teacher problem (2 Viewers)

~dEjA vOuX~

Home Brand
Apr 8, 2003
I've had really crap teachers in yr 11 and yr 12. My 2u english teacher was the worst at the school, but then luckily, she wasn't allowed to teach yr 12, so we got a student teacher. Then her permit thing to teach expired, so we got some woman who spoke english incorrectly...now we're getting another teacher next term...apparantly she's the second worst teacher in the school :(

For modern, my class will be getting our third teacher next term, they all run away...:)

But if you feel the teachers are really bad and not supportive, you can always approach other teachers in the department, and even the head teachers


Apr 27, 2003
Originally posted by Sarah168
wat can u do if ur teacher happens to b one of those unhelpful ones who are unapproachable?
maybe a tutor that you can have on call? not set times every week, just whenever you need extra help?


I M SpEcIaL....SpEcIaL...
Sep 3, 2003
Sydney, Australia
Originally posted by Newbie

problem solved after lettesr from parents to principal and head of english department from about 8 people in class
at least they changed for you. may be b'cos you went to a selective school. At my school, they said, you have to get used to the teachers, keep asking them questions if you don't understand something, blah blah blah. There was no point in asking questions b'cos in the first place i didnt understand my physic's teacher's way of teaching, he had only two year experience in teaching, and in actual he was a physicst or a scientist or something like that- he knew the stuff, but he couldn't teach. My Chemistry teacher was extremly lazy, he would do like explain something for 20 minutes, then say, "now we'll rest" and if we asked him a question he would be like "you don;t get this little thing?"
My english teacher, used to give us notes n stuff but never ever explained anything. All we did was read the stuff in class time. She was always herself confused about the work itself. She would give extra time if you want, but what for? if she doesn't teach in class time, how would extra time help?.
So yeah i had only way out if i wanted to do well...get tutored.
It also depends on the class, we had very few people willing to learn...so may be thats why teachers had become lazy over the years!

I hope my teachers don't read this!
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yay! custom!!!
Dec 29, 2002
studying....always studying
you could do the course via correspondance or through tafe, theres no point sitting in classes wasting time, and if your school is like mine was, there's no way they will change the teachers, they are too protective of their own. Is it public or private? if its private, then i would get your parents to have a whinge, but if its public, you are wasting your time. Work with your tutor and either dont go to class or spend your class time doing something more constructive.


Living on deficit
Mar 10, 2003
Around the globe
Originally posted by Sarah168
its just that my economics subject is my worst subject and im really determined to improve but its difficult when the teacher is so disorganised and u haf to rely on yourself to an extent where u just want to give up. thats basically it but i got lucky with my other subjects, my teachers are great in those cases. i wouldnt want to raise a fuss abt it but i guess i should if i want to c some change. im doing everything i can on my own to study but as much as ppl may deny it, a teacher is extrmeley important in all cases.
Sarah, I would just like to let you know that don't give up just yet. My case was extremely similar to yours and I know exactly how you feel.

I totally agree with you! I strongly believe that teachers have huge impacts on students (for those who say no, shut up, don't wanna be rude but I've been there, felt it and experienced it)

However, before I go on further, I would just like to let you know that these are just some advices and I cannot hold any responsibility for it. and I don't encourage anyone to do this unless they are deeply unhappy.

okay, let me ask you something, how do teachers regard you at school? how many economic classes are there and how many of those classes run in parallel with your current class? because this will be crucial.

I felt that just going to the head teacher is not enough sometimes because he/she is in the same staff room as your teacher. Therefore, this will make him/her very difficult to do anything (unless you are in good terms with the head, otherwise, don't just approach him/her alone if you don't really know him/her)

What I would do is that, I would firstly discuss this matter with my year advisor. It might also be wise if you involve the head and your parents so that they would realise that there are some serious concerns. Ask them politely if you can change classes. It is also advised that you have your concerns written (otherwise, they probably won't be bothered because you have no written statement that they can refer to). If you are a reliable, hard working student, chances are that they WILL care! Mine did. and I was so much happier after I've changed my class.

Before you go on further, make sure you don't do these few things

1) Don't lead a class petition because it'll only make them think that you are a rebel.

2) Be polite and objective in your letter of complaint if you happen to be writing one. Don't make any subjective judgement or don't use any subjective words to depict your teacher because it is possible that you might find yourself in a legal action if the teacher happen to act against you with your letter (eg, if he loses his job because of this). Furthermore, chances are that he may read it.

I don't know if you are religious, but I find that i often find comfort in praying.

Good luck to you and do let us know how you went!


dirty trick
Oct 21, 2003
The Ludovico Centre
Originally posted by Sarah168
its just that my economics subject is my worst subject and im really determined to improve but its difficult when the teacher is so disorganised and u haf to rely on yourself to an extent where u just want to give up. thats basically it but i got lucky with my other subjects, my teachers are great in those cases. i wouldnt want to raise a fuss abt it but i guess i should if i want to c some change. im doing everything i can on my own to study but as much as ppl may deny it, a teacher is extrmeley important in all cases.

i was in the same boat as u, i either:
a) changed skools
b) changed teachers
c) talked to the teacher/head/deputy/years adviser *NOT the counsellour bcos they thought i had a social problem lol


Active Member
Dec 23, 2003
Originally posted by sugaryblue
Before you go on further, make sure you don't do these few things

1) Don't lead a class petition because it'll only make them think that you are a rebel.

Since I suggested it in the first place, I really do think a class petition can be a motivating factor to get someone to take your concern seriously - as long as it's phrased politely and coherently, I don't see the problem to it. The teachers/principal would find it hard to ignore the situation if he/she finds that a whole class is lacking in much needed support from the teacher especially in their HSC year.

The best approach to a petition is to use it as a second resort to a serious conversation with the principal.

Of course, you might not need to start up a petition in the end. I'm not trying to rouse you into starting a rebellion against the teachers ;) just laying out possibilities in resolving your problem.

Hope all goes well!


Jun 2, 2003
I had some dodgy teachers as well, especially my senior science teacher. I was so scared i was going to do badly in my exams and that would be the end of my UAI hopes, cause it scales so badly. My teacher did not give us notes ALL YEAR, no exaggeration, and we did not do any of the practical components that could have been tested. She always came in late and left early. I remember she was involved in our combined high schools musical (dont ask!) and she came in late one day and asked if anyone knew where she could find some tumbleweed to use as a prop. Then she left us and went driving to look for some and didn't come back all lesson.
My syllabus became my bible...follow it and use the textbook and anything else you can find to go along at your own pace. Make your own notes. I did some of our pracs on my own, others i asked about on the BOS website about what should have happened. Thats my next point...definitely make use of the forums on board of studies and ask others questions. The Charles Sturt website also has answers to most dot points. They are sketchy but a good starting point.
Hope that helps, i sympathise with you! :D

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