I think America is rich and powerfull enough to not have to go and do it for their own interests.
America is rich an powerfull because they do such things as stop leftist movements in other countries so they can install neo-liberal governments.
They rely on the third world for their high standard of living. If they allow 3rd world countries to nationalise their resources then they would not have access to cheap labour and resources.
Just how is liberating another country, doing it for their own interests?
They have liberated no country. Look Haiti, thats a prime example of US imperialism. Look the Contras in Nicaragua, look what happen to Chile. You can go tell the families of Latin America they were liberated.
Obviously if they interfered in a country, they had a worthwhile reason to.
Excactly, to keep the living standards of the ruling class and the middle class of the US.
That they are forced to work against their will etc.
No thats wrong. For instance in 1998 more then 60 000 doctors were working over seas, in some of the most poorest countries. Now these people had many chances to leave and seek asylum and make their way to the US.
And even if it does have a higher literacy rate, what can be done with it?
For a 3rd world country its quite amazing what they can do with so little.
The bottom of the US still has more of an oppurtunity in life with freedom than the smartest of the Cubans under communism.
Bullshit. The lumpen proletariat rarely move up any ladder of succes. The bottom of the US many end up dead, or sick and poor.
Anti Americanism is growing through the Middle East and Latin America. In Latin America any party which proposes to remove US influence military or economically are gaining more then ever votes in elections.
In Iraq the resistence has not died down, and every party proposed to remove the US military. So even the people who voted, voted to remove the US.
These are the people who have been "liberated" by the US, they are showing their thanks with bullets, morters, and a growing market in body bags.