Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minutes (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Nov 9, 2008
I'm doing my IRP for Caf's and need to gather a heap of surveys. It would be really great if you could just take 5 minutes to fill in the following survey (where it says tick just put a dot or mark at the end of your choice) and either post the answers or send them to me at . Feel free to pass the survey on to any friends (it would be a HUGE help) just make sure you include the email address! Thanks.
My question is “What are the effects of having a casual/part-time job whilst studying for the HSC?” Information provided by you through this survey may be used in my research report however ALL email addresses and names will be kept confidential. Thank you so much. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as well.
1. Gender:


2. Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)?

3. What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?

4. Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?

5. If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why?

6. In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨ Retail
¨ Food
¨ Administrative
¨ Mechanical
¨ Community, sport and leisure
¨ Other:

7. How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨ 0-3 hours
¨ 3-8 hours
¨ 8-12 hours
¨ 12-15 hours
¨ 15-18 hours
¨ Other:

8. Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?

10. Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨ Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨ You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨ Too tired
¨ Your study arrangements are fine
¨ Other:

11. Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨ You don’t get enough sleep
¨ You get enough sleep
¨ Are often stressed
¨ Rarely get stressed
¨ Do many leisure/sport activities
¨ Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨ You save your money
¨ You spend your money
¨ Hang out with friends heaps
¨ Don’t hang out with friends much
Thankyou so much. Your time is greatly appreciated!!!
Last edited:


May 10, 2007
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Male

Age: 18

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? No (finished it in 2009)

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
- To do well in the HSC, about 99.6

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why?
In Year 12, the HSC took priority over everything, including work.

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
Yeah, this was more than enough. I felt this was enough because I could go through the syllabus dotpoints and tick them off,

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?
I'm not sure. I was very stressed out, but I felt somewhat prepared. So 5? :uhoh:

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: Nerves

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much
Thankyou so much. Your time is greatly appreciated!!!


Active Member
Sep 5, 2008
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut





2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)?

Year 12

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?

High ATAR, get into my desired course at University.

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?


5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why?

Save money for use after the HSC. Gain experience in the workplace whilst still in school.

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
- varies between these two
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? Yes, any more would tire me out.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?

Usually hovers around 7. Depends on my overall confidence in the subject and the amount of time I've put into studying.

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep (although working on correcting this)
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: female

Age: 19

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? no

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?

To get into my uni course and get above 95

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?

5.If part-time or casual- why?
I like to have my own money, i don't like others (including my parents) having to pay for my stuff.

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
I probably should have done more but i was never a 'consistent studier' and i reached my aims anyway so i suppose it was adequate.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?
Between 7 and 9 depending on the subject. I'm usually stressed as hell but confident and prepared, if that makes sense. While i'm not a consistent studier i do put my head down come exams.

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Male

Age: 18

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Completed in 09

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? To achieve a decent ATAR to get into uni.

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? No

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why? HSC was my main priority, also fairly lazy.

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours (Would be my average)

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
Yes in a sense it was more than my friends, no in the sense it wasn't particularly intensive. Ultimately yes as I achieved my desired ATAR.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?
5-7 depending on subject

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: Prefered to play games

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed (My stress levels are in the middle, couldn't really split to often or rare)
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much (if by 'hang out' you mean go to movies, go to parties and stuff)


May 12, 2009
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Male

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? yes yr 12

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
- Get ATAR of 99.60+

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why?
Want to spend my last year of high school concentrating on my studies

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
Yes, because I can complete all my necessary homework whilst still have time to write notes, do additional study and keep ahead of my classmates

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: stress during exam conditions

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much


May 18, 2008
In a world beyond yours.
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: F

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Completed in 09.

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? To achieve an ATAR of 80+.

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? Nope, no job.

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why? I don't need one.

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure
¨Other: Education

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

I'm currently on holidays. However, during my HSC examinations, I studied approximately 8-12 hrs per week.

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?

Not in the literal sense because albeit I acheived my aim, I didn't try very hard. Nonetheless, if I had tried hard throughout the year I would have achieved more than my aim.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?


