k guy. You also support terrorists.
First of all im not a guy thank you very much, dont insult me with your attempt at slang.
Second of all in what part of my post did i at all mention the muslim world or what obama plans to do?
i have thorougly read and listened to obamas inaguration speech and all his toher campaign speeches. I dont like him as a politician and thats the end of the story. For you to draw from that the belief that i'm an islamic extremist is cleary lurid and nothing short of ridiclous. Please your attempts to prove what i am saying is wrong only made me laugh. When you muster the ability to put tow words together that did not come out of some idoit in america's motuh then come and defend yourself.
I dont support terrorists. I support ISlam anbd always will. If you knew anything at all about the religion you would know hat they are two different things.
Dont even toy with the belief that your attempts to label me as an islamic extremeist get to me.
After all that label has been the signature of Washington pol,itics for the last two decades
whatever would they do without it...