errr excuse what was that? world hunger? i never mentioned it, why do you think what ever the hell you are talking about will solve world hunger? i simply mentioned nocturnal emissions so people would understand that the body naturally gets rid of fluids which can cause harm to people.
oya, i am not catholic (if thats what your trying to imply), and never exaggerated anything about nocturnal emissions, but surveys (i heard about them, no i didnt go interrogating indicate that they are usually more enjoyable than....errr...anyway
i wasn't being sarcastic in my previous post, it was just that i didnt feel comfortable typing in the proper words, so i kinda used synonyms or anything for people to understand what i meant.
finally, its odd how you people cling to some "scientific" evidence that such a thing is good for people are coming off desperate just to believe in something that may condone your actions. The statistics to support that u need to do that 5 times a week is spotty at best. Doctors would say different thinks but, letting nature handle such an issue is more than enough to prevent cancer, and still there are bigger killers out there, people are just happy to exaggerate the goodness of such behaviours since it excuses what they are doing.
anyway, each to his own, but according to the posters on this thread i must be some sort of ultra stressed and grumpy maniac with severe mental issues.
oya and for WW, who seems to go to any dictionary reference without context,
ADDICTION: being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming
you can discuss the meaning of abnormal amongst yourselves, but if you think you cant function without something totally unnecessary, then thats abnormal.
and before i go, i notice how usually when suits with psych degrees say anything they are far from the how to raise children and live life and crap. but when they approve something like this, its easy to see how u people view as Gospel.
one more thing, please dont assume EVERYONE supports you, jst because you keep saying "everybody does it" dont mean its it seems like you people are desperate to hold onto anything that even remotely supports you in such an WW i believe that is called COMPULSIVE
be sure to say that you dont understand my rambling if you feel unable to rebut to my argument.