survey on teachers and swearing .. thankyou! (1 Viewer)


Jan 28, 2004
hey i am just wondering if you can fill out my survey on teachers and swearing in class, it shall only take a few mins! thankyou so much ( this is for a society and culture project) changing language and attitudes of teachers in class

* Do teachers say words, sterotypically associated as bad such as "bloody" "hell" and "crap" in class?

1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!? ( edit:
I am just going to quickly explain this q, as I don’t know whether people get it. I am not saying is it okay for teacher to call someone a slut, i am saying, do you think or have they used the word, as in like saying this person was cut becaue people think she is a slut .. if you get me ( of course not saying name .. teachers wouldnt do that!))
notes: the slut questions wasnt about a teacher singling out a student and calling them a slut, i doubt that would happen! it was a teacher with out mentioning names just refering to someone like saying person a called person b a slut ( and thats asll , not the teacher saying who a and b are)

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.
( edit: i am focusing on the word slut, now and have an addtionl question. do u think is it acceptable for a teacher to say this word in class?) thanks
8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class
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May 15, 2003
1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes? Yes, both in High School and now in college.

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion) High School = accident, College = more on purpose

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them? Shit, Fuck. We're all adults, yes they have the right.

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!? No. Other students don't need to hear that.

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)? No.

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words. Not really.

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy
Depends how far they go.

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class.
Teachers are allowed to swear at my college, at school swearing wasn't sposed to exist which is bullshit. It's not like we're going to become immune to it.
Jan 24, 2004
northern beaches
1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)
purpose..casual swearing

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?
crap, bullshit, shit

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!?

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class
teachers are more free when they teach yr 11 and 12 classes...they reckonise that most of us have matured and have gone past having giggles about someone saying 'penis' or 'vagina'
and it also strengthens our relationship with our teachers when both and teacher and students are more free


Sep 3, 2002
Random places.
1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?
Not in high school (its was a christian school) .. yes in uni- its mostly prac supervisors though, not lecturers

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)
it is just casual

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?
Mostly bloody, shit, fuck etc.. Yes they have the right, we have all heard them before

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!?
No.. its more of a demeaning term.

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?
Yes... those with higher positions have more of a reputation to keep therefore tend to watch their words more carefully.. also I think it depends on age

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy
Depends on the situation.. but these classes are more 'mature' so there should be no problem

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class
Its more of a relaxed situation at uni.. which is when most tutors tend to just 'chat' with classes so swear words are just part of the used vocabulary.


Somethin' special....
Nov 7, 2002
Back in the USSR
have we forgotten that teachers are just regular people? Hopefully everyone is mature enough to handle that sort of language by now, not go "omg he he he the teacher just said bum!"


<insert title>
Dec 23, 2003
1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?
yes both privately (outside the classroom) and inside it. HAs mentioned all the examples in which you have given.

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)
depends on the certain situation and the context the conversation came abt. They most do and then apologize or sometimes dont give a crap because its only between them and I. knowing me, i swear like there is not tmr in front of them anyway.

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?
crap, bullshit, fuck, bitch. YEs, they are only human and swearing has been implemented into normal day speech, even though they are professionals at what they do.

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!?
no, because they have certain duty of care or code of conduct. therefore this should separates us to their own thoughts. Although they can have such opinion, they should not have mention it.

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?
yups, the different status emphaize the different perception people have for them.

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.
no, its now used in everyday conversation.

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy
there is always a line you shouldnt cross, depending on the context and if it was a joke or said seriously.

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class
since these grades are referred to as being seniors, they are mature enough to engage in conversations like these (even though there are some which are still immature). There is however a degree in which the teacher can go. Swearing provides a breakdown to the 'teacher/student no interaction thing'. Making it easier for teachers and students to have a normal conversations as they are only human.
Oct 16, 2002
1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?

yes but I can't remember the situation exactly

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)

^ I'm having real difficulty trying to remember! I think it was taken as more of a joke by the omg u swore!! (when it wasn't exactly swearing)

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?

teachers are people too!!

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!?

