The Iraq War (1 Viewer)

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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Onebytwo said:
an article that tells of 3000 US soldier deaths in iraq

i dont seem to recall an article that commemorated the mark of 3000 iraqi deaths...oh happened too quickly...before anybody could give a shit.
if the welfare of the iraqi population was the major priority of bush then he would be releasing statements and making apologetic speeches for every 10 civilians that die....but 650000 have died and he wouldnt know the name of one of these civilians because he doesnt give a crap.
his solution: "increase troop numbers", way to go to solve the problem, iraq needs more tools for death and destruction.
the only solution left is to piss on off out of there
Maybe because your arabs journalist and newspapers did not do their homework? Why didn't they write such articles commemorating 3000 iraqis death if it is gonna make you happy and why is it the fault of the rest of the world/Bush that Newspapers did not write such articles?
Why should Bush apologise for innocent Iraqis killed by Muslim Terrorists which you gleefully :D absolved them of any responsibility whatsoever for their monstrous crime against innocent iraqis?

54247 said:
Bush admin and cocksuckers to the War lord simular to Blair and Coward think its perfectly fine to have innocent iraqis dead because... there Iraqis
Aren't you happy that more Iraqis are killed. You supported Saddam Hussein the man who killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. You also want Bush to withdraw troops from iraq so that Sunni and Shiite can kill eachother without anyone to stop them. Exaggerating iraqi death toll without quoting a source does not help, as if enlightened people in this board are gonna believe Sheikh halily's figure of Iraq casualty :rofl:


May 19, 2006
 Aren't you happy that more Iraqis are killed. You supported Saddam Hussein the man who killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. You also want Bush to withdraw troops from iraq so that Sunni and Shiite can kill eachother without anyone to stop them. Exaggerating iraqi death toll without quoting a source does  not help, as if enlightened people in this board are gonna believe Sheikh halily's figure of Iraq casualty :rofl:[/QUOTE]
No!! actually but ayy its a typical zionist attribute just amking wild accusations like that. I mean are you sick minded... me.... happy more iraqis are getting killed!!. For the 6th or 7th time, ill repeat myself to your rock like brain, find me a post where i totally supported saddam hussein as a dictator. If anything i said i preffered him to the current situation... why because more are being killed!!!!. No i never said i want Bush just to withdraw like that. I said he has to in one way or another fix the whole problem he has started then rack off hopefully having the iol fields still untouched (in anyones dreams). Ok your right i didnt quto the source but here it is... you must have watched any news channel because when it came out, it was biiig
Its unbias objective American Figures not the figure that the opressors want the world to see.

The fact that you continuously attack religous leaders and continuosly make the same false accusations shows your arguement is falling into pieces!!


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Aryanbeauty said:
Maybe because your arabs journalist and newspapers did not do their homework? Why didn't they write such articles commemorating 3000 iraqis death if it is gonna make you happy and why is it the fault of the rest of the world/Bush that Newspapers did not write such articles?
they were all killed by the deadly indiscriminate bombing raids at the start of the war.
Why should Bush apologise for innocent Iraqis killed by Muslim Terrorists which you gleefully :D absolved them of any responsibility whatsoever for their monstrous crime against innocent iraqis?
because he has a "responsibility" to the iraqi population under international law. and the mere fact that he doesnt apologise highlights the fact that he has no sympathy for the iraqi's, which he claims does and is the purpose of the entire war. if he doesnt feel for the iraqi's then the foundation on which the war is built upon is destroyed

Aren't you happy that more Iraqis are killed. You supported Saddam Hussein the man who killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.
so did rumsfeld and his neocon gang. a little alleged ( by you ) support for a dictator isnt as nearly as humiliating as the people who once funded and aided military and political support for a brutal dictator. i know which is worse

You also want Bush to withdraw troops from iraq so that Sunni and Shiite can kill eachother without anyone to stop them.
you cant police a civil war...its now up to the people.

