The Iraq War (1 Viewer)

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mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
S1M0 said:
Speaking of which, this fact really startles me. Reason for that is because, if you read the New Testament, especially the Gospel and the Acts books, you'll find that Jews HATED Christians. I remember, while reading Acts, that there was one time where a bunch of Jews from Greece, who happened to be in the same place as where the Apostles were in Jerusalem, started a riot by saying that they plan to create an uprising against the jews (or something along those lines). Now, considering that because they're Christian, so they believe in the New Testament, and the Bible in general - its quite a suprise.
are u christian?

*Jews hated christians
but not anymore- except the extremist jews who hate non-jews
as long as christians help jews, the jews will like them- at least openly

and i was referring to protestant christians
when the crusaders came back from the holy lands, they renewed their christian spirit after encountering the muslims who:

- practiced their religion strictly
- read and knew the interpretation of the Quran personally
- memorised the Quran

then there was a movement to make the bible- the book of the people, and this idea was common amongst intellectuals during the renaissance- and was adopted by protestanism. in the 1800s - christian jewish relations took an intimate turn, many christians declared themselves to be zionists- even before hertzl- the so called founder of zionism- and the evangelical christian right have continued this drive. there's books on this i might be able to direct you to on this- jewish historians mainly...

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
Aryanbeauty said:
Arabs wanted to live there so much that they even blew:bomb: themselves up in thousands hoping to live there in their after life with 72 virgins! :rofl: Is that why jewish areas are among the most expensive, most exclusive and safe areas whereas people are fleeing arabs/lebs neighbourhood and real estate values has gone down to half if you have an arab/leb neighbour in Sydney

1. Because I can.
2.The land was fairly divided between jews and arabs by UN while jewish areas bloom, arabs areas gloom!
3.Exactly, why should US support palestinian? Most of whom who support terrorists and launched countless terror attacks against US target and interest. Why should US support Palestinians who cheer and celebrate 9/11 and chant death to america everyday as many as they prayed to Allah five times a day!
4.As if arab's are friendly to israel :eek:
1) im sure you'll feel right at home somewhere burning hot then :santa:
2) fairly..... i think you're brain washed
3) The US never supported the palestinians even before all this terrorism rose up- even before the creation of israel, even when the only terrorists were israelis- and in the USA, the jewish defence league blew up embassies and cruise liners- and its listed as a terrorist org right now!
4) ?

Are you implying that Arabs are foolish nations:rofl:
They were

didnt you read what the historians have said?
no foreign conquerer ever bothered with conquering the region- nobody!

Only after the guidance of Allah and the sending of the messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him, did the Arab peoples ever amounted to something. Within 20 years they conquered the region, and the muslims became the masters of your people- the jews. The big rabbis of the region entered islam and helped their cause too and some even died fighting for islam. It continued through to spain, and currently in morrocco, the king's cheif advisor is jewish and the country's jews and muslims live in peace, because the jews there know that israel is an affront to the jewish religion.

Now, doesnt that make present day jews angry? I try going to any forum and saying any one of the above sentences and the jews cant take it- they are angry with the muslims- some like yourself turn to racism; thats alright mate, you can keep your highly priced properties, and i'll keep my house in a place where 45c can buy me what $5 buys in your region. :)

The arabs were a foolish nation. JAhil- in arabic- they know this themselves. They're departure from islam will bring them back to jahilliyah- but thats they're own fault-

as for you- you should be more worried about being cursed by the tongue of david and Moses; peace be upon them both:

Ye have been rebellious against the Lord
From the day I knew you.

Deuteronomy 9:24
They have moved me to jealousy with that which is not god,
They (the Jews) have provoked me to anger
with their Vanities: and I shall move them to jealousy
with those who are not a people
I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation.

Deuteronomy 32:21
Therefore I say unto you (Jews)
The Kingdom of God shall be taken
Away from you (Jews)
And shall be given to a
Nation bringing Forth the fruits thereof

(Mathew 21:43)
Here is an answer for you Perhaps its time for your Oil Rich country Iran and arabs countries to give some money to poor africans instead of supporting terrorists such as Hizbollah and Hamas and sending money to built Mosque in australia which are a hub of terrorist supporters

I think they should do more to aid africans, i wish israel would do the same too. in fact, all countries should be doing more- the arab countries in particular.

