When I was 16, I was absolutely fed up with pimples, and after trying all kinds of supposingly amazing face creams and cleansers, I decided to visit the doctor to go on the pill. My mum was completely against the whole idea so I had to do it in secret. The doctor prescribed be Diane, but being a tightarse I went on Estelle, which is just the cheaper generic brand. My skin cleared up amazingly and I felt confident going out with no makeup at all, but the downside is that I put on 10kg in about 2 months. My cousin had suffered a similar problem from going on the pill (for endometriosis though, so it was another brand) so mum automatically guessed what I was on and was not impressed.
After about year of beautiful skin, and bigger sized jeans (the pill had no effect on breast size, sadly), I decided to go to the doctor and swap. He put me on Yasmin, a really expensive product that was meant to also help pimples. I only used it for the 4 months, because I noticed my acne was returning and I was crying over the stupidist things. It was also really expensive and had no generic brands.
I decided to take a break off the pill so it wasn't messing with my head for VCE, but after starting a serious relationship I've returned to it. This time I'm on Levlen and it helped me lose 5kg, but has not improved my skin at all. I've also found that I can't skip periods on it. If I ignore the sugar pills I get really nauseous and bleed regardless, for over a week.
I'm thinking of going on the injection pill, as then I won't have to remember to take a tablet everyday. Have any of you had experience with that?