I doubt teachers would use the world slut...they're more likely to use a more academically appropriate term :p

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?

I don't think teachers should swear at all....theyre suppose to be setting an example and besides all the old teachers have these values and are against swearing....sif they would start talking like teenagers....can u imagine them saying "crap I had to mark 20 essays last night for u losers and bloody hell I'm fricken tired!"

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

they're inappropriate words to use in certain contexts and situations.....

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy

its quite disturbing for teachers to make reference to 'sexual things'
but under sppropriate circumstances, yes.

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class

I finished school last yr....

and my principle was a bitch!



ρ s y c н o ρ α τ н ™
Dec 16, 2003
1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?


2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion).


3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?

Shit, Fuck, Bullshit, Crap

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!?

I believe its inappropriate in that case as that is degradding someone alot in my opinion .. :( :(

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?

no, in fact as teachers they have a responsibility to be more calm so to speak when teaching, but saying swear words accidentely, or saying crap is alrite with me

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

slut is definitely a swear word, however crap is now used so frequently that i dont think its really affective in cursing someone

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy

of course, everyone in year11/12 is considered to have reached the age of understanding, so i believe that its perfectely alrite to say such things

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class

as long as it doesnt directly threaten someon students will consider it perfectely alrite to say certain insults. however if the teacher suddenly singles out one particular student or a group of students and calls him/her/them say for example SLUT(s) then that would be considered outrageous, and the teacher would most likely be sent to be tryed by the school board (consisting of the principal, head teacher of that year, member of p&c, police, member of community), and the teacher will be charged by the local police.

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Jan 28, 2004
note: thanks for or your answers .. keep them coming!

notes: the slut questions wasnt about a teacher singling out a student and calling them a slut, i doubt that would happen! it was a teacher with out mentioning names just refering to someone like saying person a called person b a slut ( and thats asll , not the teacher saying who a and b are)


Apr 27, 2003
* Do teachers say words, sterotypically associated as bad such as "bloody" "hell" and "crap" in class?

1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?
sometimes, just to relate to the students a bit i think, but not that often, but yes sometimes.

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)
casual part of conversation or in teaching the class in a casual not formal manner. purposely though, they knew they were going to say it, they were probably even a bit hesitant or careful before saying it but did anyway

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?
none really, not commonly. no they don't have the right to use them, unless in casual convo.

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!? ( edit:
I am just going to quickly explain this q, as I don’t know whether people get it. I am not saying is it okay for teacher to call someone a slut, i am saying, do you think or have they used the word, as in like saying this person was cut becaue people think she is a slut .. if you get me ( of course not saying name .. teachers wouldnt do that!))
you mean in a convo, the teachers are repeating what someone said using teen slang? well yeah it's ok i suppose, it's different to be repeating what someone else said and to say it themselves. repeating it means they didn't actually say it themselves

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?
of course, principal would never dream about it. then again, deputy would in a normal teaching situation

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.
not 'swear words' as such, but not the nicest words

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy
sometimes they have to, especially in english when they are explaining things. it's offputting the first time but you get used to it. should they be allowed to? well, i guess they can do what they want so it should be up to what they feel is fine with the class.

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class
references to shakespeare, what he really meant when he wrote what he did, references to parts of movies and hidden meanings, things like that. my view point - i don't care, doesn't bother me, it's all in the learning

also, it depends on the teacher, more'sleazy' teachers would get a way with it less than other teachers because they are considered different to begin with, swearing of younger teachers is accpeted more than older, depends on the teachers reputation to begin with anyway


dirty trick
Oct 21, 2003
The Ludovico Centre
* Do teachers say words, sterotypically associated as bad such as "bloody" "hell" and "crap" in class?

yeah certain teachers...

1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?


2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)

casual part of convo

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?

