The following candidates are running for Union Board Election this year:
(in the order they appear in the Candiature 2006: The 2006 Union Board Election Candidates booklet, released today, available from all Union Publication Stands)
Roz Stein
Michelle Crisp
Rose Khalilizadeh
Tim Suttie
Jo Gad
Tom Green
Andrew Quah
Mark Tanner
Danielle Tuazon
Monica Tudehope
Tom Kavanagh
Their profiles, as well as information about the Elections in general can be found at the USU Website
For those of you who are at USyd for the first time this year, the end of April/beginning of May is a time for craziness at uni. Most available surfaces on campus become defaced with various chalked (or illegally painted) slogans, people will harass you to and from the station and class, people will be lecture bashing constantly and student media will be in overdrive. Why? Because its an election campaign.
This particular Election is to elect people to be a Board Director on the University of Sydney Union. (not to be confused with the SRC - this election occurs later in the year) We don't vote for a President or anything, just a fairly straightforward, up and down, tick the boxes of the people you want.
Be aware that preference deals DO occur although aren't usually widely publicised. Honi Soit is your best source of Election information as well as members of this community.
This forum usually has a few people running for a position on the Union Board, so feel free to ask them questions. Members who are running will PM me a spiel about why we should vote for them, and I'll sticky this and close the thread. If you want to ask the candidate questions, you can do so via PM's or e-mail (depending on what form of contact the person has nominated) This system is implemented for 2 reasons:
1) By having their own, seperate thread, people can read what they want to say, without it being lost in the discussion of this thread, which is for General Discussion about the Election.
2) By closing the thread I don't have to police the huge amount of spam which will inevitably happen and this is largely to prevent a huge degree of mud-slinging and spam which will occur.
As per the usual practice, any members of this community running for election are free to PM me a spiel on why we should vote for you which will be placed in a locked thread. Members wishing to ask a candidate specific questions should do so via the Private Messaging System or via any other contact details the candidate wishes to provide.
If you feel this system is not effective and that threads should be left open, please PM me with any concerns/queries you may have
Please also be aware that whilst I would not report any of you to the Union directly, if you should contravene any of the regulations outlined in the Duty Statements, one of the other candidates may report you. This forum is public territory and as such, all usual practices regarding appropriate behaviour and treatment towards other candidates should be observed. This includes harrassment. As per usual, all normal forum rules also apply and thus, any spam (in this thread, defined as what is not pertinent to the Elections and Student Politics in general) will be removed.
Hopefully this way we can have lively and active discussion on this important matter.
Good luck to all of you who are running and to everyone else, please vote on May the 10th.
The following candidates are running for Union Board Election this year:
(in the order they appear in the Candiature 2006: The 2006 Union Board Election Candidates booklet, released today, available from all Union Publication Stands)
Roz Stein
Michelle Crisp
Rose Khalilizadeh
Tim Suttie
Jo Gad
Tom Green
Andrew Quah
Mark Tanner
Danielle Tuazon
Monica Tudehope
Tom Kavanagh
Their profiles, as well as information about the Elections in general can be found at the USU Website
For those of you who are at USyd for the first time this year, the end of April/beginning of May is a time for craziness at uni. Most available surfaces on campus become defaced with various chalked (or illegally painted) slogans, people will harass you to and from the station and class, people will be lecture bashing constantly and student media will be in overdrive. Why? Because its an election campaign.
This particular Election is to elect people to be a Board Director on the University of Sydney Union. (not to be confused with the SRC - this election occurs later in the year) We don't vote for a President or anything, just a fairly straightforward, up and down, tick the boxes of the people you want.
Be aware that preference deals DO occur although aren't usually widely publicised. Honi Soit is your best source of Election information as well as members of this community.
This forum usually has a few people running for a position on the Union Board, so feel free to ask them questions. Members who are running will PM me a spiel about why we should vote for them, and I'll sticky this and close the thread. If you want to ask the candidate questions, you can do so via PM's or e-mail (depending on what form of contact the person has nominated) This system is implemented for 2 reasons:
1) By having their own, seperate thread, people can read what they want to say, without it being lost in the discussion of this thread, which is for General Discussion about the Election.
2) By closing the thread I don't have to police the huge amount of spam which will inevitably happen and this is largely to prevent a huge degree of mud-slinging and spam which will occur.
As per the usual practice, any members of this community running for election are free to PM me a spiel on why we should vote for you which will be placed in a locked thread. Members wishing to ask a candidate specific questions should do so via the Private Messaging System or via any other contact details the candidate wishes to provide.
If you feel this system is not effective and that threads should be left open, please PM me with any concerns/queries you may have
Please also be aware that whilst I would not report any of you to the Union directly, if you should contravene any of the regulations outlined in the Duty Statements, one of the other candidates may report you. This forum is public territory and as such, all usual practices regarding appropriate behaviour and treatment towards other candidates should be observed. This includes harrassment. As per usual, all normal forum rules also apply and thus, any spam (in this thread, defined as what is not pertinent to the Elections and Student Politics in general) will be removed.
Hopefully this way we can have lively and active discussion on this important matter.
Good luck to all of you who are running and to everyone else, please vote on May the 10th.
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