The People of USyd (1 Viewer)


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
brogan77 said:
um, Megan (hawt:eek:) go to the Landsdowne like, right near USYD for $5 steaks.
Haha I know. Steak isn't really lunch food anyway, so I don't know why I wrote that.

But $3 drinks are awesome.


Jan 30, 2006
I realised that i didn't fill in the first part...and what better way to relieve boredom on a thursday avo!

Basic Info:

[Name] Chloe Mackenzie
[Age] 18
[Education n course] Bachelor of Health Science
[Sign] Libra
[Birthday] 20th October
[Hair Color] Blonde
[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Style] long/medium in length, layered with a few brown streaks in it...straight.
[Ethnic Background] Polish
[Religion] oh god...athiest
[Location] Sydney
[Sex] *nods*
[Height] 172cm

Are You?
[Racist] sometimes...i try not to be..but yeah
[Weird] hell yeah!
[Romantic] with the right person and when im not in my " im off men" stage , yes:d
[Serious] sometimes, depends what im doing
[Smart] apparently...
[In love] im always in love, ususally with someone unattainable....
[Religious] not at all
[Playful] of course:D
[Experienced] yup, in every way possible
[Tolerant] no really, im really irritated by stupid people...someone that you have to repeat an instruction to 1000x...oh and i hate teeny boppers-id kill them all


:x:Any nicknames? "hey you"
:x:Any immediate family? yup
:x:Any pets? yes...a 2kg dog that resembles more of a giant rat than a dog actually...a cat-birman seal point whom i have gender issues with and call fat bastard..and an alexadrian parrot.
:x:Any significant other? yes...except we're not on civil terms atm.
:x:Any hobbies? ohhh yeahhh ;)
:x:Any obsessions? ohhhhh yeahhhh ;)
:x:Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? teeth, hair, comlexion...*nods*
:x:If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Nothing, im perfection topped off with perfection, covered in perfection. Maybe id be 2cm taller...


:x:Any classes you love? Yes!!!!! ANATOMY!!!! theres nothing better than playing with cadavers in labs... *sigh*
:x:Any classes you hate? yes..."professional practice and communication" i mean i get can't tell patients/clients to fuck off...we know!!

:x:Any opinions about your teachers? my anatomy lecturer is is one for psych..although i hate this one for microbiology-she has such a thick indian accent you cant understand her
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? haha no

:x:What do you love about USyd: Umm...about the main campus or scumbo like the upper levels of fisher library ;)especially when i meet brogan there

:x:What do you hate about Usyd: the plastic student ID cars!! and the webct site, its always getting updated and some lecturers still dont know how to use it *sigh*..lectures from week 1 arent up there...actually one whole subject isnt up there.

Have Your Ever...?

Said "I love you" and not mean it? nope
Danced naked? haha...*nods*
Stalked someone? everyday consists of some stalker activity on my behalf
Had a mud bath? ive had a mud mask!
Wished you were the opposite sex? haha, yeah, my friends say im a gay man stuck in a womans body
Had an imaginary friend? No but my friend did..her name was Zoe and she lived in a matchbox and apparently i squashed her leading to her miserable death...this was all very well and cute except we were in year 8 at the time..kinda past the imaginary friend stage!...hmm..probably the result of an acid trip.


Basic Info:
[Name] Justin
[Age] 19
[Education/Course] Bachelor of Education (Secondary: Humanities and Social Sciences)/Bachelor of Arts
[Sign] Libra
[Birthday] 28 September 1986
[Hair Color] Brown
[Eye Color] Brown
[Hair Style] Long, straight up until the point where it isn't. Uaully half way behind my ears or under my Roosters cap.
[Ethnic Background] English/Greek
[Religion] Anglican
[Location] Edensor Park
[Sex] Male
[Height] 183cm

Are You?
[Racist] There are two things I hate in the world. Racists, and wogs.
[Weird] Yes.
[Romantic] Sometimes.
[Serious] Too often.
[Smart] Sometimes.
[In love] Yes.
[Religious] I believe in a higher power. Better than the "Nothing exploded and created everything" theory.
[Playful] Yes.
[Experienced] No.
[Tolerant] No.