"put ur beautiful body down" - personally, its disgusting, coming from a 50yo woman

"i dont want to hear that crap"

"let the more intelligent person talk"

"absolute bullshit"



"shut it"

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!? ( edit:
I am just going to quickly explain this q, as I don’t know whether people get it. I am not saying is it okay for teacher to call someone a slut, i am saying, do you think or have they used the word, as in like saying this person was cut becaue people think she is a slut .. if you get me ( of course not saying name .. teachers wouldnt do that!))

well they could use other words couldnt they? like strumpet, whore, hoe, wanton and wench depending on their colourfulness

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?

no i think they should have their mouths cleansed out with soap
as swearing only be accidental not to attract attention like so knobheads i know ;-P

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy

yes, esp if its part of the course (e.g. in eng ext1 teacher pointed out it was a major component) - we didnt complain =P

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class

swearing is pointless, only to gain attention and act stupid, exert frustration accidentally....and is best not to be aimed at any particular person!


hey every1, how r u?
Dec 30, 2003
* Do teachers say words, sterotypically associated as bad such as "bloody" "hell" and "crap" in class?

um, some do

1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)
both. more and more often they use it as casual convo i am finding

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them? crap shite um yeah

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!? ( edit:
I am just going to quickly explain this q, as I don’t know whether people get it. I am not saying is it okay for teacher to call someone a slut, i am saying, do you think or have they used the word, as in like saying this person was cut becaue people think she is a slut .. if you get me ( of course not saying name .. teachers wouldnt do that!))
notes: the slut questions wasnt about a teacher singling out a student and calling them a slut, i doubt that would happen! it was a teacher with out mentioning names just refering to someone like saying person a called person b a slut ( and thats asll , not the teacher saying who a and b are)

um yeah fair normal actual! if they dont single ppl out, its okay i guess, its abit weird hearing teachers saying slut though, i think

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?
hmm well like the principal shouldd definetely not! so i say the higher up they shouldnt, but sometimes they do coz they are high up and think they are good
6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

yes to slut and no to crap ... i think~~

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy
well they do... i guess they should be allowed .. like we r getting older n stuff
9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class

at our skool they do and it is normal

Hell Sent

New Member
Jan 28, 2004
* Do teachers say words, sterotypically associated as bad such as "bloody" "hell" and "crap" in class?

1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes? yes

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion) both

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them? meh i don't know and no, no-one minds, we're old enough to handle a few ''bad words' i think

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!? ( edit:
I am just going to quickly explain this q, as I don’t know whether people get it. I am not saying is it okay for teacher to call someone a slut, i am saying, do you think or have they used the word, as in like saying this person was cut becaue people think she is a slut .. if you get me ( of course not saying name .. teachers wouldnt do that!))
notes: the slut questions wasnt about a teacher singling out a student and calling them a slut, i doubt that would happen! it was a teacher with out mentioning names just refering to someone like saying person a called person b a slut ( and thats asll , not the teacher saying who a and b are)

depends on the context, but it could be appropriate

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?
6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.not really, they arent the nicest words though
8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy
how about when your studying a raunchy scene in english, that would pose a problem wouldnt it! i dont see anything wrong with discusssing sexual things
9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class


King of Bullshit
Oct 28, 2003
around about here - still
Originally posted by Someguy123
hey i am just wondering if you can fill out my survey on teachers and swearing in class, it shall only take a few mins! thankyou so much ( this is for a society and culture project) changing language and attitudes of teachers in class
* Do teachers say words, sterotypically associated as bad such as "bloody" "hell" and "crap" in class?

1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!? ( edit:
I am just going to quickly explain this q, as I don’t know whether people get it. I am not saying is it okay for teacher to call someone a slut, i am saying, do you think or have they used the word, as in like saying this person was cut becaue people think she is a slut .. if you get me ( of course not saying name .. teachers wouldnt do that!))
notes: the slut questions wasnt about a teacher singling out a student and calling them a slut, i doubt that would happen! it was a teacher with out mentioning names just refering to someone like saying person a called person b a slut ( and thats asll , not the teacher saying who a and b are)

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class
1) Yes

2) Both

3) Shit, dickhead etc, though I haven't heard any say fuck.

4) yeah, depends on the context though. Be that as it may it's not rather nice, and they shouldn't really say it, should say it in a rather more politically correct way.

