Torn - I really need help... (1 Viewer)


Permanently Confuddled
Nov 16, 2004
Guy 1 sounds like a mate of mine... externally weird, extremely shy and insecure, but great once you get to know him.
Cykologi_gal said:
used to have a crush on my ex-best friend (who liked my ex for a while).
Otherwise unrelated to your ex (friends or anything) I hope? Cause friends of ex's never seem to work out.
He definitely sounds more faithful, and the lack of initiative comes with it being his first relationship (though are you sure he doesn't just want the relationship for the sake of it?). The family side of things can be a blessing and a curse; keeping it secret makes moments together more special, but lack of contact will be hard; I won't even go near the 'family finds out' path.
hiphophooray123 said:
he will probably stay around you until YOU dump HIM, your doing him a favour to go out with other people and get more experience. It sounds like you are only going out with the first one out of pity.
Can't help but to agree with this; from your post it doesn't seem as though you really connect with the guy, but like his attitude and effort.

Guy 2
Cykologi_gal said:
He's been a friend for aaaaages
Beware the relationship sinking as very few "let's remain friends" work, especially if you were close friends before.
You definitely seem to prefer this guy from your description of him, and sounds like it'll be a lot more fun. However despite your confidence that he's faithful, he knows you're in a relationship and yet is doing what I would see as trying to break you up with the other guy. The fact he's afraid you're leading him on and is losing patience makes the other guy seem to appreciate you more.

You'll have to decide whether what you want is something more serious or someone to have fun with.
Last edited:
Jan 11, 2005
If i was in your situation I would go with number 2.

I also think you should go with number 2 because like other have already pointed out, i think you sorta feel sorry for him. I am guessing that this guy thinks and analyses everything, and it is probly hard for his to get to know people, and in my opinion, i wouldnt want to go out with a guy like that, I need someone who is talkative and outgoing.

I have been out with both types of guys, and going out with number 2 was a hell of a lot more fun, if they have a problem they tell you straight away, you can have really good conversations, they will be able to get on with your friends/family really easily etc etc

go with number 2.

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