Exaggerating iraqi death toll without quoting a source does not help, as if enlightened people in this board are gonna believe Sheikh halily's figure of Iraq casualty :rofl:
are you suggesting we follow Bush's ridiculous figure of 30 000?
Bush's thinking:
- 30000 people die during 3.5 years of a horrific war
- 30000 people die annually in the US from guns

Is Bush inadvertantly implying that the streets of the US are 3.5 times more dangerous than the battlefields of baghdad and iraq?
EDIT: if so, the US outta start thinking about implementing martial law instead of worrying about whats happening on the other side of the world

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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
54247 said:
No!! actually but ayy its a typical zionist attribute just amking wild accusations like that. I mean are you sick minded... me.... happy more iraqis are getting killed!!. For the 6th or 7th time, ill repeat myself to your rock like brain, find me a post where i totally supported saddam hussein as a dictator. If anything i said i preffered him to the current situation... why because more are being killed!!!!. No i never said i want Bush just to withdraw like that. I said he has to in one way or another fix the whole problem he has started then rack off hopefully having the iol fields still untouched (in anyones dreams). Ok your right i didnt quto the source but here it is... you must have watched any news channel because when it came out, it was biiig
Its unbias objective American Figures not the figure that the opressors want the world to see.
The death figure you quoted is NOT by Washington Post newspaper but rather a vague estimate based on interviews and it includes all death in Iraq , suicide bombings and people killed by disease. Iraqi Body Count which is an independent organisation count maximum of 58097 killed with the victims names, and cause of death listed. Which is more reliable than vague estimate your source quoted.

Yes you said Iraqis are better off and Saddam should continue to rule Iraq, you also opposed the the allied war against Hitler and supported him. Alas your cause are always on the losing side and will always be.
Onebytwo said:
they were all killed by the deadly indiscriminate bombing raids at the start of the war.
regardless of when they are killed why don't arab press commemorate them if they are going to make you happy?

because he has a "responsibility" to the iraqi population under international law. and the mere fact that he doesnt apologise highlights the fact that he has no sympathy for the iraqi's, which he claims does and is the purpose of the entire war. if he doesnt feel for the iraqi's then the foundation on which the war is built upon is destroyed
Apologising for things he had not done is NOT the responsibility of Bush, if he was to say anything he should be sending condolences. Apology should be from the killer, islamic terrorist who killed innocent iraqis daily. You do not care for Iraqis lives either, you are either happy that more iraqis are killed so that you can whine about it and blame it on Bush while the real culprit of death and agony of Iraqis are islamic terrorists.

so did rumsfeld and his neocon gang. a little alleged ( by you ) support for a dictator isnt as nearly as humiliating as the people who once funded and aided military and political support for a brutal dictator. i know which is worse
At least they supported him for good intent for American foreign policy and they did not cheer for iraqis civilians death, they actually did something to liberate 19 million Iraqis from the cluteches of Saddam's opression while you are cheering Iraqis death for the sake of your own personal satisfaction that you can blame Bush and America and whine about it. You are worse than any of those neocon who supported the war, because you continously failed to blame terrorists for the death of hundreds of civilians each day.
you cant police a civil war...its now up to the people.
Losers cant police anything, they lose even before they started. US and NATO put an end to civil war in Bosnia and today they are still policing it.
are you suggesting we follow Bush's ridiculous figure of 30 000?
Bush's thinking:
No I did not suggest you follow Bush figure, you can follow any figure that satisfy you. Iraqi Body Count which I think is reliable because of their listings of all death, event and dates says about 50,000 people. Believing 600,000 death means 500 death everyday since the war and that is nothing but ridiculous.

- 30000 people die during 3.5 years of a horrific war
- 30000 people die annually in the US from guns

Is Bush inadvertantly implying that the streets of the US are 3.5 times more dangerous than the battlefields of baghdad and iraq?
EDIT: if so, the US outta start thinking about implementing martial law instead of worrying about whats happening on the other side of the world
US have 14 times more population than Iraq and more people are killed in a car crash than by gun violence should they ban cars too? It is safer to walk on the street of New York than walking along a lebanese neighbourhood in Sydney. Perhaps NSW should impose curfew too eh?