5) Not really, but the higher up a teacher is, probably the less they'll swear.

6) Crap - definetly not. Slut - no, but it's rather an offensive word none the less.

8) Hell yeah, it makes a class more interesting, a teacher more popular and makes the students feel as if they're considered adults.

9) It's only done in a joking manner, and only by some of the better teachers. Nothing really offensive is ever said.


Clinical is OVER
Feb 4, 2004
back in sydney
* Do teachers say words, sterotypically associated as bad such as "bloody" "hell" and "crap" in class?

yeah sometimes

1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)

most of the time on purpose

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?

one teacher i had tells people they have shit for brains - he says it out of fun sorta - if you knew his style then you would know but i dont think generallt they should cos they dont like it when we do it

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class

my english teacher has but its not normal


Active Member
May 29, 2003
La La Land
1) yes

2) no accident- casual

3) genuis, fuck, shit, crap, bitch, , stupid

4) NO

5) YES

6) NO


8) Joking...its not taken seriously.....everyone laughs if he says something really outrageus, but thats where it ends.


Active Member
Feb 28, 2004
1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?


2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)

Usually on purpose, as part of a quote from a text or something, or they just paused to allow us to 'brace ourselves' for the oncoming word, in part of a 'casual conversation.'. Though when you're out of a classroom context usually in conversation, depending on how close you are with the teacher, it depends.

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?

Crap, piss (as in piss-up, piss-take etc)... in conversation it depends on what they're talking about. I haven't heard of a 'right' to swear, but I believe that they're in a position of influence, therefore should be wary of how they talk, in a classroom situation, and should try not to. But once again if it's sort of out of the classroom, general conversation, they're just people...

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!?

No. Certainly not.

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?

No. This assuming that htey ARE allowed to swear in class?

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

"slut" - yes, the sound of the word just sounds disgusting! :p "crap" - yes, but its shock value isn't nearly as horrible. It's almost universally tolerable.

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemtlanguage and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy

Well, not really, I mean, there have got to be other ways of explaining things. But by senior years we've all been exposed to such references. I suppose it depends on how familiar/close/level of acquaintance we have with teachers.

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class

Majority of teachers largely don't swear and disapprove of it whole-heartedly, but there are quite a few that, as we grow sort of more friendly and more acquantainted with and close to them, grow more comfortable with how we (teachers and students) talk to each other, therefore they tend to 'drop their guard' and do swear and, if it's relevent, make 'sexual references'.

Like, some teachers who I'm not really close to, or have a kind of more refined air about them, I'd be really shocked to hear them swear, whereas others it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.


sorry, you've missed me
Dec 1, 2003
1) Do/ have teachers sweared in any of your classes?
- yes

2) If so was it by accident or on purpose (ie. as a casual part of a conversastion)

- accident

3) What words do teachers commonly use in your classly that arent exactly nice? if so do you think they have the right to use them?

- nothing they usually begin to say fuck n then just trail off

4) Would you consider it "normal" for a teacher to say "slut" in class. as in, a teacher saying:i was talking to this girl the other day and she was complaining that everyone was calling her a slut?!?

- no - they could easily employ a euphamism..

5) do you think whether or not teachers can swear in class depends on their status ( ie, standard classroom teacher, deputy principal, head teacher)?

- no

6) Do you classify "slut" and "crap" as swear words.

- yes, when a teacher says it

8) do you think, as teachers teach people in years 11 and 12 they should be allowed to use differemt language and make refernce to things, like sexual things? as in like that was raunchy

- its not an allowance issue, a teacher student relationship is undoubtably going to change from yr 7 till yr 12. i think its fine that conversation topics change. i know all my eng ext classes are about sex, as long as its something that doesnt offend anybody

9) Please comment/ provide you view point/ explain the situation at your school on teachers and swearing and references ( ie sexual) made in class

- i think i just did that?
- my ancinet history teacher once spent a whole lesson tlaking bout pussy after we read the word pussilanimous , i stil lodnt know what it means but it was a great lesson

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