Psychology 1002:
An extension to the materials learnt from PSYC1001. It is not necessary to study PSYC1001 before this unit but it will definetly prove useful during the final exam when you need a saving grace. Like PSYC1001 I would recommend reading the textbook material (and other optional readings). Same tip for PSYC1001 ~ you must be prepared to fulfil your shortfalls if you do not gain the necessary marks in both the final exam and research report. [Ease: 5/10 | Overall: 7.5/10]

Those planning to study psychology and/or neuroscience in the second/third year of study should know that both UoS are prequisites

SLSS1003 – Society and Contemporary Law:
Completed legal studies during the HSC or attempted the studies in the preliminary year? SLSS1003 is a great unit which combines everyday legal issues such as white-collar crime, family law, cultural defence etc. and societal morphing. In the two hour lecture you are sitting through an hour is given to regurgitating the readings and the lecture material; the other is given to watching an insightful documentary which is relevant to understanding how such controversial legal issues are judged upon in society. The assessment is heavy in weighting but it is very easy to gain a credit grade or above as long as you know what you are talking about. The final exam was straight-forward but the structure will no doubt change in the years to come. [Ease: 5/10 | Overall: 9/10]

WRIT1001 – Writing and Rhetoric:*
This unit is made to boost the WAMs of any student. It is almost like we are back in the tables and chairs of our stuffy high school English class waiting for the period to end. Many of us (who studied this UoS) have admitted to not even attending the lectures (quite boring) and still achieve a final grade of distinction and above. This unit is commendable for the fact that you are in control of what you would like to centre your research on from the start! For the whole semester you will be focusing on how to write your essay and how you could better it. Sound easy? You better enrol! [Ease: 8/10 | Overall: 9/10]

* Recommended unit of studies as it assists in the boosting of your WAM/GPA or as a bludge elective.
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Addiction Psychiatrist
Nov 10, 2009
I don’t see how that’s any of your business…
Uni Grad
MATH1903 - Integral Calculus & Modelling (Advanced)

Ease - 4/10
Harder than 1901, this unit is pretty much a build upon that and most of the stuff is easy to understand, but it's still a bit of a pain to learn all of the content.
It definitely should be worth 6CP not 3. Ugh.

Lecturers - 8/10

Neil Saunders - 7/10
We had him for the first two lectures.
He was pretty good.
Kept interested.

James Parkinson - 8/10
Pretty good.
Some of the stuff escaped me. This is the more difficult part of the course.
DO NOT FORGET YOUR GLASSES!!! He writes on the boards and at times it can be terribly difficult to read even if you don't need/do have your glasses.
Also attractive. I was really upset when he cut his hair. :(

Daniel Daners - 8/10
This is the easier part of the course. I found myself not going to most of the lectures and still being able to do all of this part of the unit.
But, when I did go DanDan was a great teacher and lecturer and his accent is pretty hilariously great too.
Not very attractive though. :(

Interest - 8/10
It's a fairly interesting unit. This is probably the first UoS I've done at uni that I've actually voluntarily studied for outside of uni.

Overall - 7/10
It's pretty interesting, the lecturers are great, but it's difficult to get a good mark so study hard.

MATH1905 - Statistics (Advanced)

Ease - 1/10
The first two weeks are easy.
After that I was FUCKED.

Lecturers - 0.1/10

John T. Ormerod - 0.1/10 (because I can't give 0)
The lectures were terrible.
And the lecturer was bad at everything.
No one paid attention and pretty much everyone stopped going.
He was boring, monotonous, and just terrible.
Worse than Santa.
Certainly not attractive at all.

Interest - 1/10
Soooooo boring.
Just terrible.

Overall - 0.7/10
The worst subject I have ever done.
Worse than English and Religion in high school.
If possible do MATH1005/1015/1004. If you need stats then do 1015 or 1005, if you don't then just do 1004.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2009
Well, I'm not doing PHIL1011 now. :D
Arrh, I forgot to add that the most interesting topic focus of PHIL1011 would be beauty (last 4wks). And I swear until this day I still do not know what real beauty alludes to. Is there no universal definition on art and beauty? * goes off into the distance to find answers *

Needless to say that the unit brought about more questions than answers.

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