What was your parents & family reaction to your UAI? (1 Viewer)


Dignitatis Contentio
Nov 13, 2005
conman joe said:
It seems that to get over even 90 you HAVE to go tutoring.
Nope. I got 94.50, didn't go to tutoring. A friend got 98.90, didn't go to tutoring. Two other friends got 97.50, didn't go to tutoring. Actually, almost a quarter of my grade got above 90, and I can't think of very many who went to tutoring.
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Mar 3, 2005
@conman joe:

You don't need to go tutoring, the very best learn best themselves anyway. The highest achievers in my school didn't get any tutoring at all. And those were 99+. I know for a fact that they never did. They couldn't afford to and in any case they didnt need it. Although that said I do know people who did get tutoring as well with such high marks...Just because youve been brought up to believe that you need tutoring to get the 99+ UAI marks...it doesnt mean those who do get that ranking get tutored!

I disagree with the statement that people with 80 UAI could do better at medicine. You have to have total commitment and also have considerable talent. People who get 80 UAI are usually lacking in one or the other or have a little bit of both that still wouldnt suffice.

You can lie in any interview you do in your lifetime. You can also pretend you are more apt and have a great attitude to anything you want to do if thats what you need to do to get into the course....

With all the flaws that the HSC has its still a good system. You speak of aptitude and attitude tests? We have the HSC, the UAI, we have alternative entry schemes for those who are disadvantaged, TAFE courses, those who can prove they are good enough, plus a whole lot more. Tertiary education is so flexiable. There are always alternative pathways to do what you want to do.

Lastly you haven't even done the HSC yet. Shut the fuck up till you get yourself a UAI (let alone a decent one) instead of coming here and talking about your brother and being King Shit. Your brother is not you. LottoX got an "average" UAI but do you think he gives a shit? He's into medicine! I got an unbelievably shit UAI by your standards and ok its not brilliant but do you think I care? I got into what I wanted! ITs abou getting into your course anyway. Come back when you get your brilliant UAI. Thing is no one here will care.
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Dec 19, 2006
Yeah i agree with watatank, in my school the best of the best kids all got 99.45+. Some of them weren't rich so they couldn't afford tuition. They relied on teachers, friends and forums. That's the SUPER smart kids.

The smart kids, are those who achieved well but with the help of extensive tution (95+). Of course there are smart kids that didn't have tuition and still got 95+. I however, was dumb and even with tuition (only extensive towards the exams), in your standards (conman joe), a really low uai of 91.20.

There are some ppl who need tuition to do well and some who don't. Imo, HSC is still a rather fair system .

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
uberlovesounds said:
Yeah i agree with watatank, in my school the best of the best kids all got 99.45+. Some of them weren't rich so they couldn't afford tuition. They relied on teachers, friends and forums. That's the SUPER smart kids.

The smart kids, are those who achieved well but with the help of extensive tution (95+). Of course there are smart kids that didn't have tuition and still got 95+. I however, was dumb and even with tuition (only extensive towards the exams), in your standards (conman joe), a really low uai of 91.20.

There are some ppl who need tuition to do well and some who don't. Imo, HSC is still a rather fair system .
i agree with uberlovesounds on this one.

and i don't think, as someone else said above, that people who achieve in the 80's or under are necessarily lacking in talent and/or motivation. there are a lot of outside factors to consider; and a lot of people on this forum may disagree with me, but i think 80's or even 70's is still a commendable result. anyone who thinks that you're only intelligent or hardworking if you get in the 90's is deluding themselves. sure, to achieve such a high score needs work and natural talent, but not really that much more than you'd need to get an 80. everyone is different. i got mid 90's and i don't feel as though i worked especially hard to achieve it; some of my friends got 80's and 70's and worked consistently all year for it, and they're some of the smartest people i know.
Mar 3, 2005
conman joe said:
- University entry shouldn't be based on pure academic results - should also include extra curricular, work experience, references - more like the US ivy league universities.

- HSC is flawed (Scaling system means high acheiving schools will perform even better and low acheiving schools will perform even worse)

- Tutoring to get into Law and Medicine is almost a must, some form of tutoring whether UMAT or Biology is neccesary. Yes, there are people who don't need tutoring to get into Medicine, but that would not be the norm.

- What if i said 98.9 is average? Does this set a standard? No.

-Am i saying people who get under 98.9 are dumb shits? No. In fact quite the contrary. Im saying that those people who get above 99.9 shouldn't be granted immediate entry into medicine or law just because of their mark. Im saying it should all be an even playing field because someday when tutoring doesn't work anymore, the field will be very level.

