Dude, bullcrap, i thought it was worth it, well i dont want to say that until i get my results, or ill look like a complete idiot if i fail. But it's really made me familiar with alot of the questions, and exposed me to really hard tests, which through practice have allowed my brain to work under stress, and under strict time. + boost my confidence when i get 99 percentile, but at times demolish it when i get around 35 lol.

In my opinion the acer booklets are tooooo easy (at times). 3 booklets is definitely not enough.
But having said that,i know heaps of people who passed through buying one acer booklet lol, and they got around 200.
Unfortunately im not naturally talented, i need endless practice and learning...
In my opinion i found section 3 hardest. If i take my time i get around 92 percentile, but under the time limit, and under presure i get around 40 !!
Wow i love to talk alot :S