Religion: Not an issue as long as they can handle my irreligious self
Nationality: Not an issue
Sexual wants: I don't think I'd be standing in line for S&M or anything...

Mostly though not an issue, most differences would presumably be able to be dealt with in a serious relationship.
Drinking / drugs / smoking: No smoking or drugs. I don't drink personally, but wouldn't have a problem if my partner did so (moderately at least)
Piercings: Not an issue
Education: As long as they've got goals, that's cool with me
Financial status: As long as they don't mind my situation, I'm happy with anything, I'd be interested in the person, not their bank balance
Weight: It'd depend on the reasons for the weight I guess, although I think if I really liked the person this wouldn't be a problem either, unless it became REALLY excessive
Appearance: As long as they're happy with the way they look, again not an issue I'd rather a partner confident and happy with the way they look than one who was insecure and constantly not being themselves as a result of it
Too many friends of opposite sex: As long as they don't mind my friends of the opposite sex, not an issue
Dating history: Indifferent, unless the previous partners were irrate, and bigger than me, and scary, because I find fear is a big turnoff