You're mosque comment is nonsense though- why dont you come over for a visit? did u know that the large industrial block next to lakemba mosque is owned by a jew? nice to see some jewish investment in our region :)


Aug 17, 2006
Exphate said:
Zeek, Read what I fucking said.

I didnt say they bought 50%. People weere whinging about jews stealing land <1948.

True. But sometimes the law in regards to ownership, isn't always moral, nor is it always right. Its their land, regardless of the law.

Oh, and bear in mind i wasn't neccessarily pointing my viewpoint. I was merely trying to express the Palestinian's perspective according to islam.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Zeek said:

Right, so $2.6 billion to Israel ALONE whilst $4 billion to ALL OF AFRICA is fair?

Here is a graph to put things in perspective...
Yes it is fair, america have the right to dispose off its wealth at its own will and distribute foreign aid at its own discretion. No other countries have a say in it and beggars can't be choosers.

A look at the geographical spread of Arab aid shows that
African countries have attracted 50% of the Group’s total
Almost Half of Arab countries are in Africa itself, arabs aid channelled in to their own arab countries and claiming it as generousity to africa :rofl: What a scumming hoax!
I'm sorry what was that?
I couldn't find anything on Israeli aid though, maybe thats coz Jews are tight with money
Israel don't dump money into the hands of poor africans, instead they sent agricultural sicentists, doctors, engineers to teach them israeli expertise in the field so they can help themselves and it is more effective than any other form of aid. Of course no strings attached and they don't convert to judaism unlike arab aid probably attached with conversion to Islam as a condition!

Have you even SEEN how much land that they bought prior to 1948? It would have been okay if the jews stuck to that land but you made it out to be as if the jews bought half of Palestine
Really funny seeing the land lost by palestinian and arabs because of their greed :rofl:. Had they nicely accepted UN partition plan they would have got half of palestine, plus a say in jerusalem city. Oh well they are so greedy they wanted it all and lost it all bwah ha ha:rofl:

Mr Eazy said:
*Jews hated christians
but not anymore- except the extremist jews who hate non-jews
as long as christians help jews, the jews will like them- at least openly
Hated but not anymore? Thats probably the reason why christians supported jews and hated Muslims with disgusts, not only christians ALL religion followers hates Islam and muslims for their intolerence and violence.

and i was referring to protestant christians
when the crusaders came back from the holy lands, they renewed their christian spirit after encountering the muslims who:

- practiced their religion strictly
- read and knew the interpretation of the Quran personally
- memorised the Quran
There were no Protestants during the 13th century where the last of Crusades in the mid east took place. Protestants appeared in Europe only after 15th Century. Therefore your idiotic statement is trashed into the bin, once again.
Regarding memorising Quran, it is still today Muslim parents proudly bitch about how many verses of Quran their son has memorised while Jewish Parents talk about their son's achievements in Physics and mathematics. The result are NOT surprising.

Only after the guidance of Allah and the sending of the messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him, did the Arab peoples ever amounted to something. Within 20 years they conquered the region, and the muslims became the masters of your people- the jews. The big rabbis of the region entered islam and helped their cause too and some even died fighting for islam. It continued through to spain, and currently in morrocco, the king's cheif advisor is jewish and the country's jews and muslims live in peace, because the jews there know that israel is an affront to the jewish religion.
Those glorious days of islam and arabs were long gone, never to come back.

Therefore I say unto you (Jews)
The Kingdom of God shall be taken
Away from you (Jews)
And shall be given to a
Nation bringing Forth the fruits thereof

(Mathew 21:43)
Perhaps the kingdom has been given back to them after 2000 years since Israel now controleld at least half of the ancient Israel-Judae Kingdom? God might have changed his mind :rofl:


Sep 29, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
Almost Half of Arab countries are in Africa itself, arabs aid channelled in to their own arab countries and claiming it as generousity to africa What a scumming hoax!
Is that Jewography? coz it certainly isn't geography :rolleyes:

Really funny seeing the land lost by palestinian and arabs because of their greed . Had they nicely accepted UN partition plan they would have got half of palestine, plus a say in jerusalem city. Oh well they are so greedy they wanted it all and lost it all bwah ha ha
You know what's funnier? Jews having to give back the land to Palestinians :rofl::rofl: But the best of all is when they're being forced out by their own government :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
zeek said:
Is that Jewography? coz it certainly isn't geography :rolleyes:
Arab countries such as Morocco,Mauritania,Western Sahara, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Sudan, Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti are all in Africa. No wonder an arab don't even know where half of the arab countries located :rofl:

You know what's funnier? Jews having to give back the land to Palestinians :rofl::rofl: But the best of all is when they're being forced out by their own government :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
yeah it is really funny seeing how palestinians suffered for over 50 years because of their greed, a land which they could have got it for free without a single bloodshed, now they have to pray and beg to Israel to give them back :rofl: :rofl: . Typical arab beggars.

