nesso said:
if i was PM i would make economics compulsary at school.
the economic benefits of the industrial relation reforms are at the heart of ensuring our standards of living in australia...
dead set and i dont mean to sound like a broken record
all us economics students know .....australias economy has reached the Natural rate of unemployment and there is in fact a growing concern now and for the future of a labour shortage..
this in mind the truth is it is HARD to find good staff and those who do a good job have a SAFE job and arent in danger of losing it...
the unfair dismissal laws only detrimentally affect the lazy workers of australia who are under threat because they do a shit job and they know it and want to keep it that way...
POint 2# if the unfair dismissal laws are changed...small businesses are more hhappy to employ more people on full time this means less casual employment and less UNDEREMPLOYMENT which we know is becoming rife.
True casual rates are higher...but instead of them receive more beneficial more full time pay
Employers in some small businesses are afraid to employ too many ppl because its so hard to get rid of them
Dont think we are the workers we need protection for our your job right and you will be safe...
anyone agree with me???? or please choose to disagree
A couple of things. There's a lot more to economics than what's taught in high school. Are you in high school? If not, have u studied any 2nd yr or above econ subjects at uni? THere are other schools of economic thought, other theories which seek to tackle unemployment. I'm not saying they're correct but they're part of a variety of approaches.
With unfair dismissal laws, well there are some situations where they don't affect lazy workers but also impact on workers who do their jobs correctly but the employer finds other reasons to dismiss the employee which aren't performance based.
As to your point #2, well i could also say that if the govt abolishes compulsory superannuation, award rates, workers comp/insurance, well that could also give more of an incentive for small business to hire more ppl.