Aug 17, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
US have 14 times more population than Iraq and more people are killed in a car crash than by gun violence should they ban cars too? It is safer to walk on the street of New York than walking along a lebanese neighbourhood in Sydney. Perhaps NSW should impose curfew too eh?
Oh whys that? Because they're arab so they must be evil and violent? Be careful on what you say.

Aryanbeauty said:
Yes you said Iraqis are better off and Saddam should continue to rule Iraq, you also opposed the the allied war against Hitler and supported him.
You make false accusations out of nothing. This is by far the most ridicolous thing you've ever posted.

At least they supported him for good intent for American foreign policy and they did not cheer for iraqis civilians death, they actually did something to liberate 19 million Iraqis from the cluteches of Saddam's opression while you are cheering Iraqis death for the sake of your own personal satisfaction that you can blame Bush and America and whine about it. You are worse than any of those neocon who supported the war, because you continously failed to blame terrorists for the death of hundreds of civilians each day.
Good intent? Sorry, but the U.S didn't have "good intentions" when they started the Vietnam war and gassed all of those poor innocent civilians - all of which suffer from the most horrific abnormalities thanks to the U.S usage of Agen Orange. So why is this any different?

Apologising for things he had not done is NOT the responsibility of Bush, if he was to say anything he should be sending condolences. Apology should be from the killer, islamic terrorist who killed innocent iraqis daily.
He should when he caused the war. I mean, sure terrorists are killing innocents now. But who put Iraq in the state of chaos that is now? Its the U.S who caused it, whether deliberate or no.


May 19, 2006
Yes you said Iraqis are better off and Saddam should continue to rule Iraq, you also opposed the the allied war against Hitler and supported him. Alas your cause are always on the losing side and will always be.
You keep making false and proposterous accusations. Find me the Post where i preferred saddam for who he was and his dictatorship and not because of the larger amount of innocent casualties which Bush admin has caused. Find It
and for the second part. WTF the last time i delved into that topic of Hitler's war was in year 10 history class so i dont know which tangent youve gone on there but writeo0o0o...?

These random accusations show your arguemnt is in tatters

Ohh and your last comment "Alas... you will always be on the losing side and always be"

here ill type it again

"Alas... you will always be on the losing side and always be"

is that what all this is to you winning and losing...
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New Member
May 24, 2006
actually saddam caused million deaths...taking into account that he killed 100 000 CIVILIAn iranians in iran iraq war. My point is that were not fighting in Iraq for no order for us to have normal lives..we have to protect democracy and freedom. this might sound stupid because we went Iraq...which wasnt related to 911. However, Iraq has allowed us to spy on other countries and make some assumptions about wants to dessiminate its destruction and ruthlessness upon free invididuals.......WW1 and WW2 were necessary so nations could understand that in the end, they have to live together one day......and EU was established. Middle Eastern extremists like Syria and Iran are trying to take control of very unstable fact one of the most unstable regions on this planet. You see were not just fighting for oil but for freedom and democracy. I would not want to see people living under some Exreme regimes that would ban movie, porn and stuff like that. Yes Bush made shit load of mistakes, but in the end, our way of life is better and that what we are attacking countires which is stupid of course but reality


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
S1M0 said:
Oh whys that? Because they're arab so they must be evil and violent? Be careful on what you say.
That was a rhetorical answer+question to Onebytwo's suggstions of imposing martial law in usa because guns crime. But if you want to mean something else, yes exactly as you said.
You make false accusations out of nothing. This is by far the most ridicolous thing you've ever posted.
I did NOT accuse you. I was talking to that nameless coward with multiple ID. Yes he supported Saddam Hussein and Hitler, proven by his previous posts.
Good intent? Sorry, but the U.S didn't have "good intentions" when they started the Vietnam war and gassed all of those poor innocent civilians - all of which suffer from the most horrific abnormalities thanks to the U.S usage of Agen Orange. So why is this any different?
Yes US have good intentions for its foreign policy in Supporting Saddam with arms and ammunition in his wars with Iran because of the rising power of Iran in the middle east which is disliked by each and every Arab countries including Egypt. Saddam was the only power in the region who can checkmate Iran. That was the good intentions, for the benefit of Arabs countries who are scared of Iran even today. Regarding vietnam war, US wanted to establish a democratic government not a Soviet Union style proven failure communist country. You ( as an Egyptian) knew too well the benefit of getting US support vs USSR.