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
Aryanbeauty said:
Hated but not anymore? Thats probably the reason why christians supported jews and hated Muslims with disgusts, not only christians ALL religion followers hates Islam and muslims for their intolerence and violence.
dunno if i was correct- i talked to an aujs guy once- he said- "we have really bad views on jesus, you dont wanna know em, you'll be offended"

but as long as christians are throwing money at jews- they should love them- its like the christians in the US are jewish santas ho ho ho :santa:

There were no Protestants during the 13th century where the last of Crusades in the mid east took place. Protestants appeared in Europe only after 15th Century. Therefore your idiotic statement is trashed into the bin, once again.
i never said there were, but the crusades started the renaissance which started the protestant movement, and if you read into history- the crusades were followed by a wholescale european interest in the orient for the first time ever

once again? please bring me the first one you trashed

Regarding memorising Quran, it is still today Muslim parents proudly bitch about how many verses of Quran their son has memorised while Jewish Parents talk about their son's achievements in Physics and mathematics. The result are NOT surprising.
not all jews are smart, not all arabs are dumb

im neither arab nor jew- not like i care

Those glorious days of islam and arabs were long gone, never to come back.
we'll see bout that

Perhaps the kingdom has been given back to them after 2000 years since Israel now controleld at least half of the ancient Israel-Judae Kingdom? God might have changed his mind :rofl:
Maybe not, maybe one final slaugher awaits? thats what jews in israel cry about every single day- maybe its a self fulfilling prophecy


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
mr Eazy said:
dunno if i was correct- i talked to an aujs guy once- he said- "we have really bad views on jesus, you dont wanna know em, you'll be offended"

but as long as christians are throwing money at jews- they should love them- its like the christians in the US are jewish santas ho ho ho
Even if jews have bad views on Jesus and treat him with disdain, the difference is they dont put it out in the form of violence towards christians and that is the reason why other major religions tolerate each other except islam. Indian Hindus most hated people are Muslims, Thai Buddhists most hated people are Muslims, Chinese Confucious/atheist most hated people are muslims, Jews most hated people are muslims, Zoroastrian's biggest enemies are muslims oh why ? Even if Jews like christians because they gave them money, why does christians support jews over muslims as jews did nt give them back money? Perhaps christians knew Muslims will always be their enemy rather than jews ;)

i never said there were, but the crusades started the renaissance which started the protestant movement, and if you read into history- the crusades were followed by a wholescale european interest in the orient for the first time ever

once again? please bring me the first one you trashed
You claimed that crusaders got their inspiration in faith from islamic fundamentalists resulting into renaissance and protestantism which is not true. The Last crusade in the middle east happened in 1271 and Protestant reformation started in 1517 , after 247 years of the last crusade. How can you link those crusaders and protestants who only exist after two and half centuries of the last crusade. Furthermore, renaissance was not an interest into the orient, rather a rediscovery of classical greek and roman civlization, humanism and art. You are trying to give credit to hardened muslims with memorizing Quran as a starting point of renaissance and protestant movement which I disagreed as above.
im neither arab nor jew- not like i care
Apparently, you do , calling me racist without knowing me.

Maybe not, maybe one final slaugher awaits? thats what jews in israel cry about every single day- maybe its a self fulfilling prophecy
Thats every muslims wish, a final total destruction of Israel and jews, echoing those of the words of hatemongering Iranian President/Palestinian terrorist group hamas and Islamic Jihad, Hizbollah and most Islamic clerics around the world.

