Thanks for your opinon. I think that if you are just after marks in the HSC, as opposed to actually learning stuff, stick to the syllabus. If you want extra knowledge, for sure, go do the extra homework, but unfortunately, the HSC is now just about learning whats relevant, and learning how to do the questions, as opposed to 'really understanding' the work - by that I mean you can do well even if you don't really know the content.
The reason I wrote that, was that in my time during the HSC, and especially in my physics course, we had a lot of homeworks and assignment that did little to add to my marks. I think my point still stands, and please don't take it out of context. You have to appreciate the fact that not all teachers are out there just to get you marks, some of them want to see you learn and stretch your thinking- and as such, set extra homework that is not particularly relevant to the syllabus.
SmileyCam - since you think my guide is basically crap/wrong, please ignore it all together, or PM me and convince me why its wrong, and I'll willingly take it down - I'm at no loss, since I've finished the HSC.
Dreamerish- I respect your opinion, and from what I hear (from mitochondria), you love chemistry. Feel free to read beyond whats required in the syllabus. Learning extra doesn't harm you, but for many people who struggle with HSC chemistry, I think their time is best spent focusing on the syllabus