:x:Any nicknames? J, Jubie.
:x:Any immediate family? Parents and two brothers.
:x:Any pets? Two dogs. Rhodesian Ridgebacks.
:x:Any significant other? Yes. Tennille.
:x:Any hobbies? Reading, photography, paintball.
:x:Any obsessions? I have this thing where I have to buy all paperback novels because I hate inconsistency on my bookshelves. If a book is in a series, I need the covers to be the same style (since some books go through cover art revisions occasionally). Weird.
:x:Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? Sense of humour. My god, girls without a sense of humour are no fun at all.
:x:If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? I need to be more assertive.

:x:Any classes you love? Not this semester.
:x:Any classes you hate? Who was the genius who thought that Education studets needed two hours of listening to idiots who don't know what they're talking about (ie: tutes) rather than two optional hours of listening to idiots with qualifications who don't know what they're talking about (ie: lectures)? Because I hate long, compulsory tutes.
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? My History lecturer is good.
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? In between uni, work, not studying, going to the footy, taking photos, reading, last minute assignments, and whining about how many assignments I have to do by tomorrow? No.
:x:What do you love about USyd: The architecture. Good for photos.
:x:What do you hate about Usyd: The number of idiots who insist on handing out fliers on various topics that I really don't care about.

Have Your Ever...?
Said "I love you" and not mean it? No.
Danced naked? In the shower. But not too much. It's slippery and pretty dangerous.
Stalked someone? No.
Had a mud bath? No. But once my friend Michael pushed Chris into the mud. That was funny.
Wished you were the opposite sex? Oh god no.
Had an imaginary friend? No.

My father thinks I am: The best thing since sliced bread.
My mother thinks I am: The best thing since the microwave oven.
My sibling(s) thinks I am: Bigger than they are.
My best friend thinks I am: Awesome.
Your three best qualities: I take a good photo from time to time, I know what issues I have, and I'm honest.
Three worst qualities: I'm intolerant, cynical and grumpy occasionally.
Three things you are often complimented for: I take the occasional good photo from time to time.
A compliment you got that made you truly blush: I'm male. Displays of emotion are completely unacceptable.
You get embarrassed when: People I don't like say nice things to me. I don't want to compliment them back, which makes things awkward.
Makes you happy: PAINTBALL! ... and Tennille, I suppose. Also, organising a day for 20+ people, and everyone managing to turn up, and proceeding to have a good time.
Upsets you: Bad drivers. Pedestrians. Road works. Pretty much everyone on the road who isn't me.


You keep a diary: Do random entries in a blog count?
You like to cook: Yes.
You fold your underwear: No.
You talk in your sleep: Sometimes.
You bite your fingernails: Yes.


Movie you rented: 40 Year Old Virgin
Movie you bought: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
Movie you saw in the theater: Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest
Song you listened to: I Like Chinese by Monty Python
TV show you've watched: House M.D.
Person you are thinking of: You.


You wish you could live somewhere else: Yes. Inner west would be nice.
You believe in online dating: Not really.
Others find you attractive: At least one person does.
You want more piercings: No.
You want more tattoos: No. But if I were to get a tattoo, I'd like a barcode.
You drink: Yes. Beer, bourbon, vodka and occasionally Baileys.
You like cleaning: No.
You like roller coasters: Not really. The whole being in a situation that could make you dead thing doesn't appeal to me.
You write in cursive or print: Cursive.
You carry a donor card: At the moment, yes. If I die before I get my full licence, you can take when you want. If not, you missed your chance.

Have you...

Ever cried over a boy/girl: Yes.
Ever lied to someone: Yes.
Ever been in a fist fight: Yes.
Ever been arrested: No.


Shampoo do you use: Whatever mum buys.
Cologne do you use: The one that comes in the glass bottle and smells nice.
Shoes do you always wear: I wish it was Summer. I miss my thongs.

Name you wish you had: Hamish!
Your role model: My dad or my uncle.

Do you dream in colour or black and white: Colour.
What word do you repeatedly say: Bloody.
Ever thought the same sex was hot: Good looking, but not hot.
Something we don't know about you:

Favourite confectionery: Bullets, M&Ms.
Favourite stationery: Gel pens.

Type of person you look down on: People who feel the need to be hurtful or rude. People with no respect or tolerance for any other individual outside their immediate circle.
Type of person you adore: Honest and funny.

The time of the day you look your best: Morning. Right after I get out of the shower.
What you value most: Real friends. My camera.
Money can't buy happiness. But poverty can't buy anything.
The 1 place you really want to travel to: Scotland!