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
1) didnt get it, but its your opinion, i was referring to the fundamentalist evangelical christian- and they solidified their views on jews in the 1860s- way before all the stuff you said on the world hating muslims
2) i dont have any reason to doubt the dates you put out

crusaders got their inspiration in faith from islamic fundamentalists resulting into renaissance and protestantism
I dont think i said that, nor do i believe that to be true

You are trying to give credit to hardened muslims with memorizing Quran as a starting point of renaissance and protestant movement which I disagreed as above
i didnt do that, that isnt true! memorising the bible, was not a goal of the protestant movement- the goal was that because the church was corrupt and their interpretation of the text was corrupt- the people with the aid of printing presses ought to get their own bibles and read them themselves- and also, the fundamental beliefs of catholocism ought to be changed to fit in with the bible and not what the church said, it later led on to literalism in the fundamentalist groups.

i was looking at the small pic, intellectual clergymen knew that muslims read the quran themselves without a church to tell them what to make of it, and they liked the idea.

Try not to look at it as Europe and Arabia/N.Africa/spain, they had links with one another, there wsa communication and trade going on; the europeans were inspired by many sources, even as far as china, not just greek and roman knowledge- how did that knowledge come to them? they didnt just dig it up or look in their libraries.

3) are jews better than all other races? are all jews smarter and richer and better than all muslims? do all jews live in the richer suburbs? those who live in the rich suburbs, do they all live there because they earned all their money from their smarts or was it due to the generosity of fellow jews?

4) it is a fact that jews in israel are scarred that someone will come and wipe them off the map and they have found a scapegoat in the iranian guy. But its not an excuse to commit genocide in lebanon and palestine, or abuse human rights in the refugee camps. Now i dont know how the world will progress or regress, but israel's actions are creating more enemies from jews and non jews and the danger is that, as indicated by the rise of hamas and hizb, growing anti-semitism (a useless enterprise in itself) will lead to the destruction of israel. im looking at it from a political viewpoint

every social scientist must ask: "is our way of life sustainable"?

how long can israel keep this up? they must depend on american support, and the stupidity of the arabs to keep surviving- none of these are guaranteed

and you know this better than myself, israel should change and the arabs should change too- get rid of racism on all sides- or else there will be one big war- and israel will either kill all its enemies once again or be destroyed- its a gamble- but every punter knows you cant keep on winning

i'm against killing innocent people, and i know that if war breaks out, there will be human rights abuses on all sides

btw watch this
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Aug 17, 2006
mr EaZy said:
1) didnt get it, but its your opinion, i was referring to the fundamentalist evangelical christian- and they solidified their views on jews in the 1860s- way before all the stuff you said on the world hating muslims
2) i dont have any reason to doubt the dates you put out

I dont think i said that, nor do i believe that to be true

You are trying to give credit to hardened muslims with memorizing Quran as a starting point of renaissance and protestant movement which I disagreed as above
i didnt do that, that isnt true! memorising the bible, was not a goal of the protestant movement- the goal was that because the church was corrupt and their interpretation of the text was corrupt- the people with the aid of printing presses ought to get their own bibles and read them themselves- and also, the fundamental beliefs of catholocism ought to be changed to fit in with the bible and not what the church said, it later led on to literalism in the fundamentalist groups.

i was looking at the small pic, intellectual clergymen knew that muslims read the quran themselves without a church to tell them what to make of it, and they liked the idea.

Try not to look at it as Europe and Arabia/N.Africa/spain, they had links with one another, there wsa communication and trade going on; the europeans were inspired by many sources, even as far as china, not just greek and roman knowledge- how did that knowledge come to them? they didnt just dig it up or look in their libraries.

3) are jews better than all other races? are all jews smarter and richer and better than all muslims? do all jews live in the richer suburbs? those who live in the rich suburbs, do they all live there because they earned all their money from their smarts or was it due to the generosity of fellow jews?

4) it is a fact that jews in israel are scarred that someone will come and wipe them off the map and they have found a scapegoat in the iranian guy. But its not an excuse to commit genocide in lebanon and palestine, or abuse human rights in the refugee camps. Now i dont know how the world will progress or regress, but israel's actions are creating more enemies from jews and non jews and the danger is that, as indicated by the rise of hamas and hizb, growing anti-semitism (a useless enterprise in itself) will lead to the destruction of israel. im looking at it from a political viewpoint

every social scientist must ask: "is our way of life sustainable"?

how long can israel keep this up? they must depend on american support, and the stupidity of the arabs to keep surviving- none of these are guaranteed

and you know this better than myself, israel should change and the arabs should change too- get rid of racism on all sides- or else there will be one big war- and israel will either kill all its enemies once again or be destroyed- its a gamble- but every punter knows you cant keep on winning

i'm against killing innocent people, and i know that if war breaks out, there will be human rights abuses on all sides

btw watch this
*massive round of applause*

Precisely so.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Mr eazy said:
i was looking at the small pic, intellectual clergymen knew that muslims read the quran themselves without a church to tell them what to make of it, and they liked the idea.
Muslims did not read by themselves, laymen in thosedays in arab world or even in the west (during 12/13/14/15 century) can neither read nor write. They hear it from their religious leaders and in most cases at the threat of a sword.