He should when he caused the war. I mean, sure terrorists are killing innocents now. But who put Iraq in the state of chaos that is now? Its the U.S who caused it, whether deliberate or no.
Perhaps arabs leaders should apologise to iraqis for not helping their fellow arabs.

You keep making false and proposterous accusations. Find me the Post where i preferred saddam for who he was and his dictatorship and not because of the larger amount of innocent casualties which Bush admin has caused. Find It
and for the second part. WTF the last time i delved into that topic of Hitler's war was in year 10 history class so i dont know which tangent youve gone on there but writeo0o0o...?
Do a search of your own post. Exaggerating casualty to 600,000 does not help, simply because 500 people are not killed daily in Iraq, confirmed by Iraqi Body Count. But as a Supporter of Saddam Hussein, you love to see Iraqis die so you can continue smear campaign against USA, regardless of the outcome of the Iraq war.

is that what all this is to you winning and losing...
Yes its better to win than lose, and be a sore loser. :rofl:


May 19, 2006
I did NOT accuse you. I was talking to that nameless coward with multiple ID. Yes he supported Saddam Hussein and Hitler, proven by his previous posts.
Prove it dip shit. And WTF multiple ID your seriously mental... Your methods of thinking are scary!!

Do a search of your own post. Exaggerating casualty to 600,000 does not help, simply because 500 people are not killed daily in Iraq, confirmed by Iraqi Body Count. But as a Supporter of Saddam Hussein, you love to see Iraqis die so you can continue smear campaign against USA, regardless of the outcome of the Iraq war.
It was an independent study group which undertook that primary research and whats your problem! I saw the methods they use and i was satisfied with them and though it would be quite accurate.
And yes again you continue with your mental accusations "i love to see Iraqis die"!!... Your just warped minded...
Yes its better to win than lose, and be a sore loser. :rofl:
Exactly even if it means being the most unjust, occupying territory, stealing resources and killing hundreds upon thousands of innocent lives. That quote i think sums up zionism. Good work aryan.:Oynk Oynk


Sep 29, 2005
54247 said:
Aryanbeauty said:
Yes its better to win than lose, and be a sore loser. :rofl:
Exactly even if it means being the most unjust, occupying territory, stealing resources and killing hundreds upon thousands of innocent lives. That quote i think sums up zionism.

Too bad that 6+ million lost then, huh? :rofl:


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
54247 said:
Prove it dip shit. And WTF multiple ID your seriously mental... Your methods of thinking are scary!!

It was an independent study group which undertook that primary research and whats your problem! I saw the methods they use and i was satisfied with them and though it would be quite accurate.
And yes again you continue with your mental accusations "i love to see Iraqis die"!!... Your just warped minded...

Exactly even if it means being the most unjust, occupying territory, stealing resources and killing hundreds upon thousands of innocent lives. That quote i think sums up zionism. Good work aryan.:Oynk Oynk
Who can be more mentally insane than people like you who support Palestinian suicide bombers who blew themselves up for a failed cause, a problem they brought on to themselves because of their greed and hatred.

I also sourced an independent organisation who made body count from the beginning of the war not some organisation who sit in a university and guess from interviews. I'd say an organisation that list an event and names of people killed in each incident is more reliable than theoretical guesswork.

Your much admired and loved Saddam Hussein and islamic terrorists killed more innocent people than any one else since Soviet Communist dictator Stalin.
Zeek said:
Too bad that 6+ million lost then, huh? :rofl:
At least Israelis are kicking your arab ass ever since 1948 :D


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Aryanbeauty said:
You are worse than any of those neocon who supported the war, because you continously failed to blame terrorists for the death of hundreds of civilians each day.
Aryanbeauty said:
Believing 600,000 death means 500 death everyday since the war and that is nothing but ridiculous.
jeez, which is it? make up your mind

Aryanbeauty said:
US have 14 times more population than Iraq
so because the deaths are more dilute it makes it ok?

