The Burkha, what do you think? Taliban or Qur'an? (1 Viewer)


Aug 31, 2005
Lets sure really?
Those who reject Hijab and wish to attract men are suffering from inferiority complex. They believe men are superior and in order to overcome this feeling, they use their feminine charms. But why should a Muslim woman have such a feeling when she is fully aware of her equality with men?

All my recent posts are taken from the website :

You can go there to learn more on Islam.


Aug 31, 2005
Lets sure really?
supercharged said:
And whats wrong with sex appeal? Some people actually like being horny unlike those 'no joy' taliban...
You would say that growing up in a world being taken over by western ideologies and such....

Actually this topic and the discussion currently taken place reminds me of the French and the show that was on SBS documenting 3 girls in thier fight to keep hijab at their school.

The french talked of this making it better for the girls, so they aren't discriminated against, but afterwards they were more so, cuase everyday they had to be checked out by the principle to see if theyr wore and hijabee kinds of things, and a teacher told a girl not to be in his class if she wore hijab---but the girl wore a bandanda, ears uncovered, as the principle had permitted. It's secularism gone mad! And one group of techers form that school were discussing why the law will be good, and the female teacher there and one of the male teachers was saying that it is better to see the girls half naked with bumcrackes showing from rediculously low cut jeans and have thier breasts falling out of thier tops then to see a woman wearing hijab and being oppressed, tho all da girls said they'd never encountered big problems at thier school--persecution wise.

So who are the fools?

I think it is more oppression to be objectifying yourself to get ahead in the world than to cover my body for modesty, to due my duty to ALlah(swt) and to have respect from the veil then none without---adn I've been on both sides, this one is way better, and you do receive more respect with hijab than without---the things people think you will do and would consider doing on the western end disgust me....franjly give me burka any day...

and sorry bout the long posts I understnad if youdon't read them all, but if you're going ot comment on somethign I wrote I suggest you read it all cause I may say something good int he end, besides it's knowledge for you all, for htose that don't know it and will do you in good stead for debating anythign on hijab in the future, for and against.


Aug 31, 2005
Lets sure really?
Damage Inc. said:

Which culture promotes nakedness that is relevant to your argument? What is this fearsome "Western fashion trap"? How does the hijab give you greater freedom and mobility?

It was a question asked earlier, read the thread before commenting.
Hijab empowers women, it is feminism in a snese cause it deosn't show when as sexual objects, and contrary to what many htink, not as oppressed ebigns either. By removing the sex u see a women's pure intellect. Many islamic women are betta of then so-called "feminists"--p.s i hate it when they turninto man haters.

Damage Inc. said:
That still doesn't say why women should be the ones who have to monitor their behaviour. Men should have to as well. That is why people are arguing against the hijab.

Men also monitor behanviour and have a stricked dress code. Men should wear cap or turban, when should wear loose clothing that covers minium up to the knees and elbows, but most go all the way to ankles and wrisits, looks beta that way anyways. ANd if u wen to the site is siad to go to u'd realise these things already.

Damage Inc. said:
Yes us "non-believers" are an evil bunch aren't we. :rolleyes:
Franclly yes.

Damage Inc. said:
You make it seem as if men own their wives. Women should have the freedom to go out in public and wear whatever they want.
That is ur choice. Muslim women understnad the hijab--those u tkae it--and therefore see every benifit in it. Wearing whateva u wnat inthe way of modest covering is what Muslim women do. Besides my boyfriends mother odens't wear hijab. but still covers herself nicely. I think she should wear, but Im not fighting for a law to sya all women must, but to say all women that do should stilll be able to. And the question on this thread is about Taliban and Burkha. it is anohter interpretaiton on the veil coverings. And if u'd read more of what I said u'd see that women aren't 'owned' by ther wives. NO ONE OWNS U BUT ALLAH! read before u type plz cause then don't have ot keep saying da same thigns again and again. Women esp. mothers are respected utmost. Man should always ask wife before participteing in somethign that'll effect ehr and family. Mother and Wife and the say in the last of all matters.

Damage Inc. said:
I don't understand.

Not wearing the hijab does this?
Not wearing hijab helps this coem about. HIjab is like a moral and ethics reminder and a constant reminder of ones religious deeds and conduct.

Damage Inc. said:
How does that work? Everyone who doesn't wear a hijab is immoral?

You are saying here that it is the womans fault if she gets raped. That is bullshit
I'm not sayn those who dont deserved toget raped. Never, kno one does. But if it amkes a women understand who she has lost herself, then that is God's will, cuase God sees this is the only way to remind the lostee, to make htem remember, soemthimes soemthign drastic must happen to put a person in place.

Like i said my b/fs mom and one of my good friends dones't wear hijab but they aren't immoral, just not fulfilling a requirement, and obligation form god.

Damage Inc. said:
Again you are saying that it is women who should monitor their behaviour, not men.

Thats a bit of a generalisation isn't it?


Men and women shoudl both monitor behaviour. Maybe spend soemthime with a muslim family in a mulsim community ot understnad, or read more on islam. There is a strict code for every part of life, Qur'an and hadith tell us all we must do to live, for God that is not ourselves. Islam means surrender unto God (allah). therfore hijab is doing this.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
googooloo said:
I'm not sayn those who dont deserved toget raped. Never, kno one does. But if it amkes a women understand who she has lost herself, then that is God's will, cuase God sees this is the only way to remind the lostee, to make htem remember, soemthimes soemthign drastic must happen to put a person in place.
So your god condones rape as a 'drastic measure' to ensure that those who are 'lost' return to the path of supposed modesty and piety? That's a fucking laugh and a half.
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Mar 21, 2004
Northernmost Moonforests of the North
Generator said:
So your god condones rape as a 'drastic measure' to ensure that those who are 'lost' return to the path of supposed modesty and piety? That's a fucking laugh and a half.
Wouldn't come as too much of a surprise, in the unlikely event that a god exists it/he/she sure has issues.
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Aug 31, 2005
Lets sure really?
Generator said:
So you're god condones rape as a 'drastic measure' to ensure that those who are 'lost' return to the path of supposed modesty and piety? That's a fucking laugh and a half.
I don't kno it's not like i am god, i can't exactly vouch for everything, but u could see it that way, i mean it's like nearly dying from an ecstacy overdose to realsie what u'r doin is stupid, or to have all ur family die by thugs who u'v been involved in selling drugs and illegal weapons to afta u didn't deliver a shipment, to make u realise u'r in the wrong business, or to have ur wife, and children disert u and be on the street ot realise that u have a gambling adiction, or getting AIDS to realise sleeping round and every night with people u don't kno to understand u were wasting ur life and living in a hollow existance. Isn't it, but then again getting rape could lead ot a child and then hapiness in a child, and then a husband who wants to love u and ur child...who knos god owrk in mysterious ways...and in kno rape is a hateful, traumatic event that whose wounds are neva healed, but hey like i said god works in mysterious ways.

I'm neva going to condon rape, that's haram (wrong, illegal), am no one should commit it, but I think we live in a confusing society, one where men who do these things, or women do them, are lost and confused in side abotu sexuality and with no one ot help them os they lash out like so. ANd i think our society just vilafises them and lets htem rot in a cell not really trying ot help them emotionally.

But rape isn't the topic here no is it?

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