Shaun McCalef (sp?) is a genius. I remember him from way back when he did Fast Fowards or was it Full Frontal and then he's own self titled show. Akmal was great too, with his strange humour. lol Pinto the horse that shrunk! i wish they brought back Full Frontal.
lol it was always rigged. it didn't matter what they did really they just chose the winner at random. or so that a person didn't win too much. don't you notice that he always gives them glowing reviews after their time is up?
Hamish should've won!!! Last time he was on (first ep I ever watched) he didn't win either and I was like . Ahn or whatever it is shouldn't have won- it seemed like a pity thing... he was the most nervous and it was almost annoying seeing him stumble and always lost for words... then again I would've died after about 15 seconds if I had to do something like that so I shouldn't really say anything. I don't think too well on my feet...
And I agree, what is up with those glowing reviews after each performance?
I guess it is all in the name of fun though, even if it is theatresports...
Haha i actually thought Anh was pretty good... "that's the fusion!" ... and yeah I would be like him if I was there - cracking up and everything
I loved the group performance. "Sir Guy... of Sebastian! Brashes record voucher!" though I think Hamish re-used someone's joke from a previous group performance about the woman keeping the guys entertained... (it might've been his own joke, actually)
And is it just me, or does Shane Bourne have a REALLY fake smile/laugh?! It's so annoying!
i wish the judge, whatever his name is, would just be honest, instead of this scripted, pun-filled crap. he should just be like "yeah ahn you did okay, you seemed pretty nervous for your first go, but this particular bit was funny". anyway, i like the bored of studies thing in katakana in your signiture bubz.
And WTF, Josh Lawson sooooo should've won tonight. I couldn't stop laughing ... "That is my WIFE!! .. her lips are that big for very personal reasons!!" etc ... I didn't hear some of it cos i was laughing so much, hope it'll be up on youtube
EDIT: His performance is available on!
Everyone except the dude from The Wedge was really good last night. I agree with Bubz, though, Josh Lawson should have one that one. I was laughing so hard, if only because he was tripping the people who had the script up.
The guy from The Wedge (the show isn't even funny) just stumbled through it with umm-ing, ahh-ing and err-ing, whereas Biance Dye didn't do it once and she was also on debut. I'm stating the bleeding obvious here, but the trick is to say the first thing that pops into your head. Josh Lawson was a bit of an exception to that because he said at the end that he couldn't actually smile because of the 'tache, so he went in aggressively.
Bianca Dye - "sorry, the line at supre was sooooo long" or sumfin rather. that was awesome. ahahah. she surpassed my expectations. but i must say that macallef was really really funny, almost effortless. he's just got 'funny' emblazoned on his forehead. and lawson was funny too, but he didnt win coz he was sayin too much dirty stuff on a 7.30 timeslot.....i think that's y he didnt win but he was definitely hilarious.