What turns you on instantly: Boobies!
Scared of haunted houses in theme parks? Nope.
How many true loves do you think you will get in a lifetime? One, I would hope.

What do you spend most of your time doing? Reading.
The best present you can ever receive: Anything book or camera related.
Country with the best looking people: Whatever country I happen to be in at the time. Australia.

Describe a perfect friend: Someone who will tell me I'm being a dickhead if I am, but not be nasty about it.
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Oct 17, 2004
yawn i'll do this so i feel like less of a stalkers

Basic Info:

[Name] Liam
[Age] 18
[Education n course] Liberal Studies
[Sign] taurus
[Birthday] 3 may 1988
[Hair Color] brown
[Eye Color] brown
[Hair Style] long, messy, tied back
[Ethnic Background] aussie
[Religion] Sith, 70,000 Jedi in aus but only 2 sith biatch
[Location] Lidcombe
[Sex] yes
[Height] ~170 i guess, maybe little less

Are You?

[Racist] I only hate racists and black people
[Weird] when i feel like it
[Romantic] apparantly not
[Serious] meh
[Smart]er than you
[In love] yaha
[Playful] when i feel like it i guess
[Experienced] pft i dunno, at some things
[Tolerant] no, just too lazy to object to anything


:x:Any nicknames? jesus and derivatives of
:x:Any immediate family? yes
:x:Any pets? nope
:x:Any significant other? yaha
:x:Any hobbies? yes
:x:Any obsessions? sleep count?
:x:Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? boobs
:x:If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? better fine motor skills[read handwriting] and memory


:x:Any classes you love? crusade is pretty sweet as is writing history
:x:Any classes you hate? some of the psych stuff is soooooo slow
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? most of em seem cool
:x:What do you love about USyd: the fact it isnt UTS
:x:What do you hate about Usyd: fisher and transient, what were they thinking

Have Your Ever...?

Said "I love you" and not mean it? yep
Danced naked? yes
Stalked someone? nope
Had a mud bath? wasnt so much a bath as just got covered in mud
Wished you were the opposite sex? boobs would be fun


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Basic Info:
[Name] Josh
[Age] Old
[Education/Course] Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts
[Sign] Virgo
[Birthday] See above
[Hair Color] Brown
[Eye Color] Hazel
[Hair Style] Short
[Ethnic Background] Anglo-Celtic
[Religion] No religion
[Location] Western Sydney
[Sex] Male
[Height] 175 cm

Are You?
[Racist] No
[Weird] Aren't we all?
[Romantic] No
[Serious] Yes
[Smart] No
[In love] No
[Religious] No
[Playful] No
[Experienced] No.
[Tolerant] Till I'm annoyed, yes.

:x:Any nicknames? No
:x:Any immediate family? Yes
:x:Any pets? Yes
:x:Any significant other? No
:x:Any hobbies? Watching Sci Fi and bushwalking
:x:Any obsessions? I worry. A lot.
:x:Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? Quirky behaviour and a smile to match.
:x:If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? I'd be more confident in what I do.

:x:Any classes you love? No
:x:Any classes you hate? No
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? No
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? No
:x:What do you love about USyd: The fact that I can reach Redfern (and the main campus) without having to transfer to a second train or a bus.
:x:What do you hate about Usyd: The evangelicals who think that because you are reading a book you must be in need of a friend and the misplaced sense of superiority that seems to be evident no matter where you turn.
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Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
Basic Info:
[Name] James
[Age] 18
[Education/Course] Bachelor of Economics
[Sign] Taurus
[Birthday] 21 May
[Eye Color] Brown
[Hair Style] A medium length
[Ethnic Background] Eurasian (French, English, Asian)
[Religion] Atheist
[Location] Lower North Shore
[Sex] Male
[Height] 173cm

Are You?
[Racist] No, however i refuse to succumb to political correctness on such matters.
[Weird] of course
[Romantic] Doubtful.
[Serious] Most of the time yes. However i am known to discard such seriousness depending on the context of a situation.
[Smart] no comment
[In love] No
[Religious] Definately not. Actively anti-religious if anything.
[Playful] At times.
[Experienced] No
[Tolerant] To a point.

