1) What are your views on beastiality?
ALL FOR IT love thy animal

as long as u respect it and dont eat it within a 30 min time period of doin the deed with it

2) What do you have to say on violence against women?
Hey if the womans back mouthing then what has to be done has to be done to show whos boss
3) When's the last time you ate vegitmite?
UMMMM this morning
'i'm a happy il vegimite as bright as bright can be...'
4) Do you believe in the tooth fairy?
LOL anyone who gives me money i will support and believe them! tho she's kinda creepy not sure what she dose with those teeth :|
5) What nrl team do you follow?
UMMMM UMMMM i'm not sure i like to be fare to all teams and pick a new team every year to go 4, give me a team this year
6) Are you shallow?
I don't think so as long as he has a six pack is 6ft something captain of his sports team is absolutly gorgous and has plenty of money its not much to live up to i have to admit my standards are low