10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

I come from an extremely social family, that's not only well-known in society but is the chief key in our family network system. Hence, our telephone rings like a hundred times a day, our door bell rings just about the same number of times a day, people are going in and out, and also two male children (one was 10 and the other 13) were at my house at the time of my HSC. These kids were family friends and their parents were gone overseas, hence we adopted them temporarily. =] Nevertheless, although I've grown up in a loud and social atmosphere, I was pretty ticked off during the HSC due to the noise. Closing my door and windows wasn't enough for me. But at least I achieved my goal, despite the amalgamation of noise and racket. =]

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed (Like, I mean ... I get stressed when any of my family memebrs are stressed.)
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps (Parties and get-togethers and weddings mainly.)
¨Don’t hang out with friends much
Thankyou so much. Your time is greatly appreciated

You're welcome. :)


Jan 12, 2010
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

I did the IRP last year and know how long and stressful it can be.
I think your question and survey is good but I would like to offer a tiny bit of advice.
Considering CAFS revolves around WELL BEING I think it would be a good idea to involve it in your question. This was stressed to me last year when I did mine and I found that the ones including well being were to gain the best marks.
My advice is to alter your question so it reads;

"What is the effect of having a job during the HSC on an individuals well being?"

That way the ENTIRE IRP will work really well and all make sense with the syllabus requirements.

Okay, now I'll get going with the survey! :fish:

1.Gender: Female.

Age: 18.

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)?
No, I just completed it in November 2009.

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
To do the best I could and gain sufficient marks for university entry.

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why?
I did in year 11 but due to it taking too much of my time left it.

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
*3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
I do. You have to have some time to relax and I waste too much time because I can not be bothered studying!

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?
8. I am stressed, but I don't believe unprepared.

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
xYou couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
xAre often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

I hope that helps! :fish:


New Member
Nov 9, 2008
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

Thanks laila2010. I was kinda thinking the same thing but when we were given the IRP we had a sub teacher for a few weeks. She asked us to draft our question and hand them to her. I originally had 'effects on the wellbeing' in my question but she said not to include it as it would be too broad. But then reading what you've said, i think i might change my question to the one you suggested. So thankyou very much.


Jul 14, 2008
Gold Coast
Uni Grad
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Male

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Year 12

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? Achieve my best by proving to myself my work ethic works and achieve an atar which places me into my course

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? Casual

5.If part-time or casual- why? Less Shifts + Higher Pay

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Food (although I kinda wish it wasn't, it is physically demanding in fast food)
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)? It depends what you define as study. I'm not really sure of my 'revision' time, so I will state the amount of time spent on doing work of an afternoon/evening.
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours
¨Other: 20-25 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? Yes, It satisfies the school's expectations of 3 hours p/night and I feel that I am completing work at a very good rate.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? 8-9

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time (this is currently due to holidays, but usually no)
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep|> Both of these apply, depends on the night
¨You get enough sleep |>
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money |> Both apply, again
¨You spend your money|>
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

Okay, I guess I can help with the question you posed: "What are the effects of having a casual/part-time job whilst studying for the HSC?”

To help, apart from the survey... I would say that in my position my job during the holidays was affecting how much work I was getting done because of the flooding amount of shifts being given to me (but the money was excellent) - I hope this does not impact on me, however I doubt it will. Usually I receive my desired and arranged with managers, 1 shift p/w on the weekend (or 2 if there is a cancellation on the weekend). This one weekend shift does not impact on the amount of work I get done at all... rather I find it gives me time to get away from the place in which all the work happens (my house/room) and earn money at the same time.

However, this is my own (and possibly unique + lucky) position. My friends on the other hand whom do not wish to achieve as highly as I do are working either casual or part-time and do not have any restrictions on their shifts. Often they will work 3-4 p/w on any days (although I believe my manager(s) try to place these guys near the weekend). The shifts do impact on their HSC work. Some days they will come to school the next day and they havn't got any homework completed, no notes, some days they have a little done... they are forced to use any free/study periods they have to catch up rather than doing work they get that day or using it to study.