Aryanbeauty said:
more people are killed in a car crash than by gun violence should they ban cars too?
no, because cars are not designed to kill, but guns are.

Aryanbeauty said:
It is safer to walk on the street of New York than walking along a lebanese neighbourhood in Sydney. Perhaps NSW should impose curfew too eh?
now what would somebody such as yourself be doing walking the dark streets of a lebanese neighbourhood?
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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
onebytwo said:
jeez, which is it? make up your mind

so because the deaths are more dilute it makes it ok?

no, because cars are not designed to kill, but guns are.

now what would somebody such as yourself be doing walking the dark streets of a lebanese neighbourhood?
But cars killed more people than guns so if you really care about people being killed then why not ban the most dangerous weapon that killed more people than anything else :D Not all guns are made for killing. There are various type of guns for various uses and once again it is NOT the fault of Bush that gun crime occurs in the United States. It is the fault of the criminals. But! typical of you always blaming the victim or Bush instead of blaming islamic terrorists and criminals who are the real culprit.

Crimes are measured in relative terms that is percentage of death per population. Comparing the death of 30,000 people from a population of 300 million with 30,000 death from a population of 25 million over three years shows you cannot even do basic math to compare things in relative terms.

According to your statistic US gun crime rate is 0.01 percent killed each year.

According to your statistic 0.04 percent are killed each year in Iraq during the past three years.

That is how you make comparision if you are going to make comparison of countries based on their sizes of population.

Having said that, I am in no way saying the crimes are OK, I am just showing you some basic math that your teacher failed to teach you in school. Thats all.


Sep 2, 2005
zeek said:

Too bad that 6+ million lost then, huh? :rofl:
Nah, the joke is on the arabs since the jews gained the holocaust trump card. I mean it's not even legal to question the details of the holocaust nowadays.


May 19, 2006
_dhj_ said:
Nah, the joke is on the arabs since the jews gained the holocaust trump card. I mean it's not even legal to question the details of the holocaust nowadays.

The international communtiy warns the zionist leadership of Israel about treating there neibours like shit then what do you know... They start sooking... holocaust holocaust.
Yes we understand it was a terrible event and we all feel for the jewish suffering. But WTF ...there doing the same thing but to the palos this time.

Nevertheless for aryan its OK to do that to arabs because its a win for him but the holocaust was a loss because his community was getting butchered then. BUT for normal being (yes your excluded) we see both as a loss (i dont need to explain the rest)


Aug 17, 2006
54247 said:

The international communtiy warns the zionist leadership of Israel about treating there neibours like shit then what do you know... They start sooking... holocaust holocaust.
Yes we understand it was a terrible event and we all feel for the jewish suffering. But WTF ...there doing the same thing but to the palos this time.

Nevertheless for aryan its OK to do that to arabs because its a win for him but the holocaust was a loss because his community was getting butchered then. BUT for normal being (yes your excluded) we see both as a loss (i dont need to explain the rest)


Sep 29, 2005
Umm... everyone is forgetting about the holocaust and people (mainly in Europe) are beginning to play it down, so don't think it's going to be useful forever. :)


Sep 29, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
At least Israelis are kicking your arab ass ever since 1948
Did you forget about the nearly 5000 years on and off jewish persecution?:rofl:


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
54247 said:

The international communtiy warns the zionist leadership of Israel about treating there neibours like shit then what do you know... They start sooking... holocaust holocaust.
Yes we understand it was a terrible event and we all feel for the jewish suffering. But WTF ...there doing the same thing but to the palos this time.

Nevertheless for aryan its OK to do that to arabs because its a win for him but the holocaust was a loss because his community was getting butchered then. BUT for normal being (yes your excluded) we see both as a loss (i dont need to explain the rest)
Israel is rounding Palestinians up into death camps then gassing them with Zyklon-B?
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