umm it's not REALLY a true story, dude. originally, they weren't as strict on false advertising when it came out, so they could use "based on a true story"... this time they used "inspired by a true story", which although sounding similar, is not the same thing.
the idea of leatherface is actually based on eddie gein, who was also the inspiration for norman bates from psycho and buffalo bill from the silence of the lambs. you can read about him at <a href=></a>. although he had some similar behaviours, he did not, believe it or not, chase young people around with chainsaws.
was texas chainsaw massacre (both of them) scary as fuck? yeah. was it a true story? oh god no.
p.s.-the worst bit for me was when he hung that dude up on the meathook, and then rubbed salt into his stump. :: eek!!! ::
and, of course, the main character having the same name as me in this one i was like... no! no killing erins! not allowed!!