:x:Any nicknames? Nope
:x:Any immediate family? Yes
:x:Any pets? No
:x:Any significant other? No
:x:Any hobbies? much of my free time revolves around politics. Astronomy (But not as much these days)
:x:Any obsessions? Not really.
:x:Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? heh, ditto with josh. Also, definately not the slutty type.
:x:If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? Less procrastination, more action.

:x:Any classes you love? Yes.
:x:Any classes you hate? No
:x:Any classes you like? Yes
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? Yes, generally all tolerable this semester. Best is my CLAW2201 lecturer.
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? Not at the moment.
:x:What do you love about USyd: Close to home, the atomosphere.
:x:What do you hate about Usyd: The Far-Left, The Religious.
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Liberal Scum

Oct 30, 2005
Basic Info:
[Name] Justin
[Age] 19
[Education/Course] Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science
[Sign] Saggitarius
[Birthday] 8/12/86
[Hair Color] Brown
[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Style] Longer than average, but less than shoulder height, wavy.
[Ethnic Background] Anglo-Celtic
[Religion] No religion
[Location] Western Sydney
[Sex] Male
[Height] 175 cm

Are You?
[Racist] According to the ABC I am
[Weird] Quirky, not overly so
[Romantic] Somewhat
[Serious] Not often
[Smart] Yes
[In love] No
[Religious] No
[Playful] No
[Experienced] No.
[Tolerant] Of idiocy? No

:x:Any nicknames? No
:x:Any immediate family? Yes
:x:Any pets? Yes
:x:Any significant other? Yes
:x:Any hobbies? Writing angry letters to student newspapers
:x:Any obsessions? Kimi :eek:
:x:Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? Boobies and a berjina
:x:If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? My inability to concentrate

:x:Any classes you love? Measure theory
:x:Any classes you hate? No
:x:Any classes you like? All
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? In soviet russia opinion has you! (In reference to Molev's accent)
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? Liberals
:x:What do you love about USyd: New IT building
:x:What do you hate about Usyd: Lots of things. But in particular the downies who clean Manning.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2006
That reminds me, your letter got in the Honi Soit or Bull. Can't remember which one. Agree with some of it.


Jan 2, 2004
Rafy said:
[Sex] Male
Great, and having met you, you looked male enough to me (cos, obviously, I didn't check :p)

But why does your profile say Gender: Female? *raises eyebrows*


Aug 23, 2004
What, is Liberal_Scum waf? Looks like more people have more alternative accounts than I thought.


knows how to rave
Nov 12, 2004
in the Carlos
ha. i must really not want to do my stats assignment

Basic Info:
[Name] Melissa
[Age] 18
[Education/Course] Bachelor of Medical Science
[Sign] Libra
[Birthday] September
[Hair Color] Blonde
[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Style] long. Should get it cut. There’s a fringe in there somewhere but too lazy to make it look decent (ie wash it)
[Ethnic Background] UK/euro mix
[Religion] Christian
[Location] Sydney
[Sex] female
[Height] 180cm

Are You?
[Racist] I wouldn’t say racist. I just make sweeping generalisations about various racial groups and bitch about it alot.
[Weird] I’m not that wierd. Just different and a bit of a loner
[Romantic] yes.
[Serious] when I have to be.
[Smart] too many blonde moments detract from overall intelligence.
[In love] noooooooo. booooooooo
[Religious] sfngoibn
[Playful] can be extremely. Especially at jujitsu. Hugs all round and strange animal noises. Not if im in a bad/lethargic mood.
[Experienced] Naïve central.
[Tolerant] no but I hold it in if I have to see them within a year/know them. Otherwise I let it rip

:x:Any nicknames? Meli’s a newfound favourite.
:x:Any immediate family? Parents and two brothers.
:x:Any pets? Nooooooo booooooooooooooooo even though I tell mum that my only wish for bday/xmas is a dog. She says no.
:x:Any significant other? no.
:x:Any hobbies? Music. Reading. Sporting (not where balls are flying at headheight though. This excludes basketball, softball etc).
:x:Any obsessions? Oh. Just one or two here and there.
:x:Thing that you find attractive about the opposite sex? Cultured and learned people. Whimsical. noses
:x:If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? i'd like to be happy all the time. and not think so much

