Yeah, I went to Ruse, and obviously this guy did too
redw0lf said:
Because James Ruse does not have "Frees".
They are instead termed "Study Periods".
No General Maths
No English Standard
Then theres
No Business Studies
No Legal Studies
Why? Because Economics scales better than both.
Quite a few people here do have the wrong idea though
... said:
yes yes, i know that
but my point is to say. not everyone in jame ruse gets 90+ UAI and get into degrees such as medicine or some crazy combined Law degree
I'd say about 10 people in the class of 2004 got a UAI of less than 90. However, that was an exception, and usually there is a largish tail at ruse because people fall behind, and in the words of the vice principal "we dont offer remedial classes at James Ruse". What a nice guy! You'll notice that for this reason though, Ruse only ever trumps up its median mark (99.5) this year, not it's MEAN mark

~ ReNcH ~ said:
Afaik, the teachers at JRAHS are nothing special. Remember that it's a state school, and state schools often receive the early uni graduates as opposed to the experienced teachers who have PhDs and were former uni have to pay $15 000 a year to have that privilege.
When I went to the school in year 7, there were quite a few amazing teachers, however they've all begun to trickle away as they are poached by private schools or retire. Only the most dedicated teachers can survive at a school where all the students are so demanding. Also, a lot of teachers in "alternative" subjects are top notch (i.e.: my drama teacher put in excessive after school hours).
Eagles said:
other schools which offer this course are prolly underfunded rural schools..
now, given that kinda competition.. ruse guys will get amazingly better marks compared to them. thus, the scaling effect they receive is just dazzeling.
The best Ruse people never count their marks in ag, they nearly always perform better in other subjects during the HSC.
Casmira said:
well like most selective schools, they set high standards for their students to stay in the school (or even make it)
further strategies is they only offer courses that have good scaling (ie. no general maths or standard english), and another strategy is they accelerate agriculture HSC ( i think), but alot of students there also accelerate other courses in year 10/11 so when it comes to HSC while you and me have 5-6 exams, they have 3-4 hence more time to spend on that 3-4 which leads to higher results
This is a fallacy. You have to sit 12 units at Ruse until after your first exams in year 12, after which you can drop to 10. This applies if you did SD, IT or Music in year 10 and or ag in year 11.
melsc said:
Also as said before they don't offer "low scallers" (general maths etc) and often make their kids do things such as latin etc...
Incorrect, the only two people at Ruse last year who did latin did it because they were doing it at the private school they were at before they transferred.
MasterOfDisgyis said:
They could perhaps get a better UAI at another school.
I mean, to get a UAI of 80.00 at JRAHS isn't such a bad thing. What would be the lowest mark at that school? As stated most of them are getting in the high 90's.
So for those getting 80.00 at JRAHS, perhaps they would be at the top of the class in other schools.
Two people got 40's and 50's in 2003.
studynoob said:
jr high has lots of hot asian chicks!! excellent school!
Right on!
... said:
but i do know, that theres always a few ppl each year that graduated from their with a UAI of less than 80...
There may have been two in 2004.
Alot of people here seem to be somewhat dismissive of Ruses results because "they get all the best people at the start anyway". Well, if you think about it, there has to be a reason why the best people always put down Ruse as their first choice in year 6. The school had to build its reputation up didn't it? Personally I think that when it emerged a little over a decade ago as the top school, it was mainly because of the teachers, particularly the maths faculty who managed to transform the school from a rather average agricultural school in to what it is now.
Personally, I think that Ruse is an excellent school, but unfortunately it does have problems.
The Good
1) Fantastic library resources
2) Great facilities, Ruse builds a new building every year, so the school campus looks amazing. This year, I think that they did away with the last of their demountables. As well as having the farm, Ruse has recently built a lecture theatre, the new library, a new technology wing, a visual arts wing, a self serve canteen etc and they're currently constructing a gym. The parents are willing to fork out huge amounts of money to the school for improvements, and parents generally give school contributions at the start of the school year of over $600.
3) Great teachers, particularly IMO in maths, economics, some sciences (i.e.: biology) and drama.
The Bad
1) A terrible executive. The executive are infamous for cutting social activities that they think would tarnish the school's reputation. Axed activities and social stuff include slave day (the last one was held in 1999), the yearbook (with anything like student interviews, student contributions, quotes, funny photos etc strictly prohibited. The executives logic is that because the public school year books are sent off to state parliament house, Ruses image would be tarnished if we looked like... normal people).
I think that the attitude of the executive is best summed up when you look at what they've done with the current year 12. They haven't allowed them to have their jerseys yet, even though school has FINISHED (we got ours in 2004 on the 3rd last day of school) and even refused to read each persons name out in a final roll call (they've done that, and given everyone a stuffed sheep for as long as I can remember, but are stopping it now because "it cuts in to class time".)
The head of the school is a PR spinning tool and these cuts have transformed the school from being a place where everyone has alot of focus and drive but can still have a fantastic time at school to more of a UAI factory.