Pommy babe
Perfect Member
In May this year I met a guy randomly at a party when i was completely smashed, he was really kind, genteel etc. he sobered me up and looked after me. I didn't think he would contact me, but the next day, there was the text. Thing is my parents were really set against any sort of relationship being set up cos i'm emigrating to Oz in Jan. Any how, who actually listens to their parents? We carried on meeting and stuff through exams and went to one another's leavers balls. He is a complete gentleman, caring, considerate and polite (came from a posh school lol). Anyway 5 months down the line and we've broken up, yesterday in fact and he was upset and i was crying and speechless. Then i get an e-mail saying he still cares and is still upset etc. But what do you think the best thing is to do? Should we stop it now, he's off to uni in a week for 12 weeks, back for 5 and then i come out to the otherside of the world (but i will be back twice a year for sometime) we speak everyday, i see him several times a week and we've never had an arguement. Do you reasonably think this is too much to hope for? at the moment i'm heartbroken and we're trying to talk stuff through etc.
Pommy babe
Pommy babe
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