I hope this helps.
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Jan 12, 2010
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

Thanks laila2010. I was kinda thinking the same thing but when we were given the IRP we had a sub teacher for a few weeks. She asked us to draft our question and hand them to her. I originally had 'effects on the wellbeing' in my question but she said not to include it as it would be too broad. But then reading what you've said, i think i might change my question to the one you suggested. So thankyou very much.
No problem :)
I don't see why she considers it too broad it is actually more precise then you could directly say the effects on the teenagers physical, social well being etc. rather then making broad statements.

Good luck =)


New Member
Jan 18, 2010
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Female

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Year 12

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? to do the best of my ability, and get above 80 in my ATAR and able to make it into university.

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? yes, part time.

5.If part-time or casual- why? i don't necessarily want a job, as i want to focus solely on my HSC, but i need a job for money to do things i want to do, also so i can be a bit more independent.

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure
¨Other: i'm not sure what area it is, i work at a children's play land.

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours X
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
No, I know I need to study alot more but I have trouble being motivated to study.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?
around a 7

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying X
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep X
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed X
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities X
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money X
¨Hang out with friends heaps X
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

hope that helps, good luck with your IRP. I have mine at the moment, so I know how stressed you must be feeling :)


Feb 19, 2009
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut


1.Gender: MALE

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? YES

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? 99.5+

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? PART TIME

5.If part-time or casual- why? HAVEN'T GOT THE TIME FOR ANYTHING ELSE

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours


9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? 7

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: I can sometimes get very stressed before exams, regardless of how much work i've done

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much


May 4, 2009
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Male

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? No.

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? 90+ ATAR - enterting uni

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? no job.

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why? dont want one

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? It was decent enough to reach my goal.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? 5

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

apple pancake

New Member
Aug 24, 2009
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut


2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)?
No, just finished in 2009
3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
To get a UAI of above 75
4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?
No job
5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why?
Felt that it would take away from time i could spend studying
6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours
¨Other:Everyday when i came home until ten. On the weeekends; 8-10

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
Yes. I was able to complete my work and also do extra study to make sure i really understood the work we were doing.
9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?
10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much

P.S I really don't think that anyone should be working while doing their HSC. All of my friends who did have part time or casual jobs received much lower UAI's as a consequence of not being able to devote enough time to their studies because they were working. Everyone should just handle one thing at a time. Still, people should have breaks and relax, otherwise you will just go into overdrive and nothing you learn will stay in your head.
Goodluck with your HSC

Advanced English - 83
Advanced Mathematics - 80
Biology - 91
Ancient History - 89
Physics - 83 :sun::bomb:

UAI: 90.15


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2009
Motley Crewcastle
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Female

Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? Finished in 2009

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? Have fun, to not stress.

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? I did during my HSC (12hours a week at coles), now I'm working full time til uni starts

5.If part-time or casual- why? Money

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure
¨Other: Checkout Chick

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? For my goals, minimal-moderate amounts of study were sufficient. I wanted a life too because, for me, the HSC is the skid marks on the underpants of my life, however it does have somewhat of an impact on the rest of my life, so I wanted to do OK

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? Depends on the subject. Chemistry maths bio and music were 8-9 and English was about 2 (more unprepared than stressed)

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying (for english)
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine (for eveything else)

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much (i did heaps during HSC, now that i work full time... not so much)


Jan 4, 2007
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1. Gender:


2. Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? No

3. What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?
To do the best in each of my subjects as I could. (This aim changed between subjects though generally meant getting a band 6).

4. Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?
Casual during parts of the HSC and part-time now.
5. If part-time or casual- why?

During the HSC because I didn't have enough time to allocate to a permanent position and now because I am looking for a more permanent occupation.
If not- why?