:x:Any classes you love? Last semester it was maths. This semester maths is boring. So no
:x:Any classes you hate? Physics. Also tres boring. Chem last sem
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? Stats lecturer is crazy. Looks like elvis Costello with crazy glasses plays in country and western band monotonic mumbling. Mblg lecturer is funny and real down to earth. Chem. Lecturer = nerd. But cool. The others are old
:x:Any extra-curricular activities? Gym/jujitsu. Um reading? I don’t have a whole lots of time
:x:What do you love about USyd: not much.
:x:What do you hate about Usyd: having to go there so often. Oh and there are no covered walkways from there to redfern. scenesters

Have Your Ever...?
Said "I love you" and not mean it? No. I’ve never said it uber serious ever with the whole eye stare thing
Danced naked? Ahaha. No.
Stalked someone? yeah.
Had a mud bath? No. have been high-thigh deep in mud before though. *adds to ‘summer to-do’ list*
Wished you were the opposite sex? They don’t get to wear pretty dresses
Had an imaginary friend? No.

My father thinks I am: I don’t know. I don’t see him much during the week
My mother thinks I am: lazy. She’s right.
My sibling(s) thinks I am: fat ugly annoying. Yeah we’re on good terms
My best friend thinks I am: cool. I think she’s delusional.
Your three best qualities: I have some cool ideas sometimes. Um my eyes are nice apparently. And I don’t know
Three worst qualities: MOOD SWINGS surpass most other terrible qualities.
Three things you are often complimented for: eyes. Um. Don’t know
A compliment you got that made you truly blush: my favourite boy from high school telling me I looked beautiful.
You get embarrassed when: people give me compliments.
Makes you happy: fields of flowers. Sunny days in summer dresses. music
Upsets you: parents. fat


You keep a diary: kinda
You like to cook: DO I EVER
You fold your underwear: No. I don’t see the point in that. Or ironing anything
You talk in your sleep: no.
You bite your fingernails: Yes. :(


Movie you rented: Thumbsucker
Movie you bought: oh. Probably Donnie darko? Aaaaaaaages ago
Movie you saw in the theater: Brick
Song you listened to: We have mice – casiotone for the painfully alone
TV show you've watched: jtv
Person you are thinking of: bob evans. i like his song


You wish you could live somewhere else: Glebe or germany. But my pads pretty nice
You believe in online dating: No.
Others find you attractive: well I aint attracting anything so no.
You want more piercings: No.
You want more tattoos: I’d like a little heart on my wrist or finger? Its not gonna happen though
You drink: Yes. I do
You like cleaning: when in a cleaning mood. I like it when things are clean?.
You like roller coasters: it’s a love hate kind of thing.
You write in cursive or print: a weird hybrid. You just have to see my writing. Its pretty bad
You carry a donor card: no.

Have you...

Ever cried over a boy/girl: Y
Ever lied to someone: Y
Ever been in a fist fight: Y
Ever been arrested: N


Shampoo do you use: Whatevers there
Cologne do you use: dior addict, I love dior, anna sui, JPG classique, RL blue. I like perfume.
Shoes do you always wear: if it were my choice I’d never wear shoes. Recently its been too cold though. So probably my sailor flat things

Name you wish you had: puck. like from a midsummer's night's dream
Your role model: kim Gordon? I don’t know. thats a stupid answer

Do you dream in colour or black and white: Colour.
What word do you repeatedly say: oi.
Ever thought the same sex was hot: sure.
Something we don't know about you: sometimes I wear 2 pairs of undies

Favourite confectionery: gum.
Favourite stationery: sticky tape. I could seriously play with that stuff all day

Type of person you look down on: mean people.
Type of person you adore: creative.

The time of the day you look your best: morning straight out of bed. My eyes are too blurry to see anything properly = win!
What you value most: loyalty. Especially when im an ass
Money can't buy what I want. Including hand-holding snuggles and nose warmers
The 1 place you really want to travel to: germany

What turns you on instantly: great nose. smile
Scared of haunted houses in theme parks? potentially.
How many true loves do you think you will get in a lifetime? Hopefully one.

What do you spend most of your time doing? Listening to music and uni work.
The best present you can ever receive: road trip to the country including dancing, lying around and fires (controlled!) with people I love.
Country with the best looking people: stupid question.

