The Official PS3 vs. Xbox 360 Thread (2 Viewers)


New Member
Jan 24, 2009
IMO, to each is their own. Some people may like a game, some people may hate it.

To me though, having played the whole MGS series I loved the 4th. It's such an emotional experience (yes, ti is emotional for those who have played all previous 3 series).
Lol I rented the game for 3 nights and played once till 5:30 in the morning.

I loved every single bit of it, they fixed the controls and except for Otacons annoying crying, the story was beautifully executed IMO.

In fact I just recently finished MGS2 and MGS1 again. Ive got a friend who wants to get into it so Im lending them to him. He loved the twist in 2.


Jun 4, 2007
Haha I'm probably coming off a bit aggressive, not my intention, I'm genuinely interested in trying to find out what it is about certain video game experiences, such as MGS that actually 'engage' people.

Tastes are subjective, but they can still be defined or at least extrapolated/identified to a certain degree. Like for strategy games, I can identify the need to micro-manage and the almost god-like complex of playing the game as being the thing I enjoy in it, while others may see this as not their 'cup of tea' it has been identified as being that factor which either party enjoys/doesn't.

(Trying to find research areas for my pee haytch dee so forgive the questions :))
I think GS best sums up what I was trying to say in words.
GameSpot's Best Games of 2008: Game of the Year Nominees
Some of the editors seem a bit teary.
Was really happy with their GOTY picks they were the only people who had every game that deserved to be nominated.

Lol I rented the game for 3 nights and played once till 5:30 in the morning.

I loved every single bit of it, they fixed the controls and except for Otacons annoying crying, the story was beautifully executed IMO.

In fact I just recently finished MGS2 and MGS1 again. Ive got a friend who wants to get into it so Im lending them to him. He loved the twist in 2.
If it wasn't for the HSC I would have played this at least 3 times by now.
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