i read that a couple of months ago. very good book. explained everything really well.add good calories bad calories by Gary Taubes (or why we get fat by taubes if you want a smaller book to read) to your amazon wishlist and i will personally buy it for you
dat saturdayhaha shit i'e eaten so poorly over the last few days. bender + road trip to griffith
friday: protein shake, 10 nuggest, 30c cone, tuna, ~15 beers/gin&tonics, prawns, fish and salad, birthday cake
saturday: bread roll, banana, ~15 glasses of wine (was at griffith's food and wine festival), vodka, 2 samosas, gelato, damper, diet coke, 1/2 cottaletta roll, gaytime, daiquiri, vodka and something i forget
today: bacon and egg roll, diet coke, 30c cone, chicken cheese and avocado foccacia, salami and sour cream on wholemeal pita, gum, i dunno will have something else but idk what.
lol jesus christ. Can't wait to get back to the gym tomorrow.
too much alcohol too much sugar too many carbs in general, bro.How is that eating poorly
Thats eating well imo lol
.add good calories bad calories by Gary Taubes (or why we get fat by taubes if you want a smaller book to read) to your amazon wishlist and i will personally buy it for you
Ah yeah from a health point its terrible to eat that for a weektoo much alcohol too much sugar too many carbs in general, bro.
well worth it and delicious, but like special occasions only.
post a tl;dr of it
hey were you obese at some point in your life, hence you started following the taubes diet?man so much chocolate
70% cocoa+ only
but still, my body's tolerance of insulin has fallen too much to eat so much sugar at once ughhh