Describe a perfect friend: someone who makes me happy and genuinely likes my company.
Jan 1, 2006
Basic Info:
[Name] Polina
[Age] 19
[Education/Course] Bachelor Commerce/Bachelor of Arts
[Sign] cancer
[Birthday] 7/7/87
[Hair Color] Brown
[Eye Color] ? blue/green I guess
[Hair Style] Long.
[Ethnic Background] Let's just say I'm Russian.
[Religion] Supposedly my family is Russian Orthodox, but I'm not religious.
[Location] upper north shore
[Sex] female
[Height] almost 170cm

Are You?
[Racist] I don't believe in the concept of race, therefore I can not be racist, right?
[Weird] I like to think so.
[Romantic] Sometimes
[Serious] at inappropriate times.
[Smart] no, but I work hard if I want to achieve something.
[In love] no
[Religious] no
[Playful] sometimes.
[Experienced] in what? I don't think so.
[Tolerant] yes

::x:Any immediate family? not much.
:x:Any pets? Cat, a devon rex, his name is Sebastian Rex <3.
:x:Any significant other? no
:x:Any hobbies? creating things, or "art".
:x:Any obsessions? not at the moment.
:x:If you could change something about yourself, what would it be? The expression I normally have on my face. Apparantly I look like a bitch. I need to smile more I guess.

:x:Any classes you love? Everything but accounting.
:x:Any classes you hate? no, well maybe my 2 hour acct tute.
:x:Any opinions about your teachers? My psych tutor is orsum, he tells us the wackiest shit everrrrr.
:x:What do you love about USyd: The old buildings, the mix of people, social events that are held, the size of the campus and having to run to get to classes on time (well not really, I'm still late if I half run).
:x:What do you hate about Usyd: People who harrass me with flyers, people who rip down/cover the posters I take time to put up. And that guy in my marketing lecture who screams out irrelevant nonsense every five minutes as if he has tourettes.

Have Your Ever...?
Said "I love you" and not mean it? yes
Danced naked? yes
Stalked someone? when I was 10, just for fun.
Had a mud bath? no
Wished you were of the opposite sex? yes.
Had an imaginary friend? no


You keep a diary: no
You like to cook: sometimes
You fold your underwear: no, lol.
You talk in your sleep: rarely, but I did sleep walk a lot when I was younger.
You bite your fingernails: never.


Movie you rented: Romper Stomper
Movie you saw in the theater: Superman Returns
Song you listened to: All this love - the similou
TV show you've watched: Video hits, or the news.
Person you are thinking of: no one


You wish you could live somewhere else: somewhere closer to uni, newtown?.
You believe in online dating: no.
Others find you attractive: no.
You want more piercings: why not.
You want more tattoos: I don't have any.
You drink: Yes. I wish I liked beer, but I always have vodka lemon lime.
You like cleaning: Only if I'm procrastinating.
You like roller coasters: Yeah!
You write in cursive or print: Printish.
You carry a donor card: I gave permission to have my all my organs/bones (whatever) removed if I die to be used for whatever.

Have you...

Ever cried over a boy/girl: Yes
Ever lied to someone: Yes
Ever been in a fist fight: Yes
Ever been arrested: No, I never get caught :)


Shampoo do you use: I'm not loyal to a particular brand.
Cologne do you use: Perfume...Babydoll, Hugo Boss deep red, tommy girl...mainly.
Shoes do you always wear: Boots and flats, thongs in summer.
Your role model: dad

Do you dream in colour or black and white: Colour
What word do you repeatedly say: awesome, emo (I have to stop using these words)
Ever thought the same sex was hot: There are beautiful qualities that I can definately admire, but I haven't had a sexual attraction to a woman.
Something we don't know about you: I spent three weeks in hospital with third degree burns when I was two years old.
Favourite confectionery: um, chocolate and pistachio icecream (only in europe though).
Favourite stationery: Black bold point pens, I hate blue pens.

Type of person you look down on: People who constantly complain about trivial things that can easily be fixed
Type of person you adore: extremely honest and fun.
What you value most: family, friends, travel, culture/arts.
Money can't buy: "love".
The 1 place you really want to travel to: Austria, again.
What turns you on instantly: good creations
Scared of haunted houses in theme parks? no way
How many true loves do you think you will get in a lifetime? none
What do you spend most of your time doing? statistically speaking, it should be sleeping.
The best present you can ever receive: Something that would take thought and time to attain or create. Like stealing a roadsign of significance to me.
Country with the best looking people: I havent been to every country so I can't say..
Describe a perfect friend: honest and knows when I need them to be there for me.