6. In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨ Retail
¨ Food
¨ Administrative
¨ Mechanical
¨ Community, sport and leisure
¨ Other:
The music industry, as a piano accompanist to a choir.

7. How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨ 0-3 hours
¨ 3-8 hours
¨ 8-12 hours
¨ 12-15 hours
¨ 15-18 hours
¨ Other:
15-18 I would say. Even more by the end of it. It really depended on my mood and the amount of work I had.

8. Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? For the HSC I do. You simply need to put in the hard yards in order to succeed in the HSC, nothing else.

9. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?

Depends on the test. Ranged from a 1 to a 7 probably.
10. Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨ Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨ You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨ Too tired
¨ Your study arrangements are fine
¨ Other: I'm just a perfectionist who worries all the time. I used to think of all of these stupid situations which could go wrong, even though they never did. This in turn stressed me out quite prolifically.

11. Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨ You don’t get enough sleep
¨ You get enough sleep Tick
¨ Are often stressed Tick
¨ Rarely get stressed
¨ Do many leisure/sport activities
¨ Do few or no leisure/sport activities Tick
¨ You save your money Tick
¨ You spend your money
¨ Hang out with friends heaps
¨ Don’t hang out with friends much Tick


New Member
Jan 8, 2010
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut


Age: 17

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)?yes

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC?to get a good mark so i can go to uni for teaching

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job?casual job

5.If part-time or casual- why?
want/need money

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours**
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
no because that isn't enough time to take in all the info and remember it for a test.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?maybe 3-4

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying **
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep**
¨Are often stressed**
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities **
¨You save your money**
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much**
Thankyou so much. Your time is greatly appreciated!!![/quote]


Sep 7, 2008
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: female

Age: 18

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? no

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? to survive it without a) commiting suicide and b) getting a reasonable score (85 and above)

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? no job

5.If part-time or casual- why?

If not- why? because if i got a job, goal a) would be thrown out the window and i'd be long dead - work + HSC = Epic stress

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?
¨Community, sport and leisure

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨0-3 hours
¨3-8 hours
¨8-12 hours
¨12-15 hours
¨15-18 hours

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why? it is enough (for me) because i managed to cover everything and revise. i do more study in the weeks leading up to an exam though.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up? maybe a 6?

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)
¨Work is taking up too much of your study time
¨You couldn’t be bothered studying
¨Too tired
¨Your study arrangements are fine
¨Other: i'm just the kind of person who reacts quickly to stressors.

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:
¨You don’t get enough sleep
¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed
¨Rarely get stressed
¨Do many leisure/sport activities
¨Do few or no leisure/sport activities
¨You save your money
¨You spend your money
¨Hang out with friends heaps
¨Don’t hang out with friends much
Thankyou so much. Your time is greatly appreciated!!!
Oct 28, 2006
Under an invisibility cloak
Re: Survey about HSC..Plz help and fill it out. For my IRP- it will take like 5 minut

1.Gender: Female

Age: 18

2.Are you currently studying for the HSC (Year 11 or 12)? No (entering second year uni)

3.What are/were/would be your aims in the HSC? Get early entry + scholarship for my course

4.Do you have a part-time, casual or no job? Casual

5.If part-time or casual- why? Originally got the job to pay for spending money for a holiday (in 06), but now that I've left school my parents pretty much won't pay for anything. So yeah, even though I'm at home, I need to be working.

If not- why?

6.In what area/industry is or would your job be in whilst studying for the HSC?

7.How often do you study per week (Monday-Sunday)?
¨8-12 hours

(A guess though)

8.Do you feel this amount of time spent studying is adequate? Why?
Probably not, I had to cram majorly before exams and I could have done a lot better.

9.On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being extremely stressed and unprepared, 10 being prepared and confident): How are you feeling when exam/test time comes up?

10.Do you feel your previous answer is because: (tick which are appropriate to you)

¨You couldn’t be bothered studying

11.Tick which are appropriate to you:

¨You get enough sleep
¨Are often stressed

¨You save your money
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