In awesome holographic news, MY ANKLE ISN'T FRACTURED YAY!!!! It's still a pretty darn bad sprain though - the worst one I've ever had to date :/
Stuck in my house, unable to do 99.95% of the stuff I normally do, I have been thinking about my ankle ALL DAY, so now you get to hear all about my ankle's day today

If it already sounds boring (and I figure it's that way for everyone but me

) then just scroll down to the next person's post
My day started with me hopping on my trusty computer chair and scooting over to the couch (which is in front of the TV - if I'm going to have to stay put for a good few hours I want to be entertained, you know

). Still can't put any weight on my ankle whatsoever, and since mere changes of altitude/slight movements still put me in a hell of a lot of pain I wasn't planning on doing too much...
In the afternoon, it was time for my appointment with my trusty sports physio. Hobbled from car --> outside of building where physio is with the help of two canes. Died after about 15 metres and had to sit down on some steps for a while... managed to get up the stairs with help of awesomely big fat supportive railing
(damn you "Out Of Service" lift!!!), rested for a bit more before tackling the next two metres. Felt ready to die again but kept setting 1.5m goals before I got to physio's place!!! Much out of breath, I crashed on a chair and felt so totally awesome that I HAD MADE IT! (in normal circumstances, a walk from car --> physio takes about 2 minutes...)
second scary moment of the day: When my sports physio saw me hobbling from the chairs to the little bed thingo, she said "this doesn't look very good." (Coming from someone who's seen me with all 3 major ligaments torn/inflammed vertebrae of the neck/strained adductor muscle and jokes about chopping off the parts of my body giving me grief, when the serious tone comes out it's somewhat unsettling) We discovered that even if she wasn't prodding a ligament, it was hurting like hell.
She decided to send me off for an x-ray there and then - "Suspected Fracture" :/ scary moment of the day #3. I was sitting there and watching the rest of the year go by... it took me 3 months with sports physio several times a week to get back after my really big ankle screwup, I figured if I had a fracture it would take at least that long for me to get better. Goodbye, flamenco exam/training/ability to teach/ability to choreograph/studio concert where I'm supposed to perform/flamenco fiesta/ability to dance around and move however I wanted, when I wanted :/ cue massive "oohhhhh my god...." moment here.
Then I heard she wanted to send me off for x-rays NOW. I thought about my massive trauma travelling a mere 2mins walk... the x-ray place is a good 10minutes walk away under normal circumstances!!!! I had no proper crutches or a wheelchair (and none were avaliable from the nearby medical centres), scary... BUT HALLELUJAH! Someone had left some shopping trollies outside the building. So guess who got a shopping trolley ride through Hornsby?

(I was in the trolley and mum was pushing, if you want to know

probably one of the only moments where I'm like "yay I'm small enough to fit in here!")
The x-ray people weren't too impressed that I hadn't seen a doctor yet lol. However they were nice enough that around 5pm when they were closing down, to rush my printing and report through so I could find out that day exactly what the heck I'd done to myself since tripping over a (dog-made) hole
Another trolley ride back to the physio, then we had a look at x-rays and report... hurrah! No fracture! Fair bit of inflammation though (on top of the sprain - won't know how many ligaments I tore until the swelling/sensitivity goes down). I'm seeing her again tomorrow. Oh, and I'm on crutches now

it's pretty funny, and I am TERRIFIED of going downstairs in crutches. I keep seeing images of myself loosing balance and falling down :/
I have 12 days until I have to be able to stamp in 7cm heels for my flamenco exam. Wish me luck!