Re: Truong's tutoring, any comments?
lol gosh its funny how everyones arguing about truong and all this. I went to his tutoring for years, and honestly i think he was a fantastic teacher, his methods are the best. Efficient and straight to the point, he teaches you things that the school wouldn't teach. Including manners ;P. But besides that all that, i acutally chose to leave his centre towards mid of my hsc, my point being that tutoring can only take you so far. Like alot of things people said before, its your own hsc, and the tutor is not gona get the hsc for you. When i complete my hsc i want to know that i did everything myself, and with my own learning; however, i don't disregard the fact that Sir didn't have any role. His teaching motivated alot of my desires, before i only thought that i would do 2unit maths, but i felt the urge to do extension (im not crazy enough to do ext2

. But yeh, some people kinda take his personality out of proportion, its only when you don't bother, like (i don't give a shit attitude) does he humiliate you and he did do it to a few ppl in my time which was scary ahah cus we all felt bad. But honestly it does take more than a simple slap on the back to get someone to do their work and i think he saved a lot of people from disrupted and failed futures. The only thing didn't like about him was that, before his "changes" he was preety darn evil LOL, even if you tried your hardest he'd like go off at you. But then parents complained and stuff and he loosened up, but then there became a disparity between the top of the line students and his lower classes and then it became all wierd lol. But thats not the point LOL.
So like Truong is good, dnt diss him unless you've experienced him. But another point, tutoring can only take you so far; its like praying to God to ace your exam, he can only help you so far, the rest is for you to put the effort in. But at the end of the day hsc isn't everything