our whole class kinda chose to ignore our lessons on art history/ criticism and i don't really get it either... but when i figure it out (sometime next week) i'll post back.
gah i really hope it's not.
and i hope they don't give us a whole bunch of crappy essay questions about the role of the museum/ critic/ curator/ historian etc.
aaaah i know...our whole class stopped listening about art crit/hist cos it was after trial and we were all in lala land
we had one study thing in the hols where someone was acutally like soo i no we just did that but wat the hell do we do fi thats the q and evry1 else nodded eagerly....clearly my teacher is over it too cos she just said "look ive only ever seen it once in an exam..." and then we went onto something else
ill ask after my modern exam next week again and also reply if i get something on it

also agreed that the museum qs can go die
My biggest concern is that they wont have any good essay questions to pick from from the Practice section. It's my favourite so I just have to pray they have suitable questions for the artists I've studied otherwise I have to resort to choosing a question from the Frames or something. Ew.
haha no way...i want the postmodern frame :d or conceptual is my second choice...practice is my last option!! oh well i hope that you get it and i get mine!
x x
ummmm feature article would be ucked......