I agree the SRC shouldn't be funding protests, but this isn't the way to do it. There should be greater accountability in the system, that forces the SRC to disclose how much it spends on what and who spends it. VSU won't stop the SA's vocal and annoying pamphlets. The SA doesn't get enough members voted on to do anything with the SRC, its NOLS who have the power but they're politically minded enough to not do anything too annoying.
You've forgotten that the SRC/Union isn't all just protesting it also:
1) Prints the Honi.
Some may disagree with its politics, but they got elected for those politics and I find it very useful as a source of info about what's happening in uni politics
2) Legal, financial help/advice
Its not just lazy bums who need this, my friend shouted out "why won't this fucking balance" during an accounting exam and from what he tells me, someone from the SRC was most helpful in stopping him losing all his marks from that test. Quah raised legal aid as a substitute. Legal Aid won't help with such petty matters, its overworked as it is so even if it did, it would take far too long to be of any use.
It also protects the rights of minorities. Except Jews

But seriously, Women's Space and Queer Space are useful.
3) Clubs and Societies (including sport)
These are entirely funded by the Union and most of them will be gone. IMO the only ones that survive are CommSoc and the other careers based ones because they can get corporate financing which is just bloody stupid.
So ask yourself- if taxes were voluntary, would you pay? The arguments against VSU can be applied to govt.
1) politics
If you disagree with the Iraq War, your tax money is funding it. If you disagree with abortions, your tax money is helping fund abortion clinics and abortion helplines.
2) I don't use it.
Yeah, you don't get social security payments either. Isn't one of our core values the belief that we should help those less fortunate than ourselves (referring to legal advice, protecting minority rights etc?)