Feb 23, 2003
RanyofuKenyan? said:
i thought u were at chapel hill, sxc? :eek:
i am. unc is chapel hill. its hawt. literally. temperature wise. ill let y'all know more about it soon. holla.


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
Oh veridis, your eyes are blue (and yellow sometimes).
Also, =)

My father thinks I am: Disappointing for not being a pilot or an engineer. But I think he's okay with me becoming a teacher, so it's ok.
My mother thinks I am: lazy
My sibling(s) thinks I am: uber cool. She who can buy booze and drive.
My best friend thinks I am: Wise
Your three best qualities: errh my hair, i do enjoy my boobs, sometimes i like my legs
Three worst qualities: ana arms, childbearing hips, the family nose
Three things you are often complimented for: hair, eyes... umm some sri lankan guy once said i had a nice smile?
A compliment you got that made you truly blush: I don't get them. Cept for that one sri lankan guy.
You get embarrassed when: i'm wrong. damn i hate that.
Makes you happy: liam. puppies. the sauce.
Upsets you: people being disappointed in me. PMS makes everything upsetting, too.


You keep a diary: i had a private blog last year. diaries can be found.
You like to cook: yesyesyes.
You fold your underwear: yeah.
You talk in your sleep: i don't think so, but apparently i snore
You bite your fingernails: no, unless i don't have a nail file (which isnt often)


Movie you rented: Frankenfish. Awesome. Do try it.
Movie you bought: some GnR concert for my bro. Not a movie, but I don't buy movies
Movie you saw in the theater: Superman (i think)
Song you listened to: Orion- Metallica
TV show you've watched: mythbusters
Person you are thinking of: liam. also my little brother, because i'll need to pick him up when he calls. CALL, DAMMIT.


You wish you could live somewhere else: any city.
You believe in online dating: well it's not something you can choose not to believe in it, like the loch ness monster. it obviously exists.
Others find you attractive: Maybe, when I say I like ford GT's.
You want more piercings: Maybe. I don't know what, though.
You want more tattoos: I don't have any, but i'm thinking of getting a bird of some variety
You drink: yep. love the sauce.
You like cleaning: oh yesss. but only my own mess.
You like roller coasters: only once i'm off then. i'm too scared to enjoy the actual ride, but the adrenelin remains afterwards is fun.
You write in cursive or print: print.
You carry a donor card: my licence says im a donor, and my parents know that it's what i want, so sort of.

Have you...

Ever cried over a boy/girl: not over them, no.
Ever lied to someone: everyone lies
Ever been in a fist fight: am i dead? no. so obviously not.
Ever been arrested: nah.


Shampoo do you use: pantene.
Cologne do you use: ralph. but i'm thinking of getting something different. maybe gucci envy.
Shoes do you always wear: black suede boots that are both comfy and warm. thongs. my big furry slippers (although not in public)

Name you wish you had: Penny Lane?
Your role model: i don't really have one.

Do you dream in colour or black and white: colour.
What word do you repeatedly say: awesome. damn trip to america.
Ever thought the same sex was hot: yeah but not in a bisexual way. i just appreciate that they're hot.
Something we don't know about you: my eyebrows are often very curly and i need to use clear mascara to keep them in place.

Favourite confectionery: musk stuff. chocolate.
Favourite stationery: highlighters. or post-its.

Type of person you look down on: close-minded people.
Type of person you adore: people with a good sense of humour

The time of the day you look your best: just before i go to bed. my hair is nice and blow-dried, my skin is clean and everything.
What you value most: understanding.
Money can't buy: ... a dinosaur.
The 1 place you really want to travel to: france.

What turns you on instantly: some combination of a body and face and wit.
Scared of haunted houses in theme parks? only the part where the carny feels my hair. Like... don't touch me.
How many true loves do you think you will get in a lifetime? One would be nice, but i'm sure it's possible to have more than one.

What do you spend most of your time doing? sleeping, travelling, internetting.
The best present you can ever receive: right now, i really want a gold locket necklace. that would be awesome.
Country with the best looking people: i hear australians are quite hot.

Describe a perfect friend: someone who i can have fun and be an idiot with, that can give me serious advice and listen and all that. I have her. Damn I miss her. <3 phoebe

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