Try not to look at it as Europe and Arabia/N.Africa/spain, they had links with one another, there wsa communication and trade going on; the europeans were inspired by many sources, even as far as china, not just greek and roman knowledge- how did that knowledge come to them? they didnt just dig it up or look in their libraries.
I am not downplaying the oriental knowlege, however their influence on Greek and Romans civilizations were next to nothing. Likewise during the renaissance.

3) are jews better than all other races? are all jews smarter and richer and better than all muslims? do all jews live in the richer suburbs? those who live in the rich suburbs, do they all live there because they earned all their money from their smarts or was it due to the generosity of fellow jews?
Jews are better and smarter than arabs, striking evidence can be seen from comparision of Arabs vs Jews in all fields.
4) it is a fact that jews in israel are scarred that someone will come and wipe them off the map and they have found a scapegoat in the iranian guy. But its not an excuse to commit genocide in lebanon and palestine, or abuse human rights in the refugee camps. Now i dont know how the world will progress or regress, but israel's actions are creating more enemies from jews and non jews and the danger is that, as indicated by the rise of hamas and hizb, growing anti-semitism (a useless enterprise in itself) will lead to the destruction of israel. im looking at it from a political viewpoint

every social scientist must ask: "is our way of life sustainable"?
If you don't want to be killed in thousands then stop attacking Israel. Plain and simple :rofl: . Apparently hizbollah celebrate with a rally in beirut for the death of 400 terrorists and 700 terrorists supporters killed during Israel/Lebanon war started by Hizbollah.
how long can israel keep this up? they must depend on american support, and the stupidity of the arabs to keep surviving- none of these are guaranteed
Perhaps israel can keep this up with the help of Allah ;)
and you know this better than myself, israel should change and the arabs should change too- get rid of racism on all sides- or else there will be one big war- and israel will either kill all its enemies once again or be destroyed- its a gamble- but every punter knows you cant keep on winning

i'm against killing innocent people, and i know that if war breaks out, there will be human rights abuses on all sides
It is arabs hatred towards Israel that keeps the conflict alive. If Palestinian/Lebanon/Syria really want peace they should follow examples set by Egypt and Jordan. Israel is willing to make concession such as giving back Sinai to Egypt, a territory bigger than Israel itself; it captured at the cost of the lives of heroic hundreds of Israeli soldiers. Look at the relative prosperity, peace and economic development enjoyed by Jordan by making peace with Israel.


May 19, 2006
Jews are better and smarter than arabs, striking evidence can be seen from comparision of Arabs vs Jews in all fields.
Just shutup! what just because you may have more CEO'S or drive the better merc or live in some fancy north shoren apartment doesnt mean shit!! If anything youve fallen for the American Dream, the pursuit of materialism and materialism only... ohhh and ofcoarse expert bomb making scientists in israel..or was it america... opps im confused!!

If you don't want to be killed in thousands then stop attacking Israel. Plain and simple :rofl: . Apparently hizbollah celebrate with a rally in beirut for the death of 400 terrorists and 700 terrorists supporters killed during Israel/Lebanon war started by Hizbollah.

More delusional thoughts. Put it this way. The moment America falls from world dominace to China India or whoever (everyoune has a personal preference here) is the moment Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan falls... im referring to the animal that are currently in power in each of those countries. Why? well because of the the tremendous amount of aid, protection they receive in return for... oil, making sure no religous people come to power, always agreeing with American policies etc tc etc. To your second part... Excuse me you barbaric troll...'700 terrorist supporters' who do you think you are to make such generalisations!!. So the UN workers the children and the women blown up whilst mourning the already innocent dead were terrorist supporter!! Watch what you say

Perhaps israel can keep this up with the help of Allah ;)
LMFAO well Aryan is it true that youve converted to Islam because all the prophets you guys decided to except and not kill lol have essentially been prophets of Allah.

It is arabs hatred towards Israel that keeps the conflict alive.
Yeah and capturing the promised land isnt an instaigator at all... dip shit


Feb 2, 2005
Exphate said:
Even before 1948, Palestine was not captured.

The Zionists started buying (yes BUYING) up land in Palestine owned by people in the Ottoman Empire and leased to the Palestinians who did too little with the land to raise enough money to purchase it themselves.

During the Nuremburg years - under the British Mandate - Jewish Immigration into Palestine was slashed by the Poms to appease the Palestinians, who were staging an uprising.

Now, tell me - how is BUYING land...stealing? Especially since the land was never owned by the people anyway? Jews bought the land, came in and made money off it which many previous farmers couldn't. Ohh dear. Lets blow something up.

SECONDLY: It was the UN that gave the Jews the State of Israel, with the Partition plan]. If Palestinians have anyone to blame, it is Hitler for the Holocaust, because without that their wouldn't of been sympathy for the Jewish cause, and Israel probably wouldnt of been created.

Again. Israel was ALLOCATED to the Jews. They did not STEAL IT.

Firstly the Arabs didnt agree to the UN partition plan and secondly ISrael has not complied with UN resolutions.

Thirdly did steal the land, the british had limits to immigration of Jews, but the jews managed to sneak in and the take the land illegimately - thats called Stealing!. They had no right to buy in the first place!.


Aug 17, 2006
HotShot said:
Firstly the Arabs didnt agree to the UN partition plan and secondly ISrael has not complied with UN resolutions.

Thirdly did steal the land, the british had limits to immigration of Jews, but the jews managed to sneak in and the take the land illegimately - thats called Stealing!. They had no right to buy in the first place!.

The jews manipulated the law and took the land of the palestinians. As quoted above, they had no right to buy that land.

Its like raising the intrest rate so that a family can no longer afford to pay the mortgage. Then kicking them out into the street after selling the house for next to nothing and leaving the family with an enormous debt. Sure, its LEGAL but hell, its WRONG.

It's wrong in my books. The " the law is the law" saying doesn't neccesarily mean that going by the law, whatever law it is, is right to do so. All law is flawed, and thus what lawyers will do is that they manipulate those laws to suit their client/objective.
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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
HotShot said:
Firstly the Arabs didnt agree to the UN partition plan and secondly ISrael has not complied with UN resolutions.
Firstly they are now begging to get back the land allocated to them by UN which they greedily rejected in a hope of getting the whole land which they subsequently failed in all of their attempts through more wars.

Secondly, Israelis/jews complied and agreed with UN partition plan, and other resolutions were demands to return lands captured by Israel after wars with arabs countries such as Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria.

Thirdly, War is a legitimate way of settling dispute, especially when you start wars, do not expect much sympathy from the victors. Israel as a victor in all wars with arab have the right to occupy lands captured during the war and any decision to return those lands such as Shebaa/ Golan heights and jewish sttlements in West Bank is its prerogative.

Thirdly did steal the land, the british had limits to immigration of Jews, but the jews managed to sneak in and the take the land illegimately - thats called Stealing!. They had no right to buy in the first place!.
Eachtime hundreds of illegal immigrants arrived in australia by boat and by overstaying their visa are you telling us they don't have the right to buy properties, if so you must be the first to lose your right to buy property LOL:rofl:


Sep 29, 2005
Exphate said:
f Palestinians have anyone to blame, it is Hitler for the Holocaust, because without that their wouldn't of been sympathy for the Jewish cause, and Israel probably wouldnt of been created.
Actually, the creation of Israel was pushed for by zionists. There were other plans to create a state for Jews that survived the holocaust in South Africa, but obviously the zionists got their wish.


Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL
Exphate said:
Thats great. Its taken you almost 18 years to figure that they don't release grusome images.

Well fucking done.
I wish to emphasise I wish they did. From an early age I knew the media can only release pictures requiring viewer discretion to a certain extent.
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Mar 9, 2004
I have been conversing with some NCAP regulars about this forum's current state and how far too many muslim related threads virtually lead to the same thing. It deters many members, and I don't really like that.

I'm going to close this for now. If you would like to make an input/suggestion on these types of threads, feel free to do so.

Although, this thread will probably survive. Watch this space.
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