Gregor Samsa
That Guy
Hey, I was wondering what you personally do for questions where you have to 'Explain how this is so' in writing?
I usually tend to do the answer, but add some extra rambling to amuse myself and (hopefully) my markers.. Nothing major, just various things like say, for a question asking if a group of typists improved after going to a typing school, writing about how they've become more egalitarian and so-forth..
But yeah, do you bother with stuff like that or just write out the bare minimum? (It's a question that has plagued mankind for generations.
I usually tend to do the answer, but add some extra rambling to amuse myself and (hopefully) my markers.. Nothing major, just various things like say, for a question asking if a group of typists improved after going to a typing school, writing about how they've become more egalitarian and so-forth..
But yeah, do you bother with stuff like that or just write out the bare minimum? (It's a question that has plagued mankind for generations.