- 2 silver rings from my bf (1 with a cubic from my 18th, 1 that he made back at school and gave to me)
- a bracelet that was my grandma's, i chose that and some other stuff after she passed away
- a pair of small gold hoops
and i often have a silver cuff on that i bought in town

most awesome purchase ever!
i only take the rings whenever my hands are going to be in water (washing hands, beach/pool, showers), the bracelet i take off when getting wet (beach/pool and showers), the cuff comes off at night and when wet. earings only ever come out when i change them or sometimes if i have little infections around my holes that dont go away
all of my regluar stuff is sentimental except for the earings (they're just there caus i want something in the holes), and the cuff i love