Just saying there should be better screening methods when allowing entry into high end courses to ensure that people actually have some natural talent and aren't just rote learners.

@ watatank

No i wont' shut the fuck up, and i didn't say my brother was fucking kingshit. In fact just leave him out of this. If the world was full of people like you, there would be no change and you'd be doing getting a TER not a UAI. Without contraversy nothing will change in the world.
I never said your brother was acting like kingshit I said you were. He has done the HSC, we have done the HSC and the point is you haven't. Period.

I'm not saying the HSC should stay the same and I think that its flawed and amendments should be made. You're not implying there should be amendments to the current system you are talking of total overhaul.

TER ---> UAI = amendment (of sorts) UAI--> your idea = complete overhaul

You must understand that for all its flaws we have a very good system here.

Why must you talk about tutoring being a bad thing? People need help, and if its needed for them to achieve the highest UAI they can so they can get into their desired course so be it, its their perogative. It's their problem if they can't handle the uni course, not anyone elses.

Scaling helps those more in the middle, not the ones at the very top. If youre the elite in your own school and still better than the rest scaling doesnt matter. It would for people like me who got 81 UAI but not those 99+ students.

Better screening methods for University? Yes I agree, although that too has to be done with caution. As much as you want less rote learners in the course or watever, you dont want to punish those hard working types who deserve the chance for an interview and all that for medicine, even if they arent naturally talented.


Sep 2, 2006
watatank said:
@conman joe:

You don't need to go tutoring, the very best learn best themselves anyway. The highest achievers in my school didn't get any tutoring at all. And those were 99+. I know for a fact that they never did. They couldn't afford to and in any case they didnt need it. Although that said I do know people who did get tutoring as well with such high marks...Just because youve been brought up to believe that you need tutoring to get the 99+ UAI marks...it doesnt mean those who do get that ranking get tutored!

I disagree with the statement that people with 80 UAI could do better at medicine. You have to have total commitment and also have considerable talent. People who get 80 UAI are usually lacking in one or the other or have a little bit of both that still wouldnt suffice.

You can lie in any interview you do in your lifetime. You can also pretend you are more apt and have a great attitude to anything you want to do if thats what you need to do to get into the course....

With all the flaws that the HSC has its still a good system. You speak of aptitude and attitude tests? We have the HSC, the UAI, we have alternative entry schemes for those who are disadvantaged, TAFE courses, those who can prove they are good enough, plus a whole lot more. Tertiary education is so flexiable. There are always alternative pathways to do what you want to do.

Lastly you haven't even done the HSC yet. Shut the fuck up till you get yourself a UAI (let alone a decent one) instead of coming here and talking about your brother and being King Shit. Your brother is not you. LottoX got an "average" UAI but do you think he gives a shit? He's into medicine! I got an unbelievably shit UAI by your standards and ok its not brilliant but do you think I care? I got into what I wanted! ITs abou getting into your course anyway. Come back when you get your brilliant UAI. Thing is no one here will care.
Agree with watatank-as long as u get into ur course i guess it's good enough-i mean someone who wants to study something that doesn't require a high uai doesn't need to work harder for a great uai cos what they get will suffice-the uai is a big thing in the first couple of months then we pretty much forget it anyway.

In saying that, wish u all the best conman joe, when i agrred with watatank i was by no means attacking u-u have ur opinions but don't express them in a way that's going to pay out someone.


Jan 6, 2005
fallen__angel said:
morning of UAI: check UAI - 84.80

11am: mum calls from overseas. "so? what's the number?"
me: 84.80.....
mum: oh...um..ok...
*long pause*

mum: so you'll be doing education then, right? I mean, you can't do any other courses because your UAI is so low.
me: I suppose.
mum: don't broadcast your UAI out! it's too shameful! just say you got into USYD!
me: ...as you wish...:mad1:

dad (on the phone, after I told him): oh that's alright I guess...congratulations. It's all done for you! go out and celebrate or something!

My parents are old-age asians, but I think my dad's reaction was rather...strange...perhaps he'd already given up hope on me since start of yr12:rofl:
Don't feel too upset that your parents are judgemental. :(
(How typically asian too... Especially this bit ' don't broadcast your UAI out! it's too shameful! just say you got into USYD!')

I know someone who does B Education @ USYD and she got a uai of 94.. . . the cut offs doesn't say much about the uais